
A sign is another kind of language. Here are some of them that you see on the roads.
Number one is a sign with the number thirty on it. When drivers see this sign, they must not go at more than thirty kilometers an hour. We see this sign when we are getting near a town. Number two is a sign that we’re near a crossing. We must drive carefully. Number three is a sign that there is a bend in the road. Again, we must drive slowly and carefully. It is not safe to go round a bend very fast. Number four is a sign that there is another road coming in from the right. There is a junction at this place. Number five is a sign that there is a hill and number six is a sign that the road gets narrow. Drivers must go slowly and carefully. Number seven has the word “SCHOOL” on it. This is a sign that there is a school at the side of the street or the road. Perhaps there are children going to or leaving school. So drivers must look carefully and go slowly. Number eight is a sign with the letter “P” on it. The letter “P” means “Parking”. At some places, there’re the signs “No parking” or “No waiting”. If a driver leaves his car near one of these signs, a policeman may come and write down the number of his car.
61. At the places where you see Sign 1, ________.
A. you are already out of a town
B. you still have thirty kilometers to go
C. there must be a town thirty kilometers away
D. there must be many houses and buildings not far away
62. There stands Sign 2 near a place where________.
A. two roads cross            B. people can cross the road
C. the roads get narrow        D. there are no traffic lights
63. You have to drive not only slowly but also carefully when you find________.
A. each of the eight signs              B. either of Signs 2 and 3
C. all of Signs 3, 5, 6 and 7           D. any of Signs 3, 5, 6 and 7
64. A driver can leave his car________.
A. near Sign 8 at any time
B. near a sign with “No parking” on it
C. near a sign with “No waiting” if there’re no police there
D. near a sign with “P” on it in the daytime
65. People put these signs on the roads to________.
A. show drivers the way           B. stop cars going too fast
C. make driving even safer         D. learn another kind of language

阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从21----40各题所给的4 个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。
A farewell party was going on. Sylvia Calver hated being the center of any pubic show where she didn’t know anyone. It made her  36  hot and she always felt she wanted to go away somewhere. But on an occasion like this when she knew  37 , there was no  38 to feel shy.  39she had made up her mind to  40  people’s attention for once in her life. Unlike others, Sylvia didn’t have any sad feelings herself at leaving Palmeira Court Hotel or saying goodbye to its 41  — she had left so many other  42 , and known too many people in her life to get upset by such things now.
Yet this  43 was a particular occasion, and she hadn’t had so many of those in her  44. She had put on her  45  black dress and her long earrings. She had wanted to enjoy being the center of  46 for one evening, but now they had  47  old Miss Hutton of all people to give the  48 speech, whom she disliked. Even so, she thought there was no sense in getting  49  about it, for it was the first rule her  50 had given her — avoid all anxiety, take things easy. So, surprising herself by enjoying her own well-rounded white arm as  51 showed through the sleeve of her  52  dress, she took a taste of her drink and then sat back comfortably with her cigarette. And her doctor’s orders worked! For 53  out slowly, she put Miss Hutton off the end of her  54  with a cloud of tobacco smoke, so that she smiled to herself at the old girl’s funny expression. She  55 herself quite well that night, even to her own surprise.
A.face B.showC.roomD.dress
A.chanceB.time C.reasonD.use
A.SoB.But C.ForD.There
A.payB.giveC.enjoy D.offer
A.guestsB.peopleC.places D.things
A.morningB.afternoonC.evening D.night
A.serviceB.exhibition C.GroupD.attention
A.orderedB.chosenC.wished D.helped
A.longB.greatC.goodbye D.welcome
A.excitedB.anxiousC.puzzled D.pleased
A.teacherB.friendC.husband D.doctor
A.gettingB.putting C.breathing D.speaking
A.madeB.enjoyedC.understood D.thought

Ⅲ 阅读(共两节,满分40分)
第一节 阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)
My newly-rented small apartment was far away from the centre of London and it was becoming essential for me to find a job, so finally I spent a whole morning getting to town and putting my name down to be considered by London Transport for a job on the underground. They were looking for guards, not drivers. This suited me. I couldn’t drive a car but thought that I could probably guard a train, and perhaps continue to write my poems between stations. The writers Keats and Chekhov had been doctors. T.S. Eliot had worked in a bank and Wallace Stevens for an insurance company. I’d be a subway guard. I could see myself being cheerful, useful, a good man in a crisis. Obviously I’d be overqualified but I was willing to forget about that in return for a steady income and travel privileges — those being particularly welcome to someone living a long way from the city centre.
The next day I sat down, with almost a hundred other candidates, for the intelligence test. I must have done all right because after about half an hour’s wait I was sent into another room for a psychological test. This time there were only about fifty candidates. The interviewer sat at a desk. Candidates were signaled forward to occupy the seat opposite him when the previous occupant had been dismissed, after a greater or shorter time. Obviously the long interviews were the more successful ones. Some of the interviews were as short as five minutes. Mine was the only one that lasted a minute and a half.
I can remember the questions now: “Why did you leave your last job?” “Why did you leave your job before that?” “And the one before that?” I can’t recall my answers, except that they were short at first and grew progressively shorter. His closing statement, I thought, revealed (揭示) a lack of sensitivity which helped to explain why as a psychologist, he had risen no higher than the underground railway. “You’ve failed the psychological test and we are unable to offer you a position.”
Failing to get that job was my low point. Or so I thought, believing that the work was easy. Actually, such jobs — being a postman is another one I still desire — demand exactly the sort of elementary yet responsible awareness that the habitual dreamer is least qualified to give. But I was still far short of full self-understanding. I was also short of cash.
41.The writer applied for the job chiefly because _________.
A.he wanted to work in the centre of London
B.he could no longer afford to live without one
C.he was not interested in any other available job
D.he had received some suitable training
42.The writer thought he was overqualified for the job because _________.
A.he often traveled underground       B.he had written many poems
C.he could deal with difficult situations    D.he had worked in a company
43.The length of his interview meant that _________.
A.he was not going to be offered the job
B.he had not done well in the intelligence test
C.he did not like the interviewer at all
D.he had little work experience to talk about
44.What does the writer realize now that he did not realize then?
A.How unpleasant ordinary jobs can be.   B.How difficult it is to be a poet.
C.How unsuitable he was for the job. D.How badly he did in the interview.
45.What’s the writer’s opinion of the psychologist?
A. He was very aggressive.   B. He was unhappy with his job.
C. He was quite inefficient. D. He was rather unsympathetic.

IV. 阅读理解:(共20题,每小题2分,共40分)
A long time ago, before there was any money (coins or paper money), people got the things that they needed by trading or exchanging. Salt was one of the first items used to exchange for other items. Later, some of the common things that were used for exchanging were tea leaves, shells, feathers, animal teeth, tobacco, and blankets. Around 3000 BC, barley, a type of grain, was used for exchanging.
The world’s first metal money was developed by the Sumerians who melted silver into small bars all weighing the same. This was around 1000 BC. About three hundred years later, people started using coins as official money.
Around 640 BC, people in the ancient kingdom of Lydia ( which was in Turkey) created special coins of exact with and purity (纯度). They were made of gold and silver and were stamped with a lion’s head.
Later, other empires such as Greece, Persia, and Rome adopted the concept of coins and started developing their own in many different shapes and different metals.
Around the year 1000, the Chinese started using paper money. The Chinese were the first to use paper money. The Europeans discovered this thanks to Marco Polo who went to China in 1295. the Chinese had different values for the paper notes which were made by the Chinese government.
Around 1661, Sweden became the first European country to make paper money. Until 1850, the Spanish dollar was the coin most widely used throughout the world.
1What is the best title for this passage?
The history of money
How people traded in the past
The invention of paper money
The use of coins around the world
2We learn that before coins and paper money were used, _____.
barley had always been used for exchanging
only a few people knew how to trade with others
salt was the most widely used item for exchanging
many kinds of things were used for exchanging
3According to the passage, when did people start using coins as official money?
Around 1300 BC.
Around 1000 BC.
Around 700 BC.
Around 640 BC.
4The underlined word “adopted” in Paragraph 4 probably means “____”.
5. Which of the following countries first started to use paper money?
A. Spain     B. China      C. Sweden      D. Lydia

第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)
Many television programs are very realistic. One who watches   41  often feels that whatever happens in a film can  42  happen to him. With only a little imagination(想象力), every man in the  43  becomes a thief, a spy(间谍) or a  44  . Jane had been watching a spy film at a friend’s house. In it a girl has been  45  and murdered. She walked to the station, feeling a little frightened. She took a  46   back to the center of the city. There were a lot of people traveling with her, 47  she felt much  48 .
A man sitting opposite her,  49  a newspaper, glanced at her. She thought  50   terrible until she saw him staring at her,  51  the film and feeling very uncommon, she got  52  the train and went to the bus-shop. When he got on  53  bus as she did, she found that he was following her. As long as she was with other people, she wasn’t frightened, but when she got off the bus, the street was almost  54  . She walked as fast as possible. She could hear footsteps following her, but she dared not look behind. Reaching the front door, she  45 for her key, but she was unable to find  56 because she was so terrified. Just then she felt a hand on her shoulder. Instead of feeling hands  57  her neck, however, she heard a  58  voice.
“ I wonder  59  I frightened you. I’m your new  60  . I thought I recognized you on the train, but I wasn’t sure.”       
41.  A. films         B. TV            C. plays          D. matches
42.  A. well          B. often          C. not           D. hardly
43.  A. park          B. school         C. factory        D. street
44.  A. stranger       B. walker        C. murderer       D. passenger
45.  A. followed      B. loved         C. kissed         D. found
46.  A. bus           B. taxi           C. car            D. train
47.  A. but           B. so            C. or            D. unless
48.  A. safer          B. hotter         C. noisier         D. faster
49.  A. reads         B. reading       C. readed        D. read
50.  A. something     B. everything      C. nothing       D. anything
51.  A. Seeing        B. Remembering   C. Watching      D. Noticing
52.  A. on           B. off             C. in            D. out
53.  A. the same      B. same            C. the similar           D. similar
54.  A. noisy         B. busy             C. crowded       D. Empty
55.  A. asked          B. felt              C. called         D. waited
56.  A. her            B. him           C. it             D. them
57.  A. above          B. round            C. over          D. under
58.  A. pleasant       B. terrible         C. cold          D. loud
59.  A. and           B. if                C. because of     D. or
60.  A. friend         B. husband        C. classmate       D. neighbor

The Need for Holidays
You’ve no doubt heard people say how much they “need” a holiday,when what they really mean is that they want one.Certainly,people working under pressure feel a very strong desire to escape from work and become less tight during their holidays,and experience a changed environment. For this reason, holidays away from home are now seen by most people as necessary to their quality life. However, work for many people today are office work and mental, rather than physical tasks. These people may seek much more energy taking activities while on holiday, rather than simply lying on a beach.
Once people become used to going on holiday, taking holidays becomes a habit. Even in a recession(经济萧条时期), for many people the holiday is one of the last things to be given up, and indeed many workers have chosen to spend some of their last pay when being laid off on a holiday, perhaps to give themselves a "lift” before facing a gloomy(暗淡的)future.
Perhaps we don't like to admit it, but most of us also enjoy showing off about the places we have been to, and the lovely tans:dark skins we have got. The idea of tanning, however, is becoming less attractive than it was. So many tourists are now able to afford holidays in the sun that tans have become quite common;and although we join a tan together with health(and it is true that a certain amount of sunshine gives us a feeling of being healthy), it has been fully shown that sunshine,especially when received over a short, focused period of time, results in high danger of skin problems, as well as drying out one's skin and leading to more lines on your face later in life.
57.More and more people choose to have holidays because they ________.
A. hate working indoors all the time                      B. want to get away from work
C. love enjoying the beauties of nature                      D. become rich and want a better life
58.From this passage we learned that some people can not live without ______.
A. a tan            B. a job           C. a pay       D. a holiday
59.A holiday may __________ when one has to face some difficulties in life.
A. cheer someone up                                          B. help someone find a job
C. be the last thing to be given up                             D. bring good luck to someone
60.At the end of the passage the writer tries to tell the reader ________.
A. the importance of getting sunshine                        B. the bad effect of being on holiday
C. the result of getting sun tanned                             D. the healthy look of being tanned

Strong winds, sand in the air, poor visibility (能见度), we all know the characteristics of a sandstorm. But what else do you know about them?
Did you know, for example, that the first sandstorm of 2009 hit north China’s Inner Mongolia autonomous region late February?
Sandstorms are today a feature of life in northern China because of desertification (沙漠化) and the retreat (退化) of the northern grasslands. They usually occur between February and May.
Fortunately, sandstorms this year should be fewer than in past years in north China, according to the National Meteorological Center (中央气象台).
And the chances of sandstorms hitting Beijing are small, because recent rain has stopped drought and reduced dry dirt and dust. Tree planting, and other measures taken by the government, has also helped decrease the chance of sandstorms in the city.
Sandstorms can be dangerous. However, there are measures you can take to protect yourself from harm.
﹡Wear a mask. Cover your nose and mouth with a mask that can keep out sand, or use a damp handkerchief.
﹡If you are driving and the storm is at a distance, it may be possible to outrun (超过) it. If it looks like you will be caught in the storm, stop and wait it out.
﹡Take a cover. If there is no shelter, then lie down. Keep eyes, nose and mouth covered. Cover your head with your arms or a backpack to protect yourself against flying objects.
If you are caught in a desert sandstorm, take the following actions.
﹡Mark your direction before lying down. It is easy to get lost in a desert.
﹡Keep plenty of water at hand. If you get lost, you need water to survive until you find your way or help arrives.
﹡Stay together if traveling in a group. Lock arms if caught in a sandstorm. The most useful measure would actually be to make sandstorms disappear forever. To make this goal come true, people should plant trees, and stop desertification.
Today, the straight-line distance between Tiananmen Square and a desert called Tianmo in Hebei province is only about 80km. If desertification is not stopped, environmental protection experts say, it will probably not be long before Beijingers can catch a camel to work.
56.According to the passage, which of the following statements is true?
A. So far in 2009 no sandstorm has happened.
B. Sandstorms usually happen in spring.
C. Sandstorms are a feature of life in China.
D. In sandstorms in cities, what you need to protect yourself from is just the sand in the air.
57.Which may not be the right action to take to protect yourself from harm in a sandstorm?
A. Finding a shelter.
B. Covering your head with a bag.
C. Lying down.
D. When driving, speed up and rush through the sandstorm.
58.What can we infer from the passage ?
A. North China has been suffering from sandstorms for several years.
B. The distance between Beijing and the desert has made the chances of sandstorms hitting Beijing small this year.
C. Planting trees can help make sandstorms disappear.
D. It is more dangerous to be caught in sandstorms in cities because there are more flying objects.
59.What’s the best title of the passage?
A. The realities of sandstorm                          B. The cause of sandstorm.
C. The influences of sandstorm                       D. The future of sandstorm.

Some people say we need 
to plant trees in places
where rock concerts or
conferences are held in
order to absorb the carbon
dioxide created by the
event. This picture shows
how trees can help.
Photosynthesis (光合作用)
①Photosynthesis takes place
when there is sunlight.
② Carbon dioxide in air enters
the leaves through tiny holes
called stomata ( 气孔).
③ Leaves contain chlorophyll
( 叶绿素 ) which traps the
sun's energy.
④ Plant's roots gather water
from the soil.
⑤ Leaves use chlorophyll and
sunlight to change the water
and carbon dioxide into food,
or sugar, for the plant.
⑥ Oxygen is released into the air.
63. According to the passage, which of the following plays an important part in catching the sun's energy?
A. Roots     B. Branches     C. Leaves          D. Trunks         
64. What is the best title of the diagram(图表)?
A. How trees absorb carbon dioxide?            
B. How the air can be made cleaner?
C. Trees play an important part in our daily life.    
D. How trees get food in the soil?
65. What can be inferred from the passage?
A. the food for trees is made from the water and sugar in the soil
B. photosynthesis can't take place at night    
C. photosynthesis can take place at any time
D. trees help little in improving the air conditions
66. According to the passage, where should more trees be planted?
A. near the river                    B. near the cinema
C. along the highway                D. on the mountain

What is your favorite color? Do you like yellow,orange,red? If you do,you must be an optimist,a leader,an active person who enjoys life,people and excitement.Do you prefer grey and blues? Then you are probably quiet,shy and you would rather follow than lead.If you love green,you are strong-minded and determined.You wish to succeed and want other people to see you are successful.At least this is what psychologists(心理学家)tell us,and they should know,because they have been seriously studying the meaning of color preference,and the effect that colors have on human beings.They tell us that we don’t choose our favorite color as we grow up.If you happen to love brown,you did so as soon as you opened your eyes,or at least as soon as you could see clearly.
A yellow room makes us feel more cheerful and more comfortable than a dark green one,and a red dress rings warmth and cheer to the saddest winter day.On the other hand,black is depressing(压抑).Light and bright colors make people not only happier but more active.It is a fact that factory workers work better,harder,and have fewer accidents when their machines are painted orange rather than black or dark gray.
Remember,then,that if you feel low,you can always brighten your day or your life with a new shirt or a few colorful things.Remember also that you will know your friends and your enemies better when you find out what colors they like and dislike.And don’t forget that anyone can guess a lot about your character when you choose a piece of handkerchief.
60.According to this passage,       
A.one can choose his color preference
B.one is born with his color preference
C.one’s color preference is changeable
D.one has to choose his favorite color as soon as he can see clearly
61.We would pay attention to colors because       
A.colors do have effect on our moods(情绪)
B.colors may have effect on our work and study
C.light and bright colors make people happy
D.you can know your friends better by the colors they like or dislike
62.The main idea of this passage is       
A.one’s color preference shows one’s character
B.you can brighten your lire with wonderful colors
C.psychologists have been studying the meaning of color preference
D.one’s color preference has something to do with his character and colors have effects on
human beings
63.The writer believes that in realizing the four modernizations of our country,we need more
people who love       
A.yellow                    B.red                         C.black                      D.green

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