

M: Well, this is it! What do you think of it?

W: I can hardly believe it's real. I've (76)d        of seeing it ever since       _________

 I saw it in books when I was a child. Just thinking of all this being built

 by hand more than 2,000 years ago! No (77)w       it's one of the      _________

wonders of the world.

M: (78) A      the started building is more than 2,500 years ago when   _________

 China was divided into (79)v      states. Three of the northern states   _________

 built defensive walls along their borders to keep (80)o       the enemies.


W. But I always thought the wall had been built by Qin Shihuang, the first

   (81) E       of China.                                                                 _________

M: Well, yes. In the way, you see, he united the(82)w      country in the_________

 third century B. C. and one of the things he did was to join the (83)s    _________

walls into one big wall and to build more walls from the east coast right

across the length of north China to the west.

W: It is certainly something any nation could be proud of. I hear this is the

 only human(84)c       on the earth that can be seen from the moon.    _________

 By the way, how tall is the wall?

M: The average (85) h       is 7.8 meters; the average width is 6.5 meters_________

 at the base and 4.5 meters at the top. Would you like to go up to the top?

W: Yes! I'd like to have a look from the top.
















M="Mike;" J=Jenny

M: Morning, Jenny. Did you(76) e________your weekend?                                          76. ________        

J: Yes. We went to the countryside and had a great (77) t________.                        77.   ________      

M: Where did you stay? In a hotel?

J: No. We camped in the mountains, near Snowdon.

We cooked all our meals over an (78)o _______fire.                                            78. ________        

M: That(79)s________wonderful.                                                                             79. ________        

How was the(80)w________there?                                                                         80. ________        

J: The sun (81) s________brightly. It was really lovely there.                                       81. ________        

M: Did you like the people there?

J: Yes, they were great. We(82) m________some farmers and had tea in their homes.      82. ________        

M: When did you get (83)b________?Last night?                                                        83.   ________      

J: No. This morning. You’ll think we were mad. We got up at 4:30, left at 5:00

and (84)a ________here at 9:00.I’m so tired. What about you? Did you have a good weekend? 84. ________      

M: Yes, but I didn’t do much. I just stayed at home and (85)w________TV.                      85. ________ 


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