
“Yes, madam, your husband ran into some trouble,” he replied. “They were caught in a heavy storm.” .Storms often cause trouble. When I was a baby, Dad had to spend long weeks at sea as a fisherman. One day, I suddenly began to cry loudly. No matter how Mom comforted me, I just kept crying. Mom felt uneasy. A feeling told her that something bad would happen. Then a word hit her----“Mayday”. Mom called the Coast Guard, asking the man on duty about my Dad and his ship.

Father and his crew radioed for help when water started pouring in his ship. We flew out there about an hour ago and dropped them a pump. “Take it easy. He will be back soon.” “What if the pump doesn’t work?” Mom questioned. “You should do another fly-over.” The man tried to comfort Mom, “He must be all right now, Mrs Hemingway, or we would have heard a radio signal from him.” “You haven’t got a Mayday?” “No, but we will let you know if we hear the radio signal.” Mom hung up.

I remained crying. Mom called the Coast Guard again. Finally, they said they would send out a rescue plane.

At midnight the phone rang. It was the Coast Guard. They had found my father and all his crew floating in sea 15miles off Jamaica. Dad’s ship had sunk, but fortunately all were safe.

“The pump they dropped didn’t work fast enough,” Dad said. “I radioed a Mayday, but I couldn’t get through.”

Dad didn’t get through to the Coast Guard because of the storm, but he got through to us. Really, there is something that can’t be seen but exists, as is said but can’t be explained, between us, the families. 

55. The underlined word “Mayday” in the first paragraph probably means “_________”.

A. a radio program                                        B. the signal for help   

C. the holiday in May                                           D. a sign of feeling sick

56. Why did the man on duty say the author’s father would return soon?

A. The pump they dropped was of high quality.

B. The author’s father called him and told him so.

C. The plane waited until the pump worked.

D. He thought no news was good news.

57. We can infer from the text that _________.

A. the man on duty in the Coast Guard was careless

B. the plane failed to find the ship which was in danger

C. the author’s father was in charge of the ship

D. the pump saved the author’s father finally

58. What may be the explanation for the author’s (as a baby) crying?

A. He might feel hungry in the evening

B. He might see something terrible in the room.

C. He might be afraid when left alone in room

D. He might have a feeling of uneasiness.










“This one’s for you,” Sergeant (警官) Barstow shouted and left quickly through the back door. I was a little puzzled. I looked out a window of the Ashfordly Police Station and saw an elderly woman come into the building.
“Good morning, Madam,” I said.
“Good morning,” she said pleasantly. “You’re new, aren’t you?”
“Yes, Madam.”
“It’s about that man who’s been annoying me,” she said. “I’ve been here about him before.”
“Could I have your name and address, please?”  
“Miss Fraser. Josephine Fraser. I live at 43 Prince Terrace. Now, can you please do something about Jackson?”
“What’s he done, Miss Fraser?”
“Done? He’s thrown garbage all over my stairs again. He must be stopped.”
“Where does he live?”
“Next door, Number 41,” she said.  
“I’ll go and see later and warn him off, Miss Fraser.”
“I would be most grateful.” With that she left.
Half an hour later, I reached Prince Terrace. NO. 41 was in a bad state of repair. I knocked. No reply. I entered. The place was deserted. I wondered if the Jackson was a tramp (流浪者). Anyway, it seemed he had left, possibly because of Miss Fraser’s threatening police action. I decided to visit her.
I knocked on her door and it was opened almost immediately. “Ah!” she said gladly. “You’re just in time for coffee.” I followed her inside. Miss Fraser told me more about her battle with Jackson. But when I asked specific questions, it clearly showed that she had never seen Jackson. Finally, I managed to leave.
Sergeant Barstow smiled kindly as I returned. “Nick, did you kick(踢出) Jackson out of that house?”
“Jackson!” I cried. “Who is he?”
“There is no Jackson,” he said. “Miss Fraser is lonely and she likes company. We always let the new young men deal with Miss Fraser. It gives her deep satisfaction. That’s what we are here for, isn’t it — to satisfy the public?”
【小题1】Why did Sergeant Barstow leave quickly when Miss Fraser came?

A.Because he wanted to let Nick deal with her alone.
B.Because he had to go and catch Jackson at once.
C.Because he was tired of the elderly woman.
D.Because he knew she would tell a lie.
【小题2】Miss Fraser told Nick that _____.
A.her neighbor had often caused her trouble
B.it was her first visit to the police station
C.she was looking for Sergeant Barstow
D.someone had broken into her house
【小题3】Miss Fraser made up the story of Jackson because _____.
A.she liked to play jokes on the policemen
B.she wanted to have someone to talk with
C.she loved to show others her nice coffee
D.she hated Jackson very much

The air hostess (空姐) was in a small kitchen at the back of the plane, preparing the plates for lunch, when a little old lady came and spoke to her, “Could you please tell me,” she asked, “where is the ladies’ lavatory (厕所) in the plane?”

“Yes, madam,” said the air hostess and smiled. “It is right at the other end of the plane---at the front.”

The little lady went too far. She walked all the way to the front of the plane, opened the door in front of her, and saw the captain of the plane and the other officers. They were all busy with their work and did not see her. She went out again, shut the door and returned to the air hostess.

“Oh, didn’t you find it, madam?” the girl asked her. “Yes, I did,” said the little lady. “But there are four men in the ladies’ lavatory watching television.”

1.The story happened       .

A.in the evening                          B.in the afternoon

C.in the morning                         D.at midnight

2.What were the four men doing when the little old lady opened the door?

A.They were busy working in the control room.

B.They were working while watching television.

C.They were watching television in the ladies’ lavatory.

D.They were enjoying themselves by watching television.

3.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A.The air hostess was humorous (幽默的).

B.The old lady didn’t find the ladies’ lavatory.

C.The old lady was fooled by the air hostess.

D.There was no ladies’ lavatory in the plane.


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