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²Î¿¼´Ê»ã£ºµÍ̼Éú»î£¨low-carbon life£©£»½ÚÄÜ£¨energy saving£©
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Good morning£¬everyone£¬
I'm Li Yaozu from Xingguang Middle School£®The topic of my speech is"Let's Ride Bicycles"£®
That's all!Thank you!
·ÖÎö ÕâÊÇһƪ»°ÌâÀà×÷ÎÄ£®¼ÙÉèÄãÊÇÐǹâÖÐѧµÄÀ£¬½«²Î¼ÓÖ÷ÌâΪ"Let's Ride Bicycles"µÄÓ¢ÓïÑݽ²±ÈÈü£®Çë׫дһ·ÝÑݽ²¸å£¬Ö÷ÒªÄÚÈÝ°üÀ¨£º1£®Ä¿Ç°Æû³µ´øÀ´µÄ¿ÕÆøÎÛȾºÍ½»Í¨¶ÂÈûµÈÎÊÌ⣻2£®Æï×ÔÐгµµÄÒæ´¦£¬Èç½ÚÄÜ»·±£¡¢ÓÐÀû½¡¿µµÈ£®ÐèҪдµÄÄÚÈÝÒѾ´ÖÂÔ¸ø³ö£¬ÐèÒªÎÒÃÇ·Òë³ÉÍêÕûͨ˳µÄ¾ä×Ó£¬Êʵ±Ìí¼ÓЩÄÚÈÝ£¬Ê¹ÎÄÕ¸ü³äʵ£®Ð´×÷ʱעÒâ׼ȷÔËÓÃʱ̬£¬ÉÏÏÂÎÄÒâ˼Á¬¹á£¬·ûºÏÂß¼¹Øϵ£¬²»ÄܳöÏÖÎÄÕÂÍѽÚÎÊÌ⣮һ¶¨Òª¸ø³ö×Ô¼ºµÄ¿´·¨£®¾¡Á¿Ê¹ÓÃ×Ô¼ºÊìϤµÄµ¥´Ê¾äʽ£¬Í¬Ê±Ò²Òª×¢ÒâʹÓø߼¶´Ê»ãºÍ¸ß¼¶¾äÐÍΪÎÄÕÂÈóÉ«£®×¢ÒâÒªÇóµÄ´ÊÊý100´Ê×óÓÒ£¬²»ÒªÌ«¶àÒ²²»ÒªÌ«ÉÙ£®
¡¾ÁÁµã˵Ã÷¡¿As far as I'm concerned£¬riding bicycles is a good solution£®¶¯Ãû´Ê×÷Ö÷ÓνÓﶯ´ÊÓõ¥Êý£®For another£¬bicycles are environmentally friendly because they won't give off waste gas£®º¬ÓÐÒ»¸öÔÒò×´Óï´Ó¾ä£®
½â´ð Good morning£¬everyone£¬
I'm Li Yaozu from Xingguang Middle School£®The topic of my speech is"Let's Ride Bicycles"£®
As is known to all£¬with the improvement of people's living standards£¬cars have become a popular means of transportation£¬bringing great convenience to our life£®£¨¸ß·Ö¾äÐÍ£©However£¬they have also caused some problems such as air pollution and traffic jams£®
How can we solve the problem then£¿As far as I'm concerned£¬riding bicycles is a good solution£®£¨¸ß·Ö¾äÐÍ£©For one thing£¬bicycles don't need any petrol and they are energy-saving£®For another£¬bicycles are environmentally friendly because they won't give off waste gas£®What's more£¬riding bicycles is a good way to exercise and it is beneficial to our health£®£¨¸ß·Ö¾äÐÍ£©
Therefore£¬let's take the responsibility to built up a low-carbon city by riding bicycles£®£¨¸ß·Ö¾äÐÍ£©Come on and join us£®
That's all!Thank you!
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A£® | Probably | B£® | Likely | C£® | Similarly | D£® | Generally |
New Yorker£®£¨¡¡¡¡£©
A£® | much difficulty | B£® | more difficulty | ||
C£® | many difficulties | D£® | more difficulties |
I met him many years ago while doing my internship £¨ÊµÏ°£©in the county prison£®He was£¨36£©B a program he had designed to help prisoners with drug and alcohol problems£®He was always£¨37£©A new ways to bring hope and help to these men and their£¨38£©B£®
One of his favorite£¨39£©C was the Toy Drive he would run every Christmas for the children of the prisoners£®He did this for twenty years£¨40£©A his sudden death£®As last Christmas £¨41£©D£¬I decided that this tradition had to be £¨42£©C£¬for the children as well as the £¨43£©B of my friend£®
But the file where he kept the names of the people who had helped him over the years had gone£¨44£©D£®I had to start anew£¨ÖØУ©and with very little £¨45£©B!I started making phones calls£¬explaining about the project and my £¨46£©A£®I prayed every night that the event would£¬£¨47£©D£¬be worthy of my friend£®
To my great£¨48£©D£¬individuals£¬churches and businesses began to come on board and£¬£¨49£©B£¬I had enough toys to give to all the children of the prisoners with some left over for the local community£¨50£©A!
When Christmas Eve finally arrived£¬I felt very happy£¬thinking I had done all I could do and reflecting on what a£¨n£©£¨51£©B it had been for me£®I was bagging up the remaining toys£¨52£©A if there was anyone left who might like them£®Then my phone rang£®
It was my daughter£®She£¨53£©C to explain about a woman she knew in Kentucky who had five children£¬one seriously ill£¬no husband£¬no heating in the home£¬no toys!
Ohh--how could we not£¿
My daughter and I drove all night£¬from New York to Kentucky£¬and those children woke up in a nice warm house with plenty of£¨54£©D!
My friend's£¨55£©B of kindness lived on that year£¬reaching all the way to Kentucky!
36£®A£®recording | B£®directing | C£®attending | D£®improving |
37£®A£®coming up with | B£®catching up with | C£®keeping up with | D£®putting up with |
38£®A£®company | B£®family | C£®group | D£®club |
39£®A£®hobbies | B£®sports | C£®events | D£®games |
40£®A£®until | B£®after | C£®because | D£®since |
41£®A£®finished | B£®arrived | C£®followed | D£®approached |
42£®A£®lived on | B£®lived out | C£®carried on | D£®carried out |
43£®A£®pleasure | B£®memory | C£®benefit | D£®favor |
44£®A£®extra | B£®hiding | C£®active | D£®missing |
45£®A£®energy | B£®time | C£®pressure | D£®confidence |
46£®A£®difficulties | B£®impression | C£®atmosphere | D£®importance |
47£®A£®however | B£®though | C£®otherwise | D£®somehow |
48£®A£®disappointment | B£®curiosity | C£®thought | D£®relief |
49£®A£®absolutely | B£®eventually | C£®generally | D£®occasionally |
50£®A£®as well | B£®at first | C£®in particular | D£®once more |
51£®A£®pity | B£®honor | C£®burden | D£®discovery |
52£®A£®wondering | B£®realizing | C£®predicting | D£®evaluating |
53£®A£®came | B£®drove | C£®called | D£®returned |
54£®A£®candies | B£®flowers | C£®chocolates | D£®toys |
55£®A£®courage | B£®spirit | C£®position | D£®attention |
A£® | importance | B£® | impression | C£® | sense | D£® | feeling |
One Friday we were tested£¨39£©Aour ability to use a theorem£¨¶¨Àí£© that no one in the class thoroughly understood£® The teacher would£¨40£©Dour papers based on our ability to progress through the problem which easily filled two pages of formulaic notations£¨¹«Ê½·ûºÅ£©£® I was absolutely£¨41£©C£® Finally£¬I didn't use the required theorem£® Instead£¬I decided to use more familiar theorems to arrive at an£¨42£©C£® I knew I had failed because I hadn't done the £¨43£©Dassignment£®l became resigned to my fate£®
Our test papers were£¨44£©Aback the following Monday£® Everyone received a"C"except for me To my surprise£¬I received an"A"£® I £¨45£©Bthat there must be a mistake£® I watched£¨46£©Das the teacher approached my desk£¬smiled£¬and asked for my test £¨47£©Aback£® She then went back to copy my work onto the blackboard£¬£¨48£©Cthe class how I had arrived at the correct answer£®"Mathematics is meant to be a creative tool£¬pushing our minds to a rewarding answer£¬"she said with confidence£® £¨49£©CI didn't use the required theorem£¬she seemed genuinely proud of how I'd worked through the problem£® The class saw her fold my test paper and put it into her textbook£® She announced that it would be £¨50£©Awith future classes
My teacher would have been justified in giving me a £¨51£©Bgrade£® Instead£¬she used the£¨52£©Dto deeply influence a student who often struggled£® And after forty years£¬I still cherish the£¨53£©B£® It helped change my self-image£® I£¨54£©Aup to a broad boundary of possibilities which has made my life an adventure£® She understood that teaching went beyond strict demands and could be used to£¨55£©C£®Thank you£¬Mrs£®Davies£®
36£®A£® ways | B£® tasks | C£®tests | D£® classes |
37£®A£® run | B£® take | C£®teach | D£® like |
38£®A£® compared | B£® struggled | C£®connected | D£® argued |
39£®A£® on | B£® at | C£®of | D£® for |
40£®A£® explain | B£® collect | C£®print | D£® grade |
41£®A£® tired | B£® curious | C£®lost | D£® content |
42£®A£® effect | B£® end | C£®answer | D£® interest |
43£®A£® completed | B£® proved | C£®fixed | D£® required |
44£®A£® handed | B£® held | C£®thrown | D£® dated |
45£®A£® hoped | B£® assumed | C£®declared | D£® dreamed |
46£®A£® angrily | B£® regretfully | C£®disappointedly | D£® nervously |
47£®A£® paper | B£® score | C£®question | D£® method |
48£®A£® helping | B£® following | C£®showing | D£® praising |
49£®A£® Since | B£® Unless | C£®Though | D£® Because |
50£®A£® shared | B£® exchanged | C£® practiced | D£® checked |
51£®A£® friendly | B£® failing | C£® corrected | D£® wrong |
52£®A£® possibility | B£® creation | C£® intention | D£®opportunity |
53£®A£® change | B£® memory | C£® school | D£® life |
54£®A£® opened | B£® kept | C£® made | D£® looked |
55£®A£® learn | B£® survive | C£®inspire | D£® manage£® |