


A: Good morning. Marketing Department.

B: Well, I’m phoning about a job you advertised in the local newspaper.

A: I’m the marketing manager.     61   

B: Yes, it’s Johnson.

A: Good.     62  And you are still in college?

B: Twenty-four years old.    63  

A: And what’s your major at college?

B:     64 Besides, I studied English, law, accounting, computer and ten more courses.

A:    65   

B: Yes, I worked in the marketing department during the summer holidays.

A: Um, I see. Could you come for an interview at 2: 15 p.m. on Wednesday, young man?

B: Yes, madam.

A: Good. See you then.

A.I graduated one year ago.

B.Could I have your name, please?

C.How old are you?

D.Who is it speaking?

E.Are you good at English?

F.Have you any experience as salesman?

G.Business administration(管理).



61---65   BCAGF 






1.What is the radio used for?

A.Listening to some music

B.Improving the man's English

C.Listening to music

2.Where does the conversation most probably take place?

A.In a public garden.

B.In a restaurant

C.In a shop

3.Where are the two speakers?

A.On the campus.

B.In the classroom.

C.In the shopping center.

4.What does the man lend to the woman?

A.An umbrella.

B.A book.

C.A raincoat.

5.What time will the speakers get to Beijing?

A.At 11∶00.

B.At 12∶30.

C.At 12∶45.



6.Why is the man still in the office?

A.He wants to type a letter.

B.He has to clean the floor.

C.He is writing to the woman.

7.What will the man do this evening?

A.See a film with Mary.

B.Go shopping with Mary.

C.See a play with the woman.


8.Who answer the telephone?


B.Susan's husband.


9.When is the man going to New Zealand?

A.In two weeks.

B.In a couple of months.

C.In half a year.

10.Where are they going to meet?

A.At Susan's.

B.At Tom's.

C.In New Zealand.

第三节 听力信息填空(每小题1分,共5分)


11.But how about going out to ________ to some music?

12.He said the food and music are ________.

13.What kind of food do they ________?

14.Mostly ________ and salads.

15.I can't ________ more.I'll just get my coat.

违法和不良信息举报电话:027-86699610 举报邮箱:58377363@163.com
