
6.During ______ afternoon,the rain became smaller,but towards__________ evening,there was a sudden landslide that buried the village.(  )
A./; theB.the;/C.the; theD.an; the

分析 在那个下午,雨变小了,但是到了晚上,又发生了山崩,将整个村子掩埋了.

解答 答案:B.
第一个空强调那天下午,即特指,所以用定冠词the;第二个空为towards evening为一固定短语,表示到了傍晚,所以用零冠词;故选B.

点评 对于冠词要注意定冠词表示特指,不定冠词表示泛指,另外还有注意一些固定用法.

10.I walked up to the counter.Behind it was a lady with glasses on the tip of her nose and gray hair on her head.
"Excuse me,"I said.She looked up."You're that Clements kid,"she said."I'm Miss Bee.Come closer and let me get a look at you."She pushed her glasses up her nose."I can describe you to the police if something goes missing from the store."
"I'm not a thief!"I was shocked.I was seven too young to be a thief!
"From what I can see you're n ot much of anything.But I can tell you've got potential."She went back to reading her newspaper.
"I need to get these."I said,holding up my list."So?Go get them."Miss Bee pointed to a sign on the screen door."I'm not your servant,so I suggest you get yourself a basket and start filling."
I visited Miss Bee several times a week that summer.Sometimes she short-changed me.Other times she overcharged."That can of beans is only twenty nine cents"I corrected her one afternoon.I had watched the numbers change on the cash register closely,and Miss Bee had added 35 cents.She didn't seem embarrassed.She just looked at me over her glasses and fixed the price.
But she ever let me declare victory.All summer long she found ways to play tricks on me.No sooner had I learned how to pronounce bicarbonate of soda(小苏打) and memorized its location on the shelf than Miss Bee rearranged the shelve and made me hunt for it all over again.
One day before I left,she said,"I know what you think of me,but I don't care!Each of us is put on this earth for a reason.I believe my job is to teach every child I meet life lessons.When you get older you'll be glad our paths crossed!"Glad I met Miss Bee?Ha!The idea was absurd…
Until one day my daughter asked me to finish her math problems."If I do it for you how will you ever learn to do it yourself?"I said.Suddenly,I remembered the lady Miss Bee.
28.The girl feltBwhen Miss Bee implied she could be a thief.
A.surprised         B.shocked             C.puzzled      D.annoyed
29.We can infer from Paragraph 6 that Miss BeeB.
A.showed no care about her mistakes      
B.made the girl learn to double-check
C.was always playing tricks on the girl     
D.was careless and dishonest to do business
30.It can be learned from the passage that Miss BeeC.
A.knew her job was to help every child she met    
B.asked the girl to shop by herself to test her honesty
C.taught the girl many lessons but she didn't understand
D.rearranged the shelves to teach the girl to be changeable
31.Which is NOT the lesson the writer learnt f rom shopping?A
A Treat others kindly and politely.
B.Don't be so quick to judge others.
C.The best teachers aren't only in school.
D.Try our best though the task seems beyond us.
11.[1]Why play sports?You might say"to get exercise"and you'd be right.To have fun?That's true,too.But there's more.In fact,there are at least 5more reasons.According to the Women's Sports Foundation,girls who play sports get a lot more than just fit.
[2]Girls who play sports do better in school.You might think that athletics will take up all your study time.But research shows that girls who play sports do better in school than those who don't.Exercise improves learning,memory,and concentration,which can give active girls an advantage in the classroom.
[3]Girls who play sports learn teamwork and goal-setting skills.Sports teach valuable life skills.When you work with coaches,trainers,and teammates to win games and achieve goals.You're learning how to be successful.Those skills willhelp you (a lot)/benefit you/be helpful to you/serve you well/do you good/be good to youat work and in family life.
[4]Sports are good for a girl's health.In addition to being fit and maintaining (维持) a healthy weight,girls who p1ay sports are also less likely to smoke.And later in life,girls who exercise are less likely to get breast cancer or osteoporosis (骨质疏松).
[5]Playing sports builds self-confidence.Girls who play sports feel better about themselves.Why?It builds confidence when you know you can achieve your goals.Sports are also a feel-good activity because they help girls get in shape,maintain a healthy weight and make new friends..
[6]Exercise cuts the pressure.Playing sports can reduce stress and help you feel a little happier.How?The brain chemicals released during exercise improve a person's mood.Friends are another mood-lifter.And being on a team creates tight bonds between friends.It is good to know your teammates will support you-both on and off the field!

56.What's the main idea of the text?(no more than 8words)Why should girls play sports/Reasons why girls should play sports (take exercise)?
57.According to the text,list three advantages that exercise can give you when you are in school.(no more than 6words)Exercise improves learning,memory,and concentration.
58.Fill in the blanks in Paragraph 3with proper words.(no more than 5words)
help you (a lot)/benefit you/be helpful to you/serve you well/do you good/be good to you
59.Translate the underlined sentence in Paragraph 5into Chinese.体育运动还是一项感觉良好的运动,因为运动能帮助女孩们保持体形,维持健康的体重,还能帮她们交到新朋友.
60.What can lift your mood while playing sports?(no more than l5words)The brain chemicals released and the friends made during exercise..
18.Will Nanfang University of Science and Technology in Shenzhen announce a new beginning for China's higher education reform?It's too early to answer.But its presence is challenging the Ministry of Education.Even without the approval of the ministry it seems that the school is determined to move forward and enroll 50students,so-called child prodigies(奇才),to begin classes on March 1,2011.On graduating in 2015,these students will receive a diploma unauthorized by the Ministry of Education-unlike the students of their age from the state-run universities.
The school is committed to modeling itself on Hong Kong University of Science and Technology,but if the government will not approve the school,the situation could cause a lot of trouble for those 50students if they want to do graduate studies at other higher learning institutions.Other schools could turn their applications down for their unathorized diplomas.
The difficulties,however,have not frightened students and their  parents away.On Dec.18,2010more than 1,000students and their parents visited Nanfang University of Science and Technology for interviews.
Private investment marks the school out from other higher learning institutions in the nation.Not a penny comes from the government.So the government will have no voice in how the school will be run.
The Ministry of Education has published a comprehensive plan for education reform and development between 2011and 2020.The goal is to make China's higher education internationally competitive.To accomplish this goal,the government should have the courage to let the educators who have big ideas try them out.The ministry should have applauded the independence the school in Shenzhen has shown and encouraged more to do likewise.
Education reform in China has reached a new and crucial stage.Nanfang University of Science and Technology has a long way to go to prove itself competitive rather than a diploma mill.

32.What will make those 50students different from others?D
A.They are all child prodigies.
B.They will study much longer time.
C.They are willing to challenge the Ministry of Education.
D.They will receive an unauthorized diploma.
33.Over 1,000students and parents visited the school becauseA.
A.they believe that the school will have a bright future
B.they believe the government is sure to approve the school
C.the school models itself on Hong Kong University successfully
D.they will never do graduate studies at other higher learning institutions
34.The trouble the students in the school may have is thatC.
A.the government will have no voice in the school
B.they won't receive any diploma when graduating from the school
C.other schools are unlikely to accept their diploma from the school
D.they will not learn how to be competitive
35.What does the author think of Nanfang University of Science and Technology?D
A.It is another kind of diploma mill.
B.It's impossible for the school to be competitive.
C.It will never get the approval from the Ministry of Education.
D.Its independence from the government may benefit the education reform.

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