
【题目】He has five __________, and they are all doctors working in the same hospital.

A. sons-in-laws B. son-in-laws

C. sons-in-law D. son in laws




【题目】请写一篇有关 广州市文物保护研讨会的通讯稿, 内容包括: 举办时间、地点、主办单位、与会人员、会议内容以及会议成果和特别建议。


时间: 2011年12月25日.

地点: 广东省博物馆

主办单位: 广州市文化局

与会人员: 历史学家, 文物专家, 广州市政府有关负责人等.

会议内容: 广州市的哪些文物应该要保护以及如何保护这些文物.

会议成果: 1) 确定了一系列需要保护的文物;

2) 明确了政府的职责以及非政府组织的职责;

与会者特别建议: 政府应该号召全民参与到保护文物的行动中来。

*研讨会 conference *主办 sponsor *广州市文化局 Guangzhou Bureau of Cultural Affairs *专家 expert *非政府组织 non-governmental organization

[写作内容] 1.时间、地点;













【题目】 Your brain isnt a muscle, but you can treat it like one

Many people focus on physical fitness, but few know that brain fitness is also something you can work on. In fact, you can exercise your brain as often as you do to your arms or legs-and the results can be positive and empowering.

To improve your brain, you can’t simply repeat the same exercises over and over. Just as lifting a two-pound weight will stop challenging you, so will repetitive exercises such as crosswords or Sudoku. Once you master easy exercises, you must move on to harder ones in order to push your brain-like your muscles-to a new level.

The science behind brain training

Scientists once believed that your mental abilities were fixed in adulthood. Since studies have shown just the opposite, millions of people around the world have adopted the new practice of brain training. The most popular of these brain training products is made by the San Francisco-based Lumosity. Lumositys scientists with an experienced team of game designers have developed a fun,effective online brain training program that measures, tracks, and adapts to your progress, so youll always be challenged.

Promising studies on the effects of brain training

In a 2013 Stanford study, a treatment group of 21 breast cancer survivors used 12 weeks of Lumosity training to work on processing speed, mental flexibility, and working memory tasks. On average, those who trained improved on tests of these abilities, compared to a group that did not train with Lumosity.

There is even some evidence suggesting that Lumosity may be beneficial to normal, healthy adults. In a 2011 study by Lumosity and San Francisco State University researchers. 13 people who trained over 5 weeks improved working memory scores by 10%and attention scores by 20%.

Brain training is designed to meet real-life needs

The design of brain train ing is targeted at real-life benefits instead of improving game scores. Better attention, for example, can mean greater focus in the classroom or at an important business meeting. With improved processing speed, you might react and adapt faster to the demands of a busy life. And a better memory could mean stronger, longer relationships with the people closest to you.

【1We can learn from the passage that _________.

A. brain training speeds up the recovery of breast cancer

B. your brain is like a muscle because it gives you power

C. people’s mental abilities can’t develop after they grow up

D. Lumosity can measure, track and suit your level as you improve

【2Which skill may brain training not improve?

A. Better attention.

C. Better writing skills.

B. A better memory.

D. Higher processing speed.

【3What can we infer from the passage?

A. People should care more about physical health instead of mental health.

B. Brain training has been proved effective through scientific researches.

C. A bad memory is the only reason for weak relationships with people.

D. Playing online games is the best way of brain training.

【4Whats the best title for the passage?

A. Brain Training Makes a Difference

B. Train Your Brain like a Muscle

C. Lumosity, Your Best Choice

D. How to Train Your Brain

【题目】Public Speaking Training

·Get a coach

【1】 , so get help. Since there are about a billion companies out there all ready to offer you public speaking training and courses, here are some things to look for when deciding the training that's right for you.

·Focus on positives

Any training you do to become more effective at public speaking should always focus on the positive aspects of what you already do well. Nothing can hurt confidence more than being told that you aren't doing well. 2 , so good public speaking training should develop those instead of telling you what you shouldn't do.

3 If you find a public speaking course that looks as though it's going to give you lots of dos and don't walk away! Your brain is so full of what you're going to be talking about. 4 . As far as we're concerned, there are basically no hard and fast rules about public speaking. Your audience can be your friends.

You are a special person not a clone.Most importantly, good public speaking training should treat you as a special one, with your own personal habits. 5 . Your training course should help you bring out your personality, not try to turn you into someone you're not.

A. You aren't like anybody else

B. You already do lots of things well

C. Turn your back on too many rules

D. Check the rules about dos and don't

E. Whatever the presentation, public speaking is tough

F .The one thing you don't want is for them to fall asleep

G. So trying to force a whole set of rules into it will just make things worse

【题目】We know that the earth has become warmer over the last century. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), a group established by the World Meteorological Organization and the United Nations Environment Program, reports that the average surface temperature of the earth has increased during the twentieth century by 0.6°+0.2°C.(The+0.2°C means that the increase might be as small as 0.4°C or as great as 0.8°C). This may seem like a small shift, but although regional and short—term temperatures do fluctuate(变动) over a wide range, global temperatures are generally quite stable. In fact, the difference between today’s average global temperature and the average global temperature during the last Ice Age is only about 5 degrees C. Indeed, it’s warmer today around the world than at any time during the past 1,000years, and the warmest years of the previous century have occurred within the past decade.

We also know that human activities—primarily the burning of fossil fuels—have increased the greenhouse gas content of the earth’s atmosphere significantly over the same period. Carbon dioxide is one of the most important greenhouse gases, which trap heat near the planet’s surface.

The vast majority of climate researchers agree with these overall findings. The scientific disagreements that do still exist primarily concern detailed aspects of the processes that make up these largely accepted general themes.

You can think of this website as a window into the world of scientific research. In this primer, you’ll find a general discussion of the physical processes underlying the earth’s climate, an outline of the kinds of data that may shed light on how the climate is changing—and the role of human activity in these changes—and a description a some of the questions and uncertainties that researchers continue to explore. This primer is organized into four interconnected sections: the Atmosphere; the Hydrosphere(水圈); the Cryosphere(低温层); and the Biosphere(生物层).

1We know from the text that “IPCC”___.

A. engages in the climate and changes about the earth.

B. is a group by scientists who like to walk around the moon

C. works in the World Meteorological Organization

D. often greets the passers-by from the outer space

2We know from the text that carbon dioxide ___.

A. is one of the most important greenhouse gases

B. has fossil fuels

C. traps cold near the planet’s surface

D. exist in human activities

3From the text, we know when we say the temperature of something has increased by about 0.7+0.2°C, the+0.2°C means___.

A. the increase might by as small as 0.3°C or as great as 0.7°C

B. the increase might by as small as 0.5°C or as great as 0.8°C

C. the increase might by as small as 0.5°C or as great as 0.9°C

D. the increase might by as small as 0.4 C or as great as 0.8°C

4What would be the best title for this text?

A. What Are the Scientific Disagreements

B. You Can Think of This Website

C. What Do We Know about Global Climate Change?

D. The Vast Majority of Climate Researchers

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