


I’m a rock-climbing guide . Climbing the rocks and mountains in Yosemite National Park 【1】 (be) my life’s passion since I was 13 . More than ten years ago I started seeing a lot of waste , 2 toilet paper , beer cans , and empty boxes , around the area . 3 was beyond me why visitors started respecting the place less and treated such a beautiful home-like place this way . I 4 (try) picking up trash myself , but I would spend an hour or two on the job , only 5 (find) the area trashed all over again weeks 6 . I decided something had to change . I set a date for a cleanup together with some other climbers . 7 (expect) , more than 300 people showed up . We collected about 6,000 pounds of trash over three days . It was 8 (amaze) how much we were able to accomplish—the park looked clean ! I often hear people complain about their surroundings . I want to say the only way to change things is by doing rather than 9 (complain) . We need to teach by example . We cannot blame others 【10 we start with ourselves .


【1】has been




【5】to find








【1】has been 考查时态。本句的时间状语是since I was 13,连词since通常都现在完成时连用。本句说明作者自从13岁就攀岩,攀岩一直都是我的人生热爱的事情。所以使用现在完成时。

【2】like/including 考查介词。介词like像...一样;including包括;10多年前,我注意到很多的垃圾,像厕纸、啤酒罐、空盒子等到处都是。

【3】 It 考查形式主语。在英语中只有it可以充当形式主语或形式宾语,本句中it是形式主语,真正的主语是后面的why从句。

【4】tried 考查时态。根据第二句More than ten years ago可知该部分是在讲述10多年前发生的事情,所以使用一般过去时tried。

【5】to find 考查不定式。不定式和only连用放在句末表示意料之外的结果。我花了很多时间捡垃圾,几个星期以后我发现这些地方又脏了。根据句意可知这是我没有想到的,所以使用only to find。

66. 【6】later 考查固定用法。固定结构“一段时间+later”表示“一段时间以后”,本句指几个星期以后这些地方又脏了。

【7】 Unexpectedly 考查副词。我原来只是和其他一些登山的人约好一起捡垃圾,但没有料到的是,300多人和我们一起去捡垃圾。这是我没有预料到的事情,所以使用副词unexpectedly。

【8】amazing 考查形容词。现在分词转换的形容词amazing通常修饰事物,本句中it是形式主语,真正的主语是后面的从句how much...,我们能够捡如此多的垃圾真是令人惊讶,表示一件事情出人意料,所以使用形容词amazing;

【9】complaining 考查动名词。本句中complaining与我们的doing构成并列关系,都要使用动名词形式。句意:我要说改变事物的唯一方法是做而并不是抱怨。

【10】unless/until 考查连词。我们可以使用unless引导条件状语从句,意为:如果我们自己不开始做,我们就不能责备他人。也可以使用not...until...引导时间状语从句,意为“直到我们做了,我们才可以责备他人”。



How to cope with yesmen

Have you ever had someone in your organization who was always agreeable? A type of person who always agrees with everyone else. 【1】.

We have most likely all met a yesman at one time or another. Yesmen are eager to please, but find it very difficult to voice their opinion. So what can you do as a leader to cope with (对付) them?

Talk to them. The first step is an honest and objective conversation about their behavior. __ 2_ Try to get them to see how they respond in these situations so they can start to see themselves objectively(客观地) as well.

___3 Start with a recent time when they agreed with a decision, and ask for their opinion. Keep asking "why?" or "how come?" Acknowledge their views and let them know that the rest of the team is waiting to hear what they say.

Find out why they always agree. It may be they are just very agreeable people.4__ Identify the causes and work with them to reduce the external (外部的) barriers to having their voice heard.

Tell them they need to disagree, constructively, when they have the next opportu- nity. When that time comes about, don't embarrass them by putting them on the spot. Instead, ask them what they think, avoid yes-no questions, and use "why" and "how come" questions to get their thoughts out there for the benefit of the team. Thank them for their ideas. 5

A. Ask what their opinions are.

B. They should provide value to the organization.

C. Or they feel like they will be saying something stupid.

D. Even if all the ideas presented conflict with each other!

E. Sometimes the person does not realize that they agree with everything.

F. Yesmen are a challenge in any organization that values individual contributions.

G. This will build their confidence and allow them to continue doing what you have started in the future.

【题目】Market analysts in the United States have recently been quoted as saying that the biggest threat to the luxury (奢侈品) industry in the US is the tech industry. This is according to an article by fellow journalist Ashley Lutz. Her suggestion is sound. The main idea of her article is that products from Tiffany & Co. find their biggest competition not from other luxury brands but from companies like Apple. Lutz points out that luxury products are often only for “show,” while the attraction behind tech products is functionality.

You find few people in the United States today willing to purchase luxury goods at full price. It didn’t use to be that way. Luxury goods used to be actually exclusive. That meant you needed to travel to the right store to purchase them, and you didn’t even have the option of getting a deal.

Today, no one wants to pay full price for luxury goods. People have the unfortunate belief that fakes (赝品) somehow are equal to originals, and if you can’t get a deal on eBay, Amazon, or in an outlet store, purchasing a luxury product probably isn’t worth it. Luxury brands struggle to remain high-end (高档的) images despite the reality that the American consumer is motivated much more by discounts than they are by brand names or image.

Yet people stand in line to pay full price for a new product from Apple and crowds gather to hear about a new smart phone. While electronics are updating every day, people are purchasing technology at full prices much more than they are purchasing luxury goods. What are high-tech makers doing right that luxury makers are pitifully failing at?

Carefully looking at the situation, it would appear as if the Internet didn’t hurt the luxury industry, expectation from the consumers did. What people want these days more than anything is stuff that does something. They want cars that drive, shoes that are comfortable, games that are fun to play, screens that are beautiful to look at, tools that are useful, and entertainment that is entertaining. Little of that fits into what the luxury industry has typically offered with its status, image, and fine materials. The sad reality is that luxury products aren’t that luxury any more.

【1】What does this passage mainly talk about?

A. Nobody likes luxury goods any more.

B. Tech products become the new “luxury goods”.

C. Luxury goods are of poor quality nowadays.

D. Iphones have taken the place of luxury products.

2The underlined word “exclusive” in paragraph 2 means _______.

A. easy to sell

B. low in price

C. hard to find

D. unique and with no bargain

3What do people pay most attention to nowadays?

A. The function of products.

B. The images of luxuries.

C. The Internet service.

D. The expectation from the consumers.

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