
【题目】 You may have come across the picture that has a number drawn on the floor with two people standing on either side of the number. One person sees a 6, and the other sees a 9.1

They could either stay there arguing and holding on to their ideas, or they could move around and see the difference in their thoughts. This is perspective (视角).

2The world would be a better place if people understood this. But before you start thinking of how you can start seeing things from the perspective of another person, you need to first know what a life perspective is.

Just like the example, life perspective is the way we see life, including the way we approach life and all that are in our personal experience. 3 What we usually have are two different perspectives on one thing. We have a person saying something is bad and should not be done, and then we have another person saying that “bad” is a strong word to use for the same thing.

4And everyone sees things a lot differently compared to the next person. This makes life more complex because, instead of seeing the similarities we share, we often focus on what is different, which leads to disagreements and fights.5It's likely that these problems no longer annoy you.

A.There are more than 7 billion people in the world.

B.In our life, few things are absolutely right or wrong.

C.It seems difficult to decide which perspective is wrong.

D.Simply make a switch and see from a different perspective.

E.A perspective on life can be shaped, changed, or explained.

F.They are both right, yet they are wrong in the eyes of the other person.

G.And they usually make us believe that we are the one who s holding the truth.












根据后句提到“如果人们能理解这一点,世界将会变得更美好”可知,E 项“对生活的看法是可以塑造、改变或解释的”的内容就是后句this指代的内容。所以E项切题。故选E项。








【题目】 The promise of college in America is the promise of a clear path to the future, of a reward for all the sleep deprivation and soul-deadening competition of high school, and, most of all, of instant adulthood. As of April, 2020, however, none of that is happening due to the outbreak of the novel coronavirus(新型冠状病毒).

Saminah Haddad, a seventeen-year-old senior at Long Beach Polytechnic High School, wasn’t expecting her college offers until later in the spring. This year, there will be no spring season, which for Haddad means no four-year college. She is considering Long Beach City College, which is free for state residents. She also lost her job at an amusement park. All of the senior-year milestones that Haddad had been looking forward to have been cancelled: prom, graduation, and an event called the “Pursuit of Excellence Awards,” where she would have been recognized for perfect attendance. She doesn’t yet know if she’ll still be working this summer for her father, who was about to open a juice bar in Brooklyn.

In the meantime, Haddad’s school is offering some online instruction, but in her case the course load has dropped to just two classes: A.P. Literature, which meets virtually, and a government class, which consists of written assignments that she receives by e-mail. Haddad is planning to take her A.P. exam, though she finds it hard to imagine what the forty-five-minute, cell-phone-friendly version of the test will be like. No one knows how colleges will view it, either.

Life has been emptied of content, and the plot is lost. She texts with friends. She argues with her mom and stepdad a lot. “It’s bringing us closer together,” she half joked. “But it’s O.K.”

1What can be known about Haddad from Paragraph 2?

A.She has applied to study abroad.

B.She will attend a graduation ceremony.

C.She won’t work in her father’s juice bar.

D.She may get her college offers in late spring.

2How does Haddad feel about the A.P. exam?



3In which section of a newspaper may the passage appear?


C.Education .D.Health.

【题目】 Archeology (考古学)isn't the dusty science it was a generation ago. New technologies that once seemed out of sci-fi are now locating buried traces of buildings and revealing the ruins of cities.

For more than a decade, Sarah Parcak and her team have been on the front line of this revolution. They use satellite images to find and explore ancient sites around the globe. Now they're about to take on a new challenge as they focus Global Xplorer citizen-science project on India.

In 2017, Parcak launched an online platform, called Global Xplorer, to crowd source (群众外包)the initial assessment of satellite images for signs of cultures from long ago. Anyone in the world with a computer and Internet access could help discover and protect remains of Peru's rich cultural heritage. The results have been surprising. About 80,000 participants from a hundred countries have identified 19,000 sites that were not in Peru's database. The platform for Peru is still running.

If all goes well, the work in India could last for years. "India has had relatively little archaeological work done," Parcak says. Also, the full extent of India's archaeological work has never been mapped completely. Parcak expects her project to make up that. Wherever we end up going, the crowd's going to be able to see extraordinary things," Parcak says.

Thirty six India's cultural heritage relics are already listed as UNESCO World Heritage Sites. Parcak thinks there could be tens of thousands of as yet unknown sites mapped as part of this project. The discoveries promise to be amazing across the land that has seen a parade of cultures come and go.

In the future, she hopes other countries will contact her to launch their own satellite surveys. The possibilities are huge. Parcak estimates that there are at least 12 million potential archaeological sites yet to be discovered. That means the sky is the limit for her project now that it has gotten off the ground successfully.

1What's the purpose of Parcak's project?

A.To interview citizens via the Internet.

B.To dig out more remains of ancient cities.

C.To build databases for unknown cultural heritage.

D.To identify unknown ancient sites through joint efforts.

2What do we know about the participants in Peru project?

A.They are Internet-equipped volunteers.

B.They are well-trained voluntary scholars.

C.They are mostly fans of archeology in Peru.

D.They are all archaeologists all over the world.

3Why is Parcak's project important to India?

A.India lacks thorough archaeological work.

B.Indians call for the protection of their rich cultures.

C.There's no amazing archaeological discovery in India.

D.India needs more relics listed as World Heritage Sites.

4What does the underlined sentence "The possibilities are huge. " in Paragraph 6 mean?

A.Parcak's project will become successful.

B.Few countries will start satellite surveys.

C.There will be amazing discoveries in India.

D.More archaeological sites will be identified.

【题目】 On Hoxton Street in East London there is a very special children’s writing and mentoring(辅导) center called the Ministry of Stories, which is fronted by its shop , Hoxton Street Monster(怪兽) Supplies, where you can expect to find monster food. The store raises funds for this very special program that fires children’s imagination.

The youth aged 8 to 18 enter the Ministry, through a secret door that is designed to open a world of opportunity by encouraging a love for writing. The organization believes that, “Writing increases self-respect, improves communication and can change lives.” That’s because writing allows children’s voices to be heard.

This year, the workshop is celebrating 10 years of helping children discover a love for writing through creative programs. Founded by Lucy Macnab, Ben Payne and best-selling author Nick Hornby, the organization works with around 1,000 children per year participating in schools, and community programs across Hackney, Islington, and Tower Hamlets. It now has over 400 volunteers and runs its program free of charge for the youth of the areas.

“Through a range of creative writing programs, and one-to-one mentoring, we aim to help young people find their own qualities that can be developed,” Macnab told The Telegraph. “We build confidence, self-respect, and communication skills in both workshops for schools and out of school writing clubs.”

One 10-year participant, Nmeso, said that the weekly after-school club he attends at the Ministry has helped him grow his imagination and improve his academic performance. In fact, he was able to move up a grade in school. What’s even more remarkable is that Nmeso has had a story he wrote published ── along with other writers in the program ──titled Andre Has a Hard Time .This is Nmeso’s success story.

1What is the function of Hoxton Street Monster Supplies?

A.Advertising the mentoring center.

B.Supporting the Ministry of Stories.

C.Attracting young children to come.

D.Arousing children's interest in food.

2Why are some figures used in the paragraph 3?

A.To prove the program is popular.

B.To suggest writing is vital for children.

C.To attract readers’ attention to the center.

D.To show the value of running the program.

3What is the program intended to do?

A.To give the children a better future.

B.To help discover the children’s potential.

C.To help the children express opinions.

D.To develop the children’s writing skills.

4What does the author say about Nmeso?

A.He is ten years old this year.

B.He’s got his own book published.

C.He has benefitted a lot from the program.

D.He becomes very famous as a young writer.

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