
––Have you asked Peter for advice?

––No, he ______ someone, so I didn’t disturb him.

A. is talking with B. has talked with

C. was talking with D. had talked with



Hiring a self-drive car really adds to the enjoyment of your holiday. There are so many places of interest to visit, and if you enjoy more than just the city center, there's no better way to explore than by car.


What's included

(a) Unlimited mileage.

(b) Expenses on oil, maintenance and repairs, which will be repaid on production of receipts (收据)

(c) Full insurance covered but exclusive (除外的 ) of personal accidents (see below) and contents.

What's not included

(a) Personal accident insurance.

(b) Garaging, petrol, parking and traffic fines.


1. The minimum rental period at these special low prices is three days. For prices for periods of one or two days only see our representative(代表 ) at the hotel.

2. Car hire must be booked six weeks or more before arrival in London to guarantee a car. But if you have been unable to make a booking in advance, please see our representative at the hotel who may still be able to help you.

3. The car types specified on the sheet are examples of the type of vehicles available in each price range, but a particular car cannot be guaranteed.

Upon delivery the driver(s) will be asked to sign the car hire company's Conditions of hire .

If you decide to hire a car, just fill in the Booking Form and return it to us. A booking fee of 12 as part of the car hire cost is required.

Should you be forced to cancel your car hire booking after payment in full (two weeks before date of hire), a cancellation charge of £ 12 will be made.

1.What cost does a car hirer have to pay for?

A. Insurance against damage to the car

B. Insurance against injury to the driver

C. The cost of maintenance of the car

D. The cost of repairs to the car

2.The hire charge for a three-day period depends on .

A. the type of the car you hire

B. the distance you will cover

C. the amount of oil you put in the car

D. the length of time you park the car

3.If you cancel your car hire booking , .

A. another £12 will be paid to the company

B. you cannot get back the booking fee

C. you will get back the booking fee in two weeks

D. your request must be made before the date of hire

A Pen That Draws in Any Color

The Scribble is a magical pen that can scan colors and instantly reproduce the colors. Hold the Scribble’s scanner up to any color, and within a second that color is stored in its memory. Once stored, that color can be used to draw on paper or on a digital screen.

Who can use the Scribble ?

Children will love the Scribble because it can create different colors, replacing even their biggest box of crayons (蜡笔). Besides, anyone working with color in their professional lives, such as artists, will be able to scan and reproduce colors instantly.

The Scribble is the best color—Green

One of the most important characteristics of the Scribble is that, since it can reproduce any color, it replaces marking pens, greatly reducing the huge amount of plastic waste.

What’ s inside the Scribble ?

There will be two different versions of the Scribble, the Scribble INK and the Scribble STYLUS. The INK will be able to reproduce exact colors on paper. It includes a color sensor, 1 GB of internal memory that will store over 100,000 colors, a rechargeable battery, Bluetooth 4.0 connectivity, a processor and 5 ink cartridges (盒). The STYLUS is exactly the same as the INK, minus the ink cartridge as it is intended for use on screen.

How did we create the Scribble?

We’ve been in the design process for two years and the Scribble has gone through various design changes to get it to where we are now. Because of its small size we have created some ideas never seen before in the color reproduction industry. We created the Scribble for YOU and want you to be a part of the process!

Thank you for your support

Thank you so much for your concern about the Scribble. Thank you also for your support! Make sure to bookmark our website and check back often to see the progress as well as the updated times for production and delivery of your Scribble.

1. According to the passage, the Scribble ______.

A. has replaced the common pens

B. brings environmental problems

C. is the product of high technology

D. is designed for a certain group of people

2. How is the Scribble different from other pens?

A. It can copy colors.

B. It is smaller in size.

C. It has different versions.

D. It can only be used on screen.

3.The main purpose of the passage is to ______.

A. seek advice about the Scribble

B. introduce the Scribble to readers

C. compare the Scribble with other pens

D. provide methods of using the Scribble

My decision to travel around China lay merely with my curiosity about the place. Before coming here, China seemed alien to me ----a place that expected to be hugely dissimilar from my own British culture.

After travelling from Beijing up to Xi'an, I wanted to challenge myself by choosing a smaller town----Xiahe in Gansu Province. I arrived in Lanzhou at around 5 am, but there were no buses to Xiahe. I managed to spot a policeman and attempted to explain my destination to him in simple English, praying that he would understand. I wasn't sure that he did but I just followed him anyway as I had no choice. He took me on a bus and I didn't know where I was going. Luckily, I met a student who explained to me in English that the policeman was taking me to another bus station where I could take a bus to Xiahe. During this conversation a third man said he was also a policeman and would help me buy tickets. But as he was not in uniform, I was a little doubtful. The uniformed policeman told me it was OK to go with the third man, so I got off the bus with the so-called policeman who at this point, disappeared and I was left in the middle of nowhere. I stood panicking. Around one minute later a police car came and stopped right by me. It was the un-uniformed policeman. I got into the car and he dropped me directly at the bus station, and helped me buy the ticket.

This is one of many experiences that I have had in China. I realized that however different this culture was, there was one thing that would always stand out—kindness. In the west we seem to lack the foundation of trust, yet in China it seems that there will always be someone to answer your questions and lead you the right way.

1.Which of the following is the closest in meaning to the underlined word "alien"?

A. Unfriendly. B. Familiar. C. Strange. D. Attractive.

2. What can we learn from the second paragraph?

A. The author doubted the so-called policeman.

B. The third man could speak English fluently.

C. The author followed a student to another bus station.

D. A police car took the un-uniformed policeman away.

3.Why did the un-uniformed policeman disappear after the author got off the bus?

A. He hurried to buy a ticket for the author.

B. He went to get a car to pick the author up.

C. The author didn't behave in a friendly way.

D. The author found a uniformed policeman to help him.

4.According to the text, what impressed the author deeply in China?

A. Beautiful scenes. B. Terrible transportation.

C. Troubles in small towns. D. People's kindness.

When you first arrive in Oxford, it may take a little while for you to find your way around. Some of the first things our students do when they arrive include finding a bike (most students in Oxford find cycling is the best way to go around), setting up a bank account, getting their computer and mobile phone working, finding their department, getting to know their college and working out the best places to socialize.

One of the major events you will experience shortly after “coming up” to Oxford is matriculation. Matriculation is held at the University’s Sheldonian Theatre and is the ceremony at which you are formally admitted to the university.

International students are invited to an orientation day at the start of the academic year. Sessions run throughout the day that will give you practical information about living and studying in the UK and introduce you to other graduate students from all over the world who are starting their studies at Oxford at the same time as you, as well as to current Oxford graduate students and staff who will be able to help and advise you. The day covers topics such as studying and learning in the Oxford system, University services, information on living in Britain and cultural differences, as well as addressing practical issues such as employment, immigration and visas, health and safety. You can choose which talks to attend and at the end of the day there is a social hour so you can meet fellow students.

Another good thing to experience early is college dining. Most colleges have a tradition of regular formal hall dinners, which consist of three or four courses, and the atmosphere of an evening out in a nice restaurant. On some of these occasions you can invite people around to your college for dinner and then they may return the favor. In this way, you can get to know people studying your own and other subjects at the same time as visiting many of the historical college grounds and dining halls.

1.For a newcomer to Oxford, what does he have to do first?

A. To work out what to major in.

B. To open a qq account.

C. To get a bike to go around.

D. To buy a new mobile phone.

2.What is matriculation?

A. A special day for International students to start academic year.

B. A ceremony when students are formally admitted to Oxford.

C. Performances held at the Sheldonian Theatre.

D. The best places to socialize.

3.Which talk can students attend on the orientation day?

A. Studying in the Cambridge system.

B. Talks on how to meet fellow students.

C. Practical issues like employment, immigration, and health.

D. University services about the life in Britain and cultural similarities.

4.What does the underlined part in paragraph 4 probably mean?

A. Treating you to dinner.

B. Visiting historic college in return.

C. Studying the subjects with your friend.

D. Showing you around the college.

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