
—Madam,here is your order, fish and chips and a coca-cola, ?

—Right here.

A.Anything else B.Is that OK C.For here or to go D.Something to drink




试题分析:考查情景交际。句意:女士,这是你的所点的菜单,鱼,薯条和可乐,在这吃还是带走呢?在这吃。 C.For here or to go 的意思是在这吃还是带走,根据下方提到 Right here 可知C项符合题意。

考点 : 考查情景交际



The 16 operations W.Mitchell received after the motorcycle accident burned more than 65% of his body at age 46 left him unable to pick up a fork,dial a telephone or go to the bathroom without help.But Mitchell never believed he was defeated.“I am in charge of my own spaoeship,” he said.“It’s my up,my down.I could choose to see this situation as a setback or afstarting point.”

Mitchell bought himself a home in Colorado,a plane and a bar.Later he teamed upwith two friends and co-founded a wood burning stove company that grew to be the second largest private employer in his state.Six months later he was piloting the plane.Then four years after the motorcycle accident,the plane Mitchell was piloting crashed back onto the runway during takeoff, permanently paralyzing(使…瘫痪)him from the waist down.

Still determined,Mitchell worked day and night to regain as much independence as possible.He was elected Mayor of Crested Butte,Colorado, to save the town from mineral mining that would ruin its beauty and environment.

Despite his shocking looks and physical challenges, Mitchell began white water rafting(漂流),fell in love and married, earned a master’s degree in public administration and continued flying,environmental activism and public speaking.

Mitchell’s unshakable positive mental attitude has earned him appearances on the “Today Show’’and “Good Moming America” as well as feature articles in Parade, Time, The New York Times and other publications.

Mitchell has done all these things and more afar two horrible accidents left his face beyond recognition,his hands flngerless and his legs thin:and motionless(不动)in a wheelchair.Then what can't we healthy guys achieve?

1.What can we learn from the first paragraph?

A.Mitchell couldn’t face the fact that he was defeated.

B.The operations Mitchell received made him hopeless.

C.Mitchell was optimistic about what happened to him.

D.Mitchell was in his spaceship when the accident occurred.

2.What did Mirehell do after his first accident?

A.He learned to pilot a plane.

B.He was employed by a company.

C.He began to drive a spaceship.

D.He made another two new friends.

3.What was the result of Mitchell’s plane crash accident?

A.His body under the waistcouldn’t move.

B.He was elected mayor of Crested Butte.

C.He became the hero of many publications.

D.More than half of his body was burned.

4.After the two horrible accidents, Mitchell .

A.stopped flying,environmental protection and public speaking.

B.co-founded a wood burning stove company with his friends.

C.stopped to open mineral mining in Crested Butte.

D.earned a master’s degree in public administration.

5.What has earned Mitchell appearances in many famous publications?

A.His shocking looks. B.His strong determination.

C.His physical challenges. D.His outstanding speaking talent.


Robert Capa is a name that has for many years been associated with war photography.

Born in Hungary in 1913,Capa was forced to leave his native country after his involvement in anti-government protests.Capa had originally wanted to become a writer,but after his arrival in Berlin he first found work as a photographer.He later left Germany and moved to France and it was here that he changed his name to Robert Capa,mainly because he thought it would sound more American.

In 1936,after the breakout of the Spanish Civil War,Capa went to Spain and it was here that he built his reputation as a war photographer.It was here too in 1936 that he took one of his most famous pictures,The Death of a Loyalist Soldier.One of Capa’s most famous quotes was“If your pictures aren’t good enough,you’re not close enough.”And he took his attitude of getting close to the action to an extreme.His photograph,The Death of a Loyalist Soldier is a prime example of this as Capa captures the very moment the soldier falls.However,many have questioned the reality of this photograph,claiming that it was staged.

When World War II broke out,Capa was in New York,but he was soon back in Europe covering the War for Life magazine.Some of his most famous work was created on 6th June 1944.Capa,armed only with two cameras,took more than one hundred photographs in the first hour of the Normandy landing(诺曼底登陆),but a mistake in the darkroom during the drying of the film destroyed all but eight frames.It was the images from these frames,however,that inspired the visual style of Steven Spielberg’s Oscar winning movie Saving Private Ryan.

1.Capa originally wanted to be ____________.

A.a journalist B.a writer C.an American D.a photographer

2.Why did Capa change his name?

A.To hide his identity.

B.Because he had been involved in protests.

C.To sound more American.

D.Because he had to leave Hungary.

3.Capa went to Spain to ________________.

A.fight in the civil war B.build his reputation

C.have a holiday D.take photographs

4.Capa’s famous picture Death of a Loyalist Soldier _______________.

A.was taken by someone else B.was definitely real

C.wasn’t even taken in Spain D.cannot be proven real or staged

5.A mistake meant that ______________.

A.most of Capa’s images of the Normandy landing were destroyed

B.Capa lost both of his two cameras

C.Capa’s images inspired an Oscar winning movie

D.only one hundred of Capa’s photographs were published


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