

【1】Do you know the person who _________(指挥) the performance last night?

【2】There is no doubt that good diet is_____________(有益于) to health.

【3】By doing well at school he hoped to win his parents___________(认可)。

【4】_____________(陪伴) by an adult, children under 14 can watch the movie.

【5】Something like this is __________(一定) to happen.

【6】He had been a ______________(有天赋的) musician in his youth.

【7】There is a church just ____________(对面) my house.

【8】Those who ___________(放弃) themselves to despair can not succeed.

【9】The first thing I became____________(意识到) of was all the vivid colors.

【10】He gives his son some money for the ______________(购买) of his school books .


【1】conducted考查一般过去时。关键信息是last night,要用一般过去时态,填conducted。

【2】beneficial考查固定搭配。be beneficial to…对……有益的,有益用形容词,填beneficial。

【3】approval考查固定搭配。win one's approval得到某人的支持,填approval。

【4】Accompanied考查过去分词做状语。完整从句是Children was accompanied by an adult,但是后面主句主语也是children,所以省略了主语和谓语动词,填Accompanied。

【5】Bound考查固定搭配。be bond to一定要、必然,填bound。



【8】abandon考查固定搭配。abandon oneself to despair自暴自弃,填abandon。

【9】aware考查固定搭配。 be/become aware of sth意识到某事,填aware。



【1】conducted考查一般过去时。关键信息是last night,要用一般过去时态,填conducted。

【2】beneficial考查固定搭配。be beneficial to…对……有益的,有益用形容词,填beneficial。

【3】approval考查固定搭配。win one's approval得到某人的支持,填approval。

【4】Accompanied考查过去分词做状语。完整从句是Children was accompanied by an adult,但是后面主句主语也是children,所以省略了主语和谓语动词,填Accompanied。

【5】Bound考查固定搭配。be bond to一定要、必然,填bound。



【8】abandon考查固定搭配。abandon oneself to despair自暴自弃,填abandon。

【9】aware考查固定搭配。 be/become aware of sth意识到某事,填aware。



【题目】I have a friend named Monty Roberts who owns a horse ranch(养马场). He has let me use his house to put on fund-raising events. The last time I was there he introduced me by saying: “I want to tell you a story. It all goes back to a story about a young man who was the son of an itinerant horse trainer who would go from stable to stable, race track to race track, farm to farm and ranch to ranch, training horses. As a result, the boy’s high school career was continually interrupted. When he was a senior, he was asked to write a paper about what he wanted to be and do when he grew up.

“That night he wrote a seven-page paper describing his goal of someday owning a horse ranch. He wrote about his dream in great detail and he even drew a diagram of a 200-acre ranch, showing the location of all the buildings, the stables and the track. Then he drew a detailed floor plan for a 4,000-square-foot house that would sit on a 200-acre dream ranch.

“He put a great deal of his heart into the project and the next day he handed it in to his teacher. Two days later he received his paper back. On the front page was a large red F with a note that read, ‘See me after class.’

“The boy with the dream went to see the teacher after class and asked, ‘Why did I receive an F?’ The teacher said, ‘This is an unrealistic dream for a young boy like you. You have no money. You come from an itinerant family. You have no resources. Owning a horse ranch requires a lot of money. You have to buy the land. You have to pay for the original breeding stock and later you’ll have to pay large stud fees. There’s no way you could ever do it.’ Then the teacher added, ‘If you will rewrite this paper with a more realistic goal, I will reconsider your grade.’

“The boy went home and thought about it long and hard. He asked his father what he should do. His father said, ‘Look, son, you have to make up your own mind on this. However, I think it is a very important decision for you.’ Finally, after a week, the boy turned in the same paper, making no changes at all. He stated, ‘You can keep the F and I’ll keep my dream.’

Monty then turned to the group present and said, “I tell you this story because you are sitting in my 4,000-square-foot house in the middle of my 200-acre horse ranch. I still have that school paper framed over the fireplace.” He added, “The best part of the story is that two years ago that same schoolteacher brought 30 kids to camp out on my ranch for a week. When the teacher was leaving, he said, ‘Look, Monty, I can tell you this now. When I was your teacher, I was something of a dream stealer. During those years I stole a lot of kids’ dreams. Fortunately you had enough courage not to give up yours.’

“Don’t let anyone steal your dreams. Follow your heart, no matter what,” Monty at last concluded.

【1】 The teacher asked the boy to rewrite the paper because __________.

A. the boy was too poor to achieve his dream

B. the teacher doubted his chance of success

C. the boy was not good enough to achieve his goal

D. the teacher looked down on the boy absolutely

【2】 Which of the following could best express the teacher’s feelings when she said the words before leaving the ranch two years ago?

A. Regretful and proud. B. Regretful and guilty.

C. Honest and sorry. D. Embarrassed and proud.

【3】【改编】Monty told the story to say that __________.

A. If you dont agree with the teacher, you should talk with him\her.

B. If your dream is beyond reach, give it up and be realistic.

C. Your dream will come true as long as you stick to it however hard it is.

D. The teacher made little difference to his students.

【4】What would be the best title of the passage?

A. Set a practical goal B. Try to be realistic

C. Prove yourself through success D. Keep your dream

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