
2._____ this life jacket,I _____ away by the sea and wouldn't be alive today.(  )
A.But for; would be washed
B.But for; would have been washed
C.With; would be washed
D.With; would have been washed

分析 要不是救生衣,我将会被大海冲走,今天也不会活着了.

解答 答案是B.
本题考查的是含蓄的虚拟条件句.英语中表示条件时常常没有连词if,而是用otherwise、or、but、but for等形式表达条件,这种类型的虚拟语气被称之为含蓄的虚拟条件.本题中but for表示"要不是",相当于一个虚拟条件句.这里要表达的意思是"要不是救生衣,我就被大海冲走了",可见这是一个与过去事实相反的虚拟;与过去事实相反的虚拟条件句中往往用过去完成时,而主句中则用"would/should/could/might+have done",由此判断答案是B.

点评 在掌握虚拟语气的规则的基础上,判断题干属于什么类型的虚拟,然后根据语境,选用恰当的动词形式表达虚拟.

6.It's always important to use the right tools for any job.Success in school is no different.If you need to vary your time management tool box,consider these less traditional tools.(36)B
Daily Task List
A daily task list is nothing more than a notepad that you use to list your daily goals.(37)F.Cross them off as you finish them.At the end of each day,simply carry over any job that you didn't finish to the next day's list.It works wonders!
Big Well Calendar
Simply place the big wall calendar in a prominent place near your regular study space.Then come up with a color code for your classes(like green for math and yellow for history).When you have a big due date or a test date,place the appropriate colored sticker on that date.(38)G,so it works as a constant reminder.This trick is simple,cheap,and so effective!
Sticky Note Flags
 (39)E,whether you're putting together a big research project or you're simply reading a book.Whenever you need to remember to take a certain object or assignment to school,place a sticky flag on the door knob,bathroom mirror,or the cereal box the night before.It works like a an alarm!
Bedside Notepad
You can keep a notepad beside your bed to write down any items or tasks you have to remember for the next day.As you settle in for the night,take a few moments to think about the things you need to do tomorrow.Then write them down and tear off the sheet in the morning.(40)A!

A.Remember to pack it in your schoolbag.
B.Keep your homework and your life in order
C.Two heads are better than one when it comes to projecting due dates
D.You could also use the calendar feature to alert you when projects are due
E.These little paper banners are lifesavers when it comes to getting organized
F.Carry a small pad around and write down every task you need to complete
G.The sticker will be something you can see every time you enter the room.
7.Many teachers believe that the responsibilities for learning lie with the students.If a long reading assignment is given,instructors expect students to be familiar with information in the reading even if they do not discuss (61)it in class or take an examination.The ideal student is considered to be one who (62)is motivated (motivate) to learn for the sake of learning,not the one interested only in (63)getting (get) high grades.Sometimes homework is returned  (64)with  brief written comments but without a grade.Even if a grade is not given,the student is responsible for learning the material (65)assignedassign).When research is assigned,the professor expects the student to take it  (66)actively (active) and to complete it with minimum(67)guidance(guide).It is the student's responsibility to find books,magazines,and articles in the library.Professors don't have the time to explain  (68)how  a university library works; they expect students,especially graduate students,to be able to exhaust the reference origins in the library.Professors will help students who need it,but prefer that their students should not be too (69)dependent  (depend) on them.In the United States,professors have many other duties besides teaching,such as research work,(70)so  the time that a professor can spend with a student outside of class is limited.If a student has problems with classroom work,the student should either approach a professor during office hours or make an appointment.
4.Positive thinkers don't only live happier lives,and have better health but they are also more likely to reach their goals.(36)GEven if a negative thinker managed to succeed,his life is still going to be tough because he won't be able to enjoy the success he achieved.Then how to become a positive thinker?
●Stay around positive people.
Have you ever felt bad for no reason just because you were around someone who was feeling bad?(37)ESo one of the best ways to stay positive is to spend more time with positive people.
●Reduce the stress in your life.
Stress isn't only harmful to your life but it can also change your opinion of the world.(38)FIf you can spend enough time relaxing and restoring your energy each day,you will become a more positive person.
●Train your mental muscles.
The more you think positively,the more likely your brain structure is going to change and the more naturally positive thoughts will come to you.(39)CThe more you train your mind to think negatively,the more likely you will become a natural negative thinker.
Read about the stories of successful people and watch movies that promote positive thinking.Whenever you get exposed to positive media your mind gets trained to think positively and as a result you will become a positive thinker.Avoid negative media at all costs for they can do the opposite to you.

A.Learn from successful people.
B.Get exposed to positive media.
C.The opposite also happens with negative thinking.
D.Start right now to train your mind on positive thinking.
E.People infect each other with their emotions and beliefs.
F.The more stressed you become,the more likely you are to worry.
G.Negative thinking ruins people's lives and prevents them from succeeding.
11.The decisions that we make shape us throughout our lives.No matter what decisions we make,good or had,each one puts us on a new road in the future.Make a had decision?No problem.Learn from the decision and make another decision to get on a different path.This is advice that I got from Tony Robbins in his hook Awaken the Giant Within.This is a hook that I recommend to anyone wanting to develop a fire within to make changes in their life.It helped me to understand how fear of making poor choices was hindering me from becoming the great man who I am today.Now I am not saying that I am a well-known person in any particular circle.But I am the king of my castle working hard and trying to make good decisions in regard to the paths that I have chosen.I am a great man in the eyes of my wife and my children.And that is all the recognition that I need in my lifetime.And I know that my past failures have been the building block that I continue to use to build my career and self-image in my community that I live in.
Ben Lerer,cofounder and CEO of Thrillist Wedia Group,is a good example of this.In an article on the Fast Company website.Lerer talks about this very subject.He says,"I've had to make some really tough decisions hut finally,I think the best companies are those that can recognize when something isn't going right,and fix it,instesd of just turning a blind eye because it's easier."Great people make decisions.When a decision does not have the desired result,make a different decision.It does not get any simpler than that.

29.From Tony Robbins'book Awaken the Giant Within,the writer knewD
A.making a had decision is very terrible
B.making decisions helps us become a great man
C.being afraid to make a had decision is very natural
D.learning from the had decision can help make a new choice
30.What can be inferred from the last paragraph?B
A.A had decision has a had effect on people.
B.The best company can admit and correct a bad decision.
C.People should learn how to make a good decision.
D.Waking a decision is much simpler than changing one.
31.What could he the best title of the passage?C
A.Overcome Your Fears B.Take Action C.Wake Decisions D.Trust Yourself.
11.Most of my friends are moving outside the city..to avoid the noise,smog,traffic,and crime of the city.
One friend says,"The air is heavily polluted in the city,so I prefer to live outside,where the air is clean."
Another friend is unpleased with the traffic,"Downtown is crowded with cars!You can't find a parking place,and the traffic jams are terrible."Everyone is worried about crime,"The city is full of criminals-it's toodangerous."
For them,the rural(乡村的) life is a cure for all problems,green grass,flowers,swimming pools,barbecues,and so on.Yet after they have lived there for a year or so,they realize that rural life is not so pleasant as they were expecting.Why?Their gardens!They soon learn that the main part of rural life is yard work.After they work all weekend in their gardens,they're too tired to swim in their pools or cook some meat on their barbecues.And they can't live in the countryside without a car.Most of them moved to the countryside to avoid traffic,but now they're blocked on a busy freeway two hours every day to drive to work downtown.
My opinions about urban life are different-I love to live downtown!Why?First,in the city,I can enjoy nature.I can walk through the park.smell.the flowers,sit on the grass and visit the animals in the zoo.Yet I don't have to do yard work or feed the animals.Also,I can get everywhere by bus; if there is a traffic jam,I can walk home.I think the criminal life will reflect changes in society too; if people are buying homes outside the city,the criminals will soon follow.Criminals want to avoid noise,smog,and pollution,too.Then,overcrowding and crime will be problems of the suburbs instead of the city!
21.The first paragraph is used  toC.
A.list some figures    
B.make comparison
C.lead to the topic    
D.give suggestions
22.What did those moving outside think of their life in the city?D
23.What is the major problem for those who live in the countryside?B
A.Being far from downtown.
B.Having gardens to take care of.
C.Failing to find parking lots.
D.Suffering heavy traffic on the road.
24.What is the author's attitude to his city life?A
12.On the eve of our daughters'weddings,I gave both of them what I considered to be excellent marital advice:never leave your husband unsupervised (无人监督的) with pruning shears (修枝剪).
If only I had taken my own advice.I recently let my guard down.Thirty-some years of marriage can do that to a woman.Give a man pruning shears and electric trimmers (电动修剪器) and he will give new meaning to"armed and dangerous."
One day earlier this year,my husband said that the crab apple tree was dead.
"Why do you think it is dead?"I asked.
"Look at it.There's not a leaf on it."
"There's not a leaf on anything.It's March,"I said.
"It looked sick last fall and with this bitter winter we had,I'm convinced it's dead."
The truth is he's never liked the crabapple.Sure,it has beautiful blooms in the spring,but then it gets a disease,the leaves curl,and it drops those little apples that sit on the driveway.
Each passing week he pronounced the tree dead.Eventually I began to believe him.Though he agreed it would be a regrettable loss,there was a twinkle in his eye.He armed himself a couple of weeks ago and began trimming.A branch here,a branch there,a small limb,then a large limb.I watched and then decided to check the wood on some of the branches closer to the trunk.I broke one off and saw green.
The crabapple was not dead.It just hadn't had time to leaf out.The tree was now falling to one side,but it was not dead.I would have told him so,but he had moved on to a maple.Once the man starts,he can't stop.One trim leads to another.
"Please,stop!"I called.
He smiled and nodded,but he couldn't hear because he had started the hedge (树篱) trimmers and was getting ready to fix a line of hedges.
Zip (飕飕声),zip,zip.
"What do you think?"he shouted.
"It's supposed to be a privacy hedge; now all that will be private are our ankles."
He started the trimmers again.
"Stop!"I called,"Come back!"
"Why?"he shouted.
"You're in the neighbor's yard."
21.By saying"if only I had taken my own advice."the author means thatA.
A.she didn't follow her own advice about pruning shears
B.she feels regretful about her marriage after many years
C.she should have kept a closer watch on her husband
D.she shouldn't have given that marital advice to her daughters
22.We can learn from the article that the author's husbandB.
A.has a great talent for gardening
B.nearly ruined their neighbor's garden
C.mistook their crab apple tree for a maple tree
D.had never used pruning shears before
23.What does the article mainly talk about?B
A.Why the author's husband insisted on trimming their crab apple tree.
B.Why husbands shouldn't be left to trim trees alone.
C.How the author has survived her"thirty-some"years of marriage.
D.How the author's husband killed their crab apple tree.
24.What is the tone of the article?D

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