


BEIJlNG, March 9—The central government will require an additional three years of use for official vehicles for ministers (部长) and governors (政府官员) to reduce the costs of purchasing new cars, media have reported.

The new rule has been applied among all Party and government departments nationwide, the Beijing News reported on Tuesday. The new rule has not yet been made public, said Li, a member of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference National Committee. Under the old rules, the cars used by minister-level officials could be replaced as often as every five years, Li said. These officials will also continue to use the same cars when they take new posts, he added.

The new rule also reiterated (重申) that officials ranking below minister-or governor-levels should not be allocated cars. The cars possessed by their departments should be used on demand.

“It violates the rules for lower-ranking-even county-level-officials to be allocated cars,” Li said.

Purchases of vehicles for official use have been heavily investigated, as they account for a large expenditure of public funds every year.

A survey on the Web news www.ifeng.com found 64 percent of respondents believed the new rule will be difficult to obey because it is related to officials’ interests.

Local government departments had stopped approvals for requests for such vehicles and had started to limit the number of such cars under the new rules, Li said. “The future reform of official vehicle use will introduce market systems”Li said.

Premier Wen Jiabao said in the annual government work report on Saturday that expenditures on such vehicles will not increase in 2011 compared with a year ago.

Beijing’s standing deputy mayor Ji Lin last week said the municipal government will release the number of vehicles for official use in the capital as early as at the end of this month.

Earlier this month, the Ministry of Finance had published a rule regulating the budgets for such vehicles.


About the rules

Cars for official use should be replaced as often as    1    years.

The    2    of cars to officials ranking below minister-or governor-levels should be banned.

   3    of the new rule

To reduce the cost of buying new cars

Reasons for   4    the new rule

The buying of vehicles for official use    5    for large expenditure of public funds every year.

   76    taken and to be taken

Local government had started to    7    the number of cars for official use.

The government will    8    public the number of cars for official use.

The Ministry of Finance had published a rule   9    the budgets for such vehicles


Obeying the rule is   10    with officials’ interests.




1. eight/8      2. allocation   3. Aim      4. applying/adopting      5. accounts

6. Measures     7. limit        8. make     9. regulating/controlling   10. associated/connected






    请认真阅读下列短文,并根据所读内容在文章后表格中的空格里填入一个最恰当的单词。 注意:每个空格只填l个单词。请将答案写在答题卡上相应题号的横线上。

People today are becoming increasingly aware that a proper diet is the foundation of good health. If we don’t have a regular diet of proper food, we don’t have the fuel to perform at our best. However, some people think not eating breakfast doesn’t matter a lot, though eating it is important. Get the truth behind this common misconception and other meal frequency and timing meals.

Will eating breakfast every day help me lose weight?

Yes, eating the morning meal can actually help you shed pounds. People who have breakfast are less likely to eat diet-busting(破坏的) junk food and are more likely to exercise later in the day, as studies show. People who skip breakfast, on the other hand, usually make up the calories — and then some — before day's end. Researchers found that 78 percent of the men and women included in the National Weight Control Registry — who have maintained an average weight loss of 66 pounds for more than 5 years — eat breakfast every day.

Is "grazing" really healthier than eating three square meals a day?

No. Eating many small meals throughout the day is probably not better for you than three main meals, the traditional amounts of food for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. The idea that "grazing" is healthier comes from a few old studies showing that eating frequent meals throughout the day may burn more fat and lower insulin (胰岛素)levels. But later studies have found no benefit to grazing. It's not healthier than eating three squares, according to the American Dietetic Association.

I've always eaten most of my calories at dinner. If I'm healthy, is there any reason for us not to keep doing this?

Hard to say. Instinctively, it sounds like a bad idea. Yet "one-mealers" tend to eat less food totally, scientists say, so your dining habit may actually help you stay tidy and attractive. On the other hand, one small, brief study by USDA scientists found that eating just one daily meal may cause small increases in blood pressure, blood sugar, and cholesterol(胆固醇). If your annual blood tests show a rise in any key risk factors for heart disease or diabetes, it is high time for you to reconsider your meal strategy.

Will bedtime snacks make you fat?

No. But that's not permission for you to eat cookies before going to bed every night. Consuming more calories than you burn through physical activity produces big loose stomachs and weak legs no matter what time you overeat. A habit of snacking in front of the television every evening will lead to weight gain, but no more so than having a six-egg pancake for breakfast or conquering a bag of beans with sweet food at your desk every afternoon.

The final word

Eat fewer calories than you need in a day and you will lose weight. Eat breakfast because it will help you control calories better, not because it's a magic meal. Eat the number of meals that keeps you satisfied and energized. No one plan is best for everyone.

Title: Stop Obsessing Over Your Meals

Common misconception

Some people think it doesn’t matter to live and work   1  breakfast.



People having breakfast can actually help weigh  3 People not eating breakfast make up the calories now and then in the



Old studies   5  grazing is better than eating three square meals but later not.


  6   to say whether eating most the calories at dinner is a bad idea.

Eating less food one meal per day may keep you neat, but may lead to blood pressure   7  .

Bedtime snacks

Bedtime snacks won’t make you fat.

Overeating may cause you to gain more calories than you burn through8  activity.

A habit of snacking in front of TV can’t gain weight more than overeating at a meal.


No one plan is   10   for everyone



Communication Principles

How you see yourself can make a great difference in how you communicate.“Every individual exists in a continually changing world of experience of which he(or she)is the center”.Many communication scholars and social scientists believe that people are products of how others treat them and of the messages others send them.But every day we experience the centrality of our selves in communication.A student.for instance,may describe a conflict with a teacher as unfair treatment:“I know my teacher doesn’t like the fact that I don’t agree with his opinions.and that’s why he gave me such a poor grade in that class.”The teacher might say the opposite.Each person may believe that he is correct and that the other person’s view is wrong.

The concept of serf originates in communication.Through verbal and nonverbal symbols, a child learns to accept roles in response to the expectations of others.You establish self-image。The sort of person you believe you are,by how others think of you.Positive,negative,and neutral messages that you receive from others all play a role in determining who you are.Communication itself is probably best understood as a dialogue process.Our understanding of communication comes from our interactions with other people.In a more obvious way.communication involves others in the sense that a competent communicator considers what the other person needs and expects when selecting messages to share.So,the communication begins with the self,as defined largely by others,and involves others,as defined largely by the self.

Communication Occurs almost every minute of your life.If you are not communicating  with yourself(thinking,planning,reacting to the world around you),you are observing others and drawing inferences from their behavior.Even if the other person did not intend a message for you.you gather observations and draw specific conclusions.A person yawns and you believe that person is bored with your message.A second person looks away from you and you conclude that person is not listening to you.A third person smiles(perhaps because of a memory of a joke he heard recently) and you believe that he is attracted to you.We are continually picking up meanings from others’ behaviors and we are constantly providing behaviors that have communicative value for them.

More often than not,you may have hurt someone accidentally and you may have tried to explain that you did not mean that. You may have told the other person that you were sorry for your statement.You may have made a joke out of your rude statement.Nonetheless,your comment remains both in the mind of the other person and in your own mind.You cannot go back in time and erase your messages to others.Communication cannot be reversed(倒退),nor can it be repeated.When you tried to re—create the atmosphere,the conversation,and the setting,nothing seemed right.Your second experience with a similar setting and person made far different results.

Paragraph outline

Supporting Details

Communication begins with the self

●People are somewhat products of others’ treatment and messages.

●we are always(71)  ▲  in communication with others.

Communication (72) ▲ others

●Experiences of others help children learn to accept roles.

●Messages from others help you(73)  ▲  who you are.

●Needs and(74)  ▲  of others should be considered.


(75)  ▲ everywhere

●We are communicating with ourselves by thinking,planning and reacting to the outside world.

●We are always(76)  ▲  other people by observing even if they do not intend any message for you.

●We are constantly collecting meanings from others’(77)  ▲  .

●We are constantly(78)  ▲  meanings by what we do.

Communication cannot be reversed nor repeated

●You may explain what you have done,but you cannot(79)  ▲    what remains in the other person’s mind.

●Yon may redo the conversation,but you(80)  ▲  achieve the same results.


    请认真阅读下列短文,并根据所读内容在文章后表格中的空格里填入一个最恰当的单词。 注意:每个空格只填l个单词。请将答案写在答题卡上相应题号的横线上。

People today are becoming increasingly aware that a proper diet is the foundation of good health. If we don’t have a regular diet of proper food, we don’t have the fuel to perform at our best. However, some people think not eating breakfast doesn’t matter a lot, though eating it is important. Get the truth behind this common misconception and other meal frequency and timing meals.

Will eating breakfast every day help me lose weight?

Yes, eating the morning meal can actually help you shed pounds. People who have breakfast are less likely to eat diet-busting(破坏的) junk food and are more likely to exercise later in the day, as studies show. People who skip breakfast, on the other hand, usually make up the calories — and then some — before day's end. Researchers found that 78 percent of the men and women included in the National Weight Control Registry — who have maintained an average weight loss of 66 pounds for more than 5 years — eat breakfast every day.

Is "grazing" really healthier than eating three square meals a day?

No. Eating many small meals throughout the day is probably not better for you than three main meals, the traditional amounts of food for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. The idea that "grazing" is healthier comes from a few old studies showing that eating frequent meals throughout the day may burn more fat and lower insulin (胰岛素)levels. But later studies have found no benefit to grazing. It's not healthier than eating three squares, according to the American Dietetic Association.

I've always eaten most of my calories at dinner. If I'm healthy, is there any reason for us not to keep doing this?

Hard to say. Instinctively, it sounds like a bad idea. Yet "one-mealers" tend to eat less food totally, scientists say, so your dining habit may actually help you stay tidy and attractive. On the other hand, one small, brief study by USDA scientists found that eating just one daily meal may cause small increases in blood pressure, blood sugar, and cholesterol(胆固醇). If your annual blood tests show a rise in any key risk factors for heart disease or diabetes, it is high time for you to reconsider your meal strategy.

Will bedtime snacks make you fat?

No. But that's not permission for you to eat cookies before going to bed every night. Consuming more calories than you burn through physical activity produces big loose stomachs and weak legs no matter what time you overeat. A habit of snacking in front of the television every evening will lead to weight gain, but no more so than having a six-egg pancake for breakfast or conquering a bag of beans with sweet food at your desk every afternoon.

The final word

Eat fewer calories than you need in a day and you will lose weight. Eat breakfast because it will help you control calories better, not because it's a magic meal. Eat the number of meals that keeps you satisfied and energized. No one plan is best for everyone.

Title: Stop Obsessing Over Your Meals


Common misconception

Some people think it doesn’t matter to live and work   1  breakfast.



People having breakfast can actually help weigh  3 People not eating breakfast make up the calories now and then in the



Old studies   5  grazing is better than eating three square meals but later not.


  6   to say whether eating most the calories at dinner is a bad idea.

Eating less food one meal per day may keep you neat, but may lead to blood pressure   7  .

Bedtime snacks

Bedtime snacks won’t make you fat.

Overeating may cause you to gain more calories than you burn through8  activity.

A habit of snacking in front of TV can’t gain weight more than overeating at a meal.


No one plan is   10   for everyone





Reflecting (深思) is a special kind of thinking. In the first-place, it’s both active and controlled. When ideas pass aimlessly through your head, that is not reflecting. When someone tells you a story and suddenly makes you remember something that happened to you, that is not reflecting either. Reflecting means focusing your attention. It means weighing, considering, and choosing. Suppose you’re going home, and when you get there, you turn the knob (门的球形把手), the door opens and you step in. Getting into your home does not require reflection. But now suppose that when you turn the knob, the door does not open. To get into the house, some reflecting is in order. You have to think about what you are going to do. You have to imagine possibilities and consider choices.

     The second way that reflecting is different from some other kinds of thinking is that it’s persistent(连续的). It requires continuous effort. Suppose you’re still trying to get through your front door. You check your pocket for the key. You walk around the house looking for an open window. You go to a phone to call a family member who has a key. Such behaviour is proof of persistent reflective thinking. And if someone asks you what you are doing, you may say that you are trying to figure out how to get into your house. But suppose, instead, you go to a nearby record store and look through the new records. If someone asks you what you are doing and you say that you are trying to figure out how to get into your house, that will not make sense. You are only reflecting as long as you stick to the problem or task.

     The third way that reflecting is different from some other kinds of thinking is that it’s careful. It aims at making sense. That doesn’t mean that reflecting cannot be imaginative. A great deal of reflection could go into writing a science-fiction story about people who can move through solid objects. The ability to walk through walls could make sense in a science-fiction story. But it wouldn’t make much sense in trying to get through your locked front door. Such imagining would be a kind of thinking, but it would not be reflection.

Title: 71._____________

72. __________ from the other kinds of thinking

Characteristics of them

73.__________ of reflecting

Not actions of reflecting

Active and 74._____________

75. _________ your attention

●going through the open window

●opening the door and 79._________in


Continuous 76. _________

●asking the family member for 78.________

●going to the nearby record store


77. __________ sense


●imagine 80.______ through walls


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