
I wrote a business plan the other day. I gave it to my husband for suggestions. After reading it, he said, “I don't think this is up to your usual standards.” I said, “I need more information. What doesn't work?” He said he wasn't sure. I then took the letter and reread it.

He asked, “How about if I look at it again and make notes between the space?” I agreed. A half hour later I looked at his notes and told him he didn't understand the situation and what I really wanted to express. He shrugged (耸肩) and said OK. I took the letter and went back to my computer and again revised it. As I was writing, I could see my letter improving based on his suggestions. When I finished, I proudly handed the letter back to my husband. He read it for the third time and said, “It's still not right but I couldn't exactly say.” I was a little annoyed and then told him I was the writer and I had seen some goofy(愚蠢的) letters he sent out. But I picked up my letter and went back to the computer.

After an hour of revisions, I went back to my husband apologetically with the letter in my hand. I told him I was sorry for what I'd said and asked if he would please read the letter again because I did value his contribution. Being a very patient and kind?hearted fellow, he once again read my letter and declared that it was fine.

This all leads me to the following: when you ask for advice on a project, be appreciative and grateful. Understand that the advice and suggestions you get may be negative. Understand that it may mean more work for you. And keep in mind that the final responsibility for the project is still yours. So be modest and thankful even if he or she has noted some problems.

1.Why did the author give her business plan to her husband at first?

A. To show off her excellent work.

B. To have him type it on the computer.

C. To ask him to make some changes from all details.

D. To ask him to give her some advice.

2.We can infer from the passage that the author's husband was________.

A. selfish, proud and determined

B. good at expressing himself

C. honest, kind and patient

D. humorous, active and careful

3.The author wants to tell us that if you ask for suggestions, ________.

A. do accept all suggestions from the givers

B. don't get upset if some are negative

C. do keep silent before taking action

D. do be grateful and confident


New Annotated Sherlock Holmes by Arthur Conan Doyle

Price: £28. 00

Publication Date: 30/11/2006

Publisher’s description

Collects Doyle’s fifty-six classic short stories, arranged in the order in which they appeared in late nineteenth and early twentieth-century book editions, in a set complemented by four novels, editor biographies of Doyle, Holmes, and Watson as well as literary and cultural details about Victorian society.

Breaking Ground by Daniel Libeskind

Price: £16.00

Publication Date: 11/10/2006

Brief introduction

This is a book about the adventure life that can offer each of us if we seize it, and about the powerful forces of tragedy, memory and hope. For Daniel Libeskind, life’s adventure has been through architecture, which he has found has the power to reshape human experience. Although often relating to the past, his buildings are about the future. This memoir(自传)of one man’s journey brings together history, personal experience, our physical environment and a fresh international vision.

In the Shadow of No Towers by Art Spiegelman


Publication Date: 02/09/2006

Brief introduction

On 11th September 2001, Art Spiegelman raced to the World Trade Center, not knowing if his daughter Nadja was alive or dead. Once she was found safe -- in her school at the foot of the burning towers -- he returned home, to meditate(反省)on the trauma(创伤), and to work on a comic strip(连环漫画). In the Shadow of No Towers is New Yorker Art Spiegelman’s extraordinary account of “the hijacking on 9.11 and the following hijacking of those events” by America.

Light on Snow by Anita Shreve

Price: £14.00

Publication Date: 07/10/2006

Publisher’s description

This is the 11th novel by Anita Shreve, the critically accepted bestseller. A moving story of love and courage and tragedy and of the ways in which the human heart always seeks to heal itself.

1.Who is the writer of the book latest published among the four books?

A. Arthur Conan Doyle. B. Daniel Libeskind.

C. Art Spiegelman. D. Anita Shreve.

2.If one would like to know something about the descriptions of the hijacking on 11th September,2001 , he or she may read ______.

A. Light on Snow B. In the Shadow of No Towers

C. Breaking Ground D. New Annotated Sherlock Holmes

3.Of the four books listed above, there are two referring to tragedies. They are ___.

A. Light on Snow & Breaking Ground

B. In the Shadow of No Towers & Breaking Ground

C. Light on Snow & In the Shadow of No Towers

D. New Annotated Sherlock Holmes & In the Shadow of No Towers

I was holding an apple seed in my hand, hoping it would become a beautiful big tree some day-- a tree that could grow thousands of apples in its lifetime. Thousands of apples, each ______ several seeds, each able to grow a new ______, which again could produce thousands of apples. ______ wasn’t the world filled with apple trees?

It is a rule of nature that ______ of these seeds grow. Most never ______ or are destroyed early in their ______.

And it comes to my mind that it’s quite often so with people’s ______ as well. Wonderful ideas come to our minds ______ they die too soon. We don’t ______ them as we should. And then one day we ______ what happens to our dreams — why do they ______ come true?

The seeds of your dreams did not ______ grow. Planting an apple tree might ______ many tries. But if you ______ on sowing the seeds of your dream, one day you would ______. And after that others would ______ you were lucky to be ______ — when in fact you probably failed more ______ than you like to count. But you were ______ at failing — you learned, you adapted, and then with your new knowledge you tried again. And again. And again. And one day success was ______.

1.A. containing B. changing C. supplying D. raising

2.A. seed B. tree C. leaf D. branch

3.A. How B. When C. Why D. Where

4.A. only a few B. a great number C. fewer D. more

5.A. damaged B. go C. end D. do

6.A. growth B. youth C. seeding D. adult

7.A. dreams B. ideas C. feelings D. behaviors

8.A. and B. but C. or D. so

9.A. realize B. fill C. protect D. enjoy

10.A. fear B. consider C. doubt D. wonder

11.A. always B. nearly C. never D. usually

12.A. freely B. automatically C. constantly D. separately

13.A. pay B. spend C. cost D. take

14.A. got B. took C. put D. kept

15.A. succeed B. fail C. stop D. continue

16.A. hope B. tell C. suggest D. comment

17.A. cheerful B. successful C. delighted D. encouraged

18.A. quickly B. often C. slowly D. soon

19.A. annoyed B. surprised C. good D. bad

20.A. mine B. theirs C. yours D. its

As a high school coach, I did all I could to help my boys win their games. I cheered as hard for ________ as they did. A dramatic ________, however, following a game in which I was a referee, changed my ________ on victories and defeats.

It was a league championship basketball game between New Rochelle and Yonkers High. New Rochelle was ________ by Dan O’Brien, Yonkers by Les Beck. The gym was ________, and the noise made it impossible to hear. The game was well played and ________ competed. Yonkers was ________ by one point as I ________ at the clock and discovered there were but 10 seconds left to play. New Rochelle,________ the ball, passed off and shot. The ball ________ around the rim (篮筐边沿) and off. The fans ________. New Rochelle recovered the ball, and tapped it in for what looked like victory. The noise was ________.

I looked at the clock and saw that the game was over. I hadn’t heard the final buzzer (终场哨) because of the noise. I ________ with the other official, but he could not help me. So, I ________ the timekeeper, a young man of 17 or so. He said, “Sir, the buzzer ________ before the final tap-in was made.” Yonkers won!

I had to tell O'Brien the sad news. His face ________. The young timekeeper came up and said, ?I?m sorry, Dad. The ________ ran out before the final basket.”________, like the sun coming out from behind a cloud, O?Brien?s face lit up. He said, ?That?s okay, Joe. You did what you had to. I?m ________ of you.? The two of them then walked off the ________ together, the coach?s arm around his son?s shoulder.

1.A. honesty B. devotion C. victory D. glory

2.A. conversation B. incident C. gesture D. challenge

3.A. view B. comment C. theory D. impression

4.A. organized B. represented C. fancied D. coached

5.A. crowded B. cleared C. quaked D. arranged

6.A. happily B. closely C. smartly D. randomly

7.A. moving B. progressing C. leading D. shooting

8.A. waved B. glanced C. signaled D. stared

9.A. in possession of B. in charge of C. in need of D. in place of

10.A. stuck B. fell C. swung D. rolled

11.A. laughed B. jumped C. yelled D. danced

12.A. annoying B. amazing C. thrilling D. deafening

13.A. examined B. watched C. researched D. checked

14.A. criticized B. approached C. interviewed D. reminded

15.A. broke down B. faded away C. went off D. carried on

16.A. clouded over B. softened up C. sweated over D. wrinkled up

17.A. audience B. ball C. time D. player

18.A. Certainly B. Similarly C. Fortunately D. Suddenly

19.A. ashamed B. proud C. aware D. fond

20.A. court B. course C. track D. field

My heart beat with that feeling, like blood to my body as my fingers flew across the piano keys. As the piece neared the end, I ____ up to take my final bow. For a second, the room was ________. Yet, even in that one second, I had enough time to ____ whether I had done perfectly. Then, ____ , the applause (掌声) came.

“Thank you… so much,” I said, _____ to the person standing on my other side. Olga, my piano teacher for six years, smiled back at me. “You’ve been an ____ student all these years,” she said, “I hope that whatever you do, you never stop ______.”

I leaned forward, ____ I would keep playing because I loved piano, and hugged her.

As it ______, the promises weren’t as meaningful as I’d hoped. Right after the_____, I kept up my strict practicing schedule every day. ____, it began slipping away from me. The reason I had stopped taking ____ was because of my busy schedule with homework. Not long after, I stopped practicing altogether. It was ____ not to have to stress about piano anymore. But something was ______ inside of me I was empty inside.

One day I met Michelle, who had also taken piano lessons from Olga.

“Are you ____ taking lessons from Olga?” she asked.

“Actually I just quit a while ago,” I replied.

“That’s a ____,” she responded, “I remember your performance a year ago; it was ____.”

Two days after talking to Michelle, I was at a ____ what to do. I moved slowly into the living room unconsciously, but in fact I knew ____ what I was doing.

As the music ____, a familiar feeling rose inside me.

1.A. showed B. sat C. stood D. looked

2.A. light B. quiet C. colorful D. nervous

3.A. expect B. remind C. know D. doubt

4.A. immediately B. successfully C. hopefully D. suddenly

5.A. turning B. waving C. running D. pointing

6.A. easy-going B. imaginative C. amazing D. honest

7.A. practicing B. learning C. competing D. gaining

8.A. telling B. promising C. admitting D. speaking

9.A. carried on B. brought up C. turned out D. taken in

10.A. performance B. final C. presentation D. play

11.A. Soon B. Besides C. Thus D. Instead

12.A. lectures B. parts C. lessons D. pieces

13.A. disappointing B. pleasing C. inspiring D. puzzling

14.A. beating B. rising C. changing D. shinning

15.A. still B. even C. much D. yet

16.A. shame B. relief C. pleasure D. deal

17.A. challenging B. breathtaking C. demanding D. embarrassing

18.A. time B. heart C. dream D. loss

19.A. normally B. exactly C. unclearly D. badly

20.A. ended B. hit C. covered D. spread

“Smombies”—people walking while staring at their smart phones—are very real and a growing cause for concern. Tired of having to constantly alert both locals and tourists to pay more attention to their surroundings to avoid serious accidents, authorities of a small German town have come up with a more positive solution—embedding(嵌入) traffic lights in the pavement to make them visible to people constantly looking down at their phones.

The seemingly ridiculous safety measure was put in place. Authorities in Augsburg decided to act, installing ground level traffic lights at two tram(有轨电车) stops last Tuesday. The lights flash red every time a tram is approaching, or when the regular traffic light turns red. “We realized that the normal traffic light isn't in the line of sight of many pedestrians these days,” said Tobias Hermes, a city administration official. “So we decided to have an additional set of lights—the more we have, the more people are likely to notice them.”

Some Augsburg residents appear to be quite happy with the idea.“I think it makes sense,” Jack Smith said, speaking to The Augsburger Allgemeine. “One always sees young people these days running over red lights. This makes it more obvious that you need to stop.”

Others, however, found the need for ground traffic lights disturbing and even frightening. “I find it scary that smart phone users are so engrossed that they need to install lights in the ground so that they notice the tram coming,” one person told the local paper.

But do this kind of pavement?embedded lights actually work? Well, if one interviewed teenager is to be believed, not really. “To be honest I didn't even notice it,” he told The Augsburger Allgemeine. “Maybe it'd be useful at night, but yeah, I didn't realize it was there until just now.”

The word “smombie”—a mashup of the words smart phone and zombie—was born in Germany. It was voted “youth word of the year” in 2015, but the serious consequences of this behaviour are no laughing matter.

1.Which of the following about “smombies” is TRUE?

A. It refers to people who are fond of walking.

B. It refers to people who are looking at phones while walking.

C. It refers to people who concern others very much.

D. It refers to people who hate locals and tourists.

2.Which of the following can replace the underlined word “engrossed” in Paragraph 4?

A. Disturbed. B. Frightened.

C. Addicted. D. Encouraged.

3.What may be the best title for the text?

A. Ground traffic lights for people looking at smart phones

B. Effective ways to educate people to obey traffic rules

C. The meanings of ground traffic lights

D. The serious problem of traffic safety

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