
【题目】When I was a sixteen-old girl, I was asked to deliver a speech titled A Red Test in My Life ,”To talk before the whole class !Just imagine how ___【1】_____(terrible) shy I was the moment I thought of that with so many eyes fixed upon me. I had no other choice, ___2___. First I was to draft the speech and that was just a piece of cake for me, because I was a good writer---something to pride myself in. But the hard part ___3__(lie) in my oral presentation: to read from__4___ paper was not allowed; I had to give the speech ___5___my memory and in front of such a big audience! A real trial began when I stood on the platform with my legs __6_____(tremble) and my mind blank. How much time had passed by, I didn’t know. My listeners were still waiting, patiently and without any signs of rushing me. Gradually I found _7_____back, giving out my speech with difficulty. Finally I finished. After__8_____seemed to be a hundred years, I found my audience applauding, I made it! From then on, my fear of talking before an audience disappeared. Actually with my confidence building up, I now turn out to be a great speaker. Looking back, I know the__9___(great) difficulty on our way to success is our fear; overcome it,___ 【10___we will be able to achieve our goals.














【1】terribly 考查副词。修饰形容词shy,用副词填terribly。


【3】lay 考查动词。全文过去时,用过去时态,填lay。

【4】the考查冠词。特指,写好的演讲稿,用 the。


【6】trembling 考查动词。介词短语,主语leg,用主动形式,填trembling。

【7】myself考查固定用法。 found myself back意为从紧张中恢复过来了,填myself。





【题目】Severely disabled people may soon be able to use their noses to write, drive a wheelchair or surf the Internet, thanks to a device (装置) developed by doctors in Israel.

The device will be used by breathing in and out through the nose, according to a study. Healthy people who tested the device quickly learned to play computer games and write sentences by sniffing. Encouraged by the results, the researchers decided to test their device on people who are paralyzed (瘫痪) but whose intelligence remains normal. Ten paralyzed who tested the device quickly learned to use their noses to write words, open a webpage, copy words and put them into a search engine.

With their success in helping severely disabled people to communicate * the researchers decided to make use of the new technology to design an electric wheelchair to be driven by sniffs.

Ten healthy people easily mastered sniff—driving a wheelchair through a maze (迷宫), and a 30-year-old man who had been paralyzed from the neck down for six years was as good a sniff-driver as the healthy participants at his second attempt. In other words, a paralyzed person could use the sniff controller to drive an electric wheelchair.

At the moment, sniff-controlled technology is still in the stage of development, and the Weizmann Institute has already applied for a patent on the device. "Ill be very happy if it can help us to make money, but the real problem is that I hope someone will develop it, because this would help a lot of people," said Sobel, one of the lead researchers of the study.

1What’s the purpose of the passage?

A. To introduce a new invention.

B. To equip the disabled with life skills.

C. To show the nose's special functions.

D. To instruct doctors to apply for a patent.

2In the test, the paralyzed people with normal intelligence can use their nose to ______.

A. type long sentences quickly

B. play computer games easily

C. enter a website without much difficulty

D. communicate with others successfully

3With the help of the sniffing device, a 30-year-old disabled man ______.

A. spent six years learning how to drive a wheelchair

B. failed to drive through the maze at his first attempt

C. took the wheelchair controlled by healthy participants

D. managed to drive an electric wheelchair by sniffing

4From the last paragraph, we can infer that the sniff-controlled technology ______.

A. will be applied to other fields of research

B. needs further developing to serve more people

C. has become an important patented invention

D. shows the wisdom and talents of Israel doctors

【题目】Our site specializes in European cycling tours, Bike & Boat Tours, Road Bike Tours and now River Cruises throughout Europe, Asia, and the Americas.

We take great pride in offering you the best services and in providing you with a vacation that will be fondly remembered. Whether it is a European bike tour, river cruise, or one of many other cycling vacations, our staff will do everything to plan your dream holiday.

Our bike tour prices are the lowest on the market and we’ve managed to keep them that way without sacrificing quality. We hope you’ll let us take you on one of our many European cycling tours and now river cruise adventures!

Bike & Boat Trips

We have perhaps the largest online catalogue of well-established European bike and boat tours and sailing holidays.

Luxury Boat Tours

Take a Bike & Boat cycle tour on a luxury ship! A cycling tour in Europe with a beautiful boat by your side is not to be missed.

Bike Europe and Beyond

Bicycle touring in Europe and beyond -- cycle your next vacation almost anywhere in Europe from our carefully chosen catalogue of bike tours. Recently we have also added a few American bike tours as well as bike tours in Vietnam. Whether you cycle Europe with a standard bicycle or an e-bike (electrically assisted bicycle), one of our cycling tours is bound to be right for you.

Road Bike Tours

Cycle Europe and experience one of our great new European road bike tours! These cycle tours in Europe (and now one is in the New Zealand) are intended for the more experienced cyclist that is not afraid of the long distances through extremely beautiful countryside.

River Cruises

We now offer river cruises throughout the world’s most famous waterways. Whether it is a European river or a river cruise in China, one of our cruises is certain to attract you.

1The text is mainly written to _________.

A. introduce fantastic tour places

B. encourage readers to have adventures

C. compare boat tours with bike tours

D. invitereaderstojoininthetours

2Which countries have been added to “Bike Europe and Beyond”?

A. Vietnam & America.. B. NewZealand&China.

C. America&NewZealand D. China & Vietnam.

3Which of the following require(s) certain cycling experience?

A. Bike&BoatTrips. B. Road Bike Tours.

C. Luxury Boat Tours. D. Bike Europe and Beyond.

4The text is probably taken from a _________.

A. newspaper B. textbook

C. magazine D. website

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