
M: Well, this is it! What do you think of it?

W: I can hardly believe it's real. I've (76)d        of seeing it ever since       _________

 I saw it in books when I was a child. Just thinking of all this being built

 by hand more than 2,000 years ago! No (77)w       it's one of the      _________

wonders of the world.

M: (78) A      the started building is more than 2,500 years ago when   _________

 China was divided into (79)v      states. Three of the northern states   _________

 built defensive walls along their borders to keep (80)o       the enemies.


W. But I always thought the wall had been built by Qin Shihuang, the first

   (81) E       of China.                                                                 _________

M: Well, yes. In the way, you see, he united the(82)w      country in the_________

 third century B. C. and one of the things he did was to join the (83)s    _________

walls into one big wall and to build more walls from the east coast right

across the length of north China to the west.

W: It is certainly something any nation could be proud of. I hear this is the

 only human(84)c       on the earth that can be seen from the moon.    _________

 By the way, how tall is the wall?

M: The average (85) h       is 7.8 meters; the average width is 6.5 meters_________

 at the base and 4.5 meters at the top. Would you like to go up to the top?

W: Yes! I'd like to have a look from the top.


A little child was playing one day with a very valuable vase.

He put his h      into it and could not draw it back out. His father too,    


tried his best, but all _____vain. They were thinking of breaking the vase   


____(这时)his father said.“Now, my son, try one more time. Open your       


hand and hold your fingers out straight as you see me d        and  


then pull.”To ________ astonishment, the little fellow said. “Oh no,          


father, I couldn’t pull my fingers out like that because if I did I w                 


drop my penny.”________(微笑), if you will---- but thousands of us         


     are like that little boy.We are _______busy holding on to the world’s      


     ________(无价值的) penny that we can not accept liberation.         


I beg you _____drop the little trifle (琐事)in your heart. Let go.    


【小题1】You can’t use father’s car without his p_________.
【小题2】Having a b________ diet is good for our health.
【小题3】The math problem is so c_________ that no one in the class can work it out.
【小题4】I was wondering if you could do me a f_________, that is , to help me take care of my pets.
【小题5】The scientists spent 3 months g_________ information for the biological experiment.
【小题6】She left a very c________ message on my answering machine. I really couldn’t understand what she was trying to say.
【小题7】All the tourists were f__________ by the beautiful scenery of the city.
【小题8】Teaching is a tiring but a r___________ job, especially when you see the difference you’ve made in the life of your students.
【小题9】You are expected to a_______ to your parents when you made a mistake.
【小题10】Drinking too much is h_________ to one’s health.
【小题11】When he was a little boy, Tony usually __________(寻求)help from his parents and friends in time of trouble.
【小题12】Everyone sang and danced, enjoying the happy and relaxed __________(气氛) at the party.
【小题13】Hard work is ___________(基础的) to success.
【小题14】Customers who buy 10 at a time will get a 50% __________(折扣)。
【小题15】People in different countries have different customs and _________(宗教的) beliefs.
【小题16】The letter wasn't addressed to me but I opened it out of ___________(好奇).
【小题17】Working as a _____________(实习生) helped him to earn extra money.
【小题18】Dinosaurs ____________(存在) on the earth millions of years ago.
【小题19】_________(退休) at the age of 40 sounds boring.
【小题20】There are many __________(理论) about how the universe began.


M: Well, this is it! What do you think of it?

W: I can hardly believe it's real. I've (76)d        of seeing it ever since    1._________

 I saw it in books when I was a child. Just thinking of all this being built

 by hand more than 2,000 years ago! No (77)w       it's one of the    2._________

wonders of the world.

M: (78) A      the started building is more than 2,500 years ago when     3._________

 China was divided into (79)v      states. Three of the northern states        4._________

 built defensive walls along their borders to keep (80)o       the enemies.


W. But I always thought the wall had been built by Qin Shihuang, the first

   (81) E       of China.                                                                                         6._________

M: Well, yes. In the way, you see, he united the(82)w      country in the7._________

 third century B. C. and one of the things he did was to join the (83)s    8._________

walls into one big wall and to build more walls from the east coast right

across the length of north China to the west.

W: It is certainly something any nation could be proud of. I hear this is the

 only human(84)c       on the earth that can be seen from the moon.         9._________

 By the way, how tall is the wall?

M: The average (85) h       is 7.8 meters; the average width is 6.5 meters10._________

 at the base and 4.5 meters at the top. Would you like to go up to the top?

W: Yes! I'd like to have a look from the top.


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