
14.We all enjoyed ourselves at the concert.The wonderful performances of the artists have made a deep ______ on us.(  )

分析 我们在音乐会上玩得很开心.艺术家们精彩的表演给我们留下了深刻的印象.

解答 答案C.
A项"观点";B项"关系,联系";D项"感觉,情感";C项"印象";根据题干中的"The wonderful performances of the artists at the concert"可知,出彩的表演会让观众获得享受,留下深刻印象,固定短语"make/leave a deep impressionon sb  给某人留下印象",故选C.

点评 本题考查名词辨析.解答此类题目首先要读懂句意,理解每个选项名词的意思,然后根据上下文语境锁定合适的名词.平时要加强名词词汇量的积累.

4.Society is the term to describe human beings gathered together by social networks t and power networks.It does not refer to everything everybody thinks or does,but,only refer to those things that everybody depends upon,for example,public services,governments,and all kinds of communities.
A society must keep even the poorest and weakest members willing to help even the richest and strongest,so it is very concerned with citizenship,rights,ethics (伦 理)and time limits.These are basic ways to achieve fairness.If they break down badly,people will think the society is unfair and start taking things from each other,refusing to help each other,or seeing those who have more as cheats.
When this happens,it is time for the society to break down or fail.Theft,violence and war are things that can make a society break down.A new society may be formed out of the collapse (崩溃)of an old failed one when people of different kinds reach an agreement about fairness and are willing to live together in harmony again.
To adapt to the society,people should make sure that their behavior can be supported by the society,that is to say,there must be some social rules on which citizens base what they do.However,some people take risks that the society will support them when they do whatever they intend to.For instance,they may refuse to obey the law,and count on their fellow society members to free them in a court of appeal,which harms the society.
Therefore we need a social contract which sets out rules for the society.One kind of the social contract is a constitution (宪法)-which allows a jury or court to decide what is right or wrong according to the social rules.
48.What makes up a society according to the passage?B
A.Human beings and everything they do and think.
B.Human beings and what they rely on to live.
C.Citizenship,rights,ethics and time limits.,
D.Social fairness,public services and social rules.
49.We know from the passage thatA
A.Social fairness is very important for a society to survive
"B.there must be a war to end an old society and build a new one
C.only the poorest are willing to help the richest in a society
D.the poor people in a society are always cheated by those wealthy ones
50.According to the writer,some people refuse to obey the law becauseC
A.their friends always free them in a court of appeal
B.they believe whatever they do is supported by the society
C.there is no social rule to restrict their behavior
D.they think the society is unfair and going to fail
51.What does the author mean in the last paragraph?B
A.A social contract must be a constitution.
B.Keeping social rules is very important.
C.A society should build more courts.
D.People can't decide what is right without a constitution.

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