

1.You should be ____________(道歉) to your customers for wasting their money.

2.Over the years several similar __________ (理论) have been put forward.

3.This change of the state is a ___________(物理的) change.

4.Have you____________ (装饰) your Christmas tree yet?

5.The children burst into ________ (笑声) when they saw the stranger man.

6.He used to be a famous ____________ (音乐家), but he plays no longer.

7.The ___________ (枕头)cover can match up with the sheets.

8.She can speak English ___________(流利地) as she is always in practice.

9.I could hardly____________ (认出)you with a beard.

10.This cartoon not only fits children’s taste, but also_________ (教育) them.



Indoor air pollution belongs to one of the top five environmental health risks. It is a fact that air pollutants in your home may be containing harmful particles(颗粒) for our health. It is a wise way to control it. 1.

What are the pollutants that come in indoor air pollution?

2. Those particulate matters include dust, smoke and other particles which are generated from the combustion(燃烧)appliances such as cooking stoves. It can also contain tiny organism such as viruses, bacteria, dust mites.

___3. Building material can also bring pollutants such as paints, cleaning products, pesticides(杀虫剂) and so on. How to deal with indoor air pollution?

There are some ways you can do to deal with your indoor air pollution. 4. However, if the contaminants come to the outdoor environment, you have to find an alternative. This cleaning device(装置)can be a good option for your problem.

Air cleaning device is designed to be able to remove virtually all the pollutants contained in the indoor environment. There are basically two types of air cleaning device, whole house air and portable air cleaning device. Portable air cleaner is ideal for small room or specific area. 5.

A. Generally, indoor air pollution contains pollutants, such as particulate matters and gaseous pollutants.

B. However, it is better to know the harmful particles that come in the air in your home.

C. The gaseous pollutants are mostly generated from the process of combustion including vehicle exhaust, gas cooking stoves, and also tobacco smoke.

D. The first thing you can do is to give ventilation(通风) for your home with clean outdoor air.

E. Indoor air pollution contains many harmful chemical matters.

F. Meanwhile, whole house air cleaner can cover larger area in your home.

G. On the contrary, large air cleaner can get rid of all the pollutants.

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