
假定你是李华,你校摄影俱乐部(photography club)将举办国际中学摄影展。请给你的英 国朋友Peter写封信。请他提供作品。信的内容包括:




注意: 1.词数100-120;


Dear peter,

Our school photography club is going to hold an International High School Student Photography Show.








Li hua


If Confucius(孔子) were still alive today and could celebrate his September 28 birthday with a big cake, there would be a lot of candles. He’d need a fan or a strong wind to help him put them out.

While many people in China will remember Confucius on his special day, few people in the United States will give him a passing thought. It’s nothing personal. Most Americans don’t even remember the birthdays of their own national heroes.

But this doesn’t mean that Americans don’t care about Confucius. In many ways he has become a bridge that foreigners must cross if they want to reach a deeper understanding of China.

In the past two decades, the Chinese studies programs have gained huge popularity in Western universities. More recently, the Chinese government has set up Confucius Institutes in more than 80 countries. These schools teach both Chinese language and culture. The main courses of Chinese culture usually include Chinese art, history and philosophy(哲学). Some social scientists suggest that Westerners should take advantage of the ancient Chinese wisdom to make up for the drawbacks(缺点) of Western philosophy. Students in the United States, at the same time, are racing to learn Chinese. So they will be ready for life in a world where China is an equal power with the United States. Businessmen who hope to make money in China are reading books about Confucius to understand their Chinese customers.

So the old thinker’s ideas are still alive and well.

Today China attracts the West more than ever, and it will need more teachers to introduce Confucius and Chinese culture to the West.

As for the old thinker, he will not soon be forgotten by people in the West, even if his birthday is.

1.The opening paragraph is mainly intended to ________.

A. provide some key facts about Confucius

B. attract the readers’ interest in the subject

C. show great respect for the ancient thinker

D. prove the popularity of modern birthday celebrations

2.We can learn from Paragraph 4 that American students ________.

A. have a great interest in studying Chinese

B. take an active part in Chinese competitions

C. try to get high scores in Chinese exams

D. fight for a chance to learn Chinese

3.What is the best title for the passage?

A. Forgotten Wisdom in America

B. Huge Fans of the Chinese Language

C. Old Thinker with a Big Future

D. Chinese Culture for Westerners

4.The passage is likely to appear in ________.

A. a newspaper B. a history paper

C. a biography D. a philosophy textbook

If you’re in your 20s or even 30s, you might feel a lot of uncertainty all the time. You may be not sure what your life purpose is.1.This is normal.

We all want to have a certain life purpose. We all want to feel we’re on the right path. We all want to perfect our habits, our routines, or our productivity. We all want to feel more certain, and perfect in what we’re doing.

There is a struggle between the comfort of certainty and perfection and the fear of uncertainty and being suboptimal(不最理想的).

Let me let you in on a secret: no one is free from this struggle. Look at the most successful people you can think of —Bill Gates, Obama, Taylor Swift. 2.Do you think they have certainty and a feeling of reaching perfection? Not a chance. There is not one of us alive, not me or anyone else, who ever feels certainty about their purpose or path. If they do, they’re fooling themselves. 3.

No one ever feels they’ve found the perfect productivity routine, the perfect version of themselves. 4.

We all feel uncertainty, all day, and we all struggle with it. Some people have grown more comfortable with it than others, but in general no one likes uncertainty.

5.That’s perfectly OK, perfectly normal. Don’t run from it. Instead, stay with this uncomfortable, unappealing uncertainty. It’s here in you, a part of this moment, a part of you but not the whole of you.

A.Because it doesn’t exist.

B.Do you think they have it all figured out?

C.This uncertainty you’re feeling is unpleasant.

D.But if they’re honest, they don’t feel that certainty.

E.See if you can tell what you’re being uncertain about.

F.So focus on what you actually have right in front of you.

G.You may be uncertain about what path you should take in life.

My mom only had one eye. I hated her... she was such an embarrassment. My mom ran a small shop at a flea market. She collected little weeds and such to sell... anything for the money we needed she was such an embarrassment. There was this one day during elementary school.

I remember that it was field day, and my mom came. I was so embarrassed. How could she do this to me? I threw her a hateful look and ran out. The next day at school... “Your mom only has one eye?!” and they taunted me.

I wished that my mom would just disappear from this world so I said to my mom. “Why don’t you just die?” My mom did not respond. I guess I felt a little bad, but at the same time, it felt good to think that I had said what I’d wanted to say all this time. Maybe it was because my mom hadn’t punished me, but I didn’t think that I had hurt her feelings very badly.

That night... I woke up, and went to the kitchen to get a glass of water. My mom was crying there, so quietly, as if she was afraid that she might wake me. I hated my mother who was crying out of her one eye. So I told myself that I would grow up and become successful, because I hated my one-eyed mom and our desperate poverty.

Then I studied really hard. I left my mother and came to Seoul and studied, and got accepted in the Seoul University with all the confidence I had. Then, I got married. I bought a house of my own. Then I had kids, too. Now I’m living happily as a successful man. I like it here because it’s a place that doesn’t remind me of my mom.

This happiness was getting bigger and bigger, when someone unexpected came to see me “What?! Who’s this?!” It was my mother... Still wither one eye. It felt as if the whole sky was falling apart on me. My little girl ran away, scared of my mom’s eye.

And I asked her, “Who are you? I don’t know you!!” as if I tried to make that real. I screamed at her “How dare you come to my house and scare my daughter! Get out of here now!!” And to this, my mother quietly answered, “oh, I’m so sorry. I may have gotten the wrong address,” and she disappeared. Thank goodness... she doesn’t recognize me. I was quite relieved. I told myself that I wasn’t going to care, or think about this for the rest of my life.

Then a wave of relief came upon me... one day, a letter regarding a school reunion came to my house. I lied to my wife saying that I was going on a business trip. After the reunion, I went down to the old shack, that I used to call a house, just out of curiosity there, I found my mother fallen on the cold ground. She had a piece of paper in her hand. It was a letter to me.

She wrote:

My son, I think my life has been long enough now. For you... I’m sorry that I only have one eye, and I was an embarrassment for you. You see, when you were very little, you got into an accident, and lost your eye. As a mother, I couldn't stand watching you having to grow up with only one eye… so I gave you mine... I was so proud of my son that was seeing a whole new world for me, in my place, with that eye. I was never upset at you for anything you did. The couple times that you were angry with me I thought to myself, ‘it’s because he loves me.’ I miss you so much. I love you. You mean the world to me. So I gave you mine. With all my love to you! Your mom.

My World Shattered. I hated the person who only lived for me. I cried for My Mother, I didn’t know of any way that will make up for my worst deeds...

1.What did the writer's mother do when he was young?

A. A cook. B. A worker.

C. A businesswoman D. A cleaner.

2.The writer wished his mom to die, which made his mom .

A. sad B. happy C. calm D. quiet

3.The writer studied very hard in order to .

A. go to a famous university B. become a successful man

C. live far away from his mother D. make his mother live happily

4.Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?

A. The writer’s mother gave him one of her eyes.

B. The writer got married after he had finished school in another city.

C. The writer’s classmate laughed at him because of his mother.

D. The writer’s mother got a wrong address, and couldn’t find her son.

5.The writer lived in Seoul happily because .

A. he got a good job here

B. he had a good wife

C. the place was beautiful

D. the place didn't make him think of his mother

As a college student,I took a position as a salesman and weekend brand ambassador at a local men's clothing store in New Jersey.In addition to allowing me to become an expert T-shirt folder,the job____me for future success, teaching me what to prioritize (优先处理) and how to____my time effectively.I also learned the value of teamwork and a client-centric (以客户为中心的) ____to business.

My____as a brand ambassador included managing the sales,taking part in community events and sharing details on in-store promotions.I was____with organizing inventory(库存)and price marking our clothing for sales. While I enjoyed the opportunity to communicate with____on a daily basis,I was challenged to manage my schedule and was____to learn the importance of prioritization.

One year later,we were on a____schedule to open a new store and I was responsible for stocking the inventory and____new salesmen.Being 19,I____this as a massive task and felt a great deal of____.Luckily,using the time management skills I had____learned,I was able to complete what was____of me.I am now able to____on the success of opening a new store that____exists today.

Much of____I accomplished would not have been possible without the____of my direct manager,Mrs.Brown, who had a great____on me.She set expectations early on me and clear goals and processes for achieving success.Her approach helped me complete tasks____and on time,and has____the way I now manage my own team.

1.A. prepared B. provided C. exposed D. employed

2.A. divide B. occupy C. operate D. manage

3.A. entrance B. suggestion C. approach D. relation

4.A. abilities B. responsibilities C. ideas D. theories

5.A. tasked B. helped C. awarded D. connected

6.A. visitors B. guests C. designers D. customers

7.A. free B. quick C. helpful D. easy

8.A. light B. flexible C. tight D. loose

9.A. using B. training C. consulting D. controlling

10.A. described B. respected C. served D. viewed

11.A. pressure B. confusion C. relief D. caution

12.A. naturally B. gratefully C. previously D. carefully

13.A. robbed B. required C. convinced D. rid

14.A. comment B. reflect C. call D. go

15.A. also B. even C. already D. still

16.A. what B. when C. whether D. how

17.A. guidance B. persuasion C. kindness D. attraction

18.A. judgment B. mark C. sign D. effect

19.A. exactly B. immediately C. efficiently D. easily

20.A. imagined B. stopped C. inspired D. copied

One day,it was raining heavily and I didn’t have an umbrella,I had just___a bus and had to walk back to my house.I___walking in that direction,when I heard somebody shouting,“Sister,”“Sister.” I looked back and___the stationery(文具)shopkeeper.I went to him and asked what was the___.He said that since it was raining heavily,I could take a___in his shop,have a look at his new___and go home when the rain stopped.For a moment I hesitated(犹豫),but the___of getting to have a look at the pens made me nod.

To my surprise,I found that the___was larger than I thought.The stationery shopkeeper offered me a chair and took out the pens for me.I___a beautiful parker(派克)pen and had a try.It____so smoothly that I wanted to buy it with all my heart,____as expected,it was very expensive.The shopkeeper said,“I can give you the pen for ninety-five dollars____one hundred.”I looked up and thanked him for the____,but refused politely as it was____quite expensive for me.By that time,the rain had____,and after appreciating his____,I quickly walked back to my house.

After that day,the shop became my____place to hang out .The shopkeeper used to____me pens always at discount prices and very often also offered me tea.He had much information about all kinds of pens and other writing instruments.____both of us knew nothing about each other,we had a deep friendship based on our common ____.

1.A. run into B. got on C. run after D. got off

2.A. tried B. started C. considered D. avoided

3.A. observed B. answered C. saw D. remembered

4.A. matter B. trouble C. doubt D. reason

5.A. drink B. seat C. breath D. test

6.A. umbrella B. books C. tea D. pens

7.A. importance B. dream C. idea D. result

8.A. shop B. station C. factory D. bar

9.A. made use of B. ran out of C. caught sight of D. took care of

10.A. moved B. ran C. walked D. wrote

11.A. and B. but C. so D. or

12.A. instead of B. up to C. due to D. in addition to

13.A. convenience B. choice C. offer D. deal

14.A. even B. again C. ever D. still

15.A. come down B. stopped C. continued D. poured down

16.A. bravery B. politeness C. kindness D. carefulness

17.A. favourite B. personal C. only D. secret

18.A. share B. sell C. introduce D. send

19.A. Once B. Unless C. Since D. Although

20.A. interests B. lifestyles C. goals D. habits

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