
15.The girl received no approval of her family as her marriage with an African boy was considered as a
       from tradition.(  )

分析 这个女孩没有得到家人的认可因为她与非洲人的婚姻被认为是背离传统的.

解答 答案:A
考查名词的词义辨析.departure背离;disturbance打扰,干扰;decline 减少,衰退;discrimination区别对待;歧视.根据句意,A项正确.

点评 考查名词的词义辨析,弄清楚各个名词的词义,准确地翻译句子及备选答案,然后选择最符合题意的选项.

Opening week specials at Munchies Food Hall
At the corner of Green and Brown Streets in the city
       Monday,7th of January until Sunday 13rd of January 200
Feast until you're full!Come down to Monetizes this week to enjoy the special dishes on offer at all of our food outlets.Order from the following:
●Succulent chicken rice●Spicy satay beef
●Delicious noodle dishes●Plump pork chops
●Seafood specialties●Crunchy vegetables
●Sweet tropical fruit
Halal food is available at the stall Malay Mood Heaven
 10% discount on all orders above $20.00
Win Prizes and Gifts!
•Spend $20.00 or more and win instant prizes from our lucky draw box.
•Collect a free party balloon and whistle for each young diner.
•Enjoy a free meal if you are the first customer of the day at any of our stalls.
•Win a holiday to Western Australia.A free raffle ticket is given with every receipt.Just fill in your information and place your entry in the box provided.
Winner to be announced in The strait Times on the 15th of January.Join in the Fun!
Between 7:00 pm and 8:00 pm each evening until the 15th of January,your favorite Channel 3 television actors and singers will entertain you:
●May Lee●Jackie Chen
●Kim Yap●Kamal
Autograph sessions will follow each performance!And who will be our extra special mystery star?
Come down on Saturday at noon to find out.
1.Munchies Food Hall does NOT sellA
A.lamb            B.beef              C.pork  D.chicken
2.The prices at Munchies areD
A.lower than usual
B.bargain prices for the opening
C.lower for two people
D.lower if you spend $21.00
3.I will find out who has won the trip to Western Australia when IB
A.come down to Munchies at noon
B.read The Straits Times on the 15th of January
C.watch Channel 3 television
D.attend the lucky draw at Munchies Food Hall.
6.The 2017 Oscars took place at the Dolby Theatre in Los Angeles with Jimmy Kimmel hosting the program on ABC."La La Land"ended up with six Oscars including director and lead actress (Emma Stone).Casey Affleck took home the lead actor award for"Manchester by the Sea,"while"Moonlight's"Mahershala Ali took home the cup for supporting actor.Viola Davis won the supporting actress Oscar for her work in"Fences."
The 89th Academy Awards have come to an end,where"Moonlight"was awarded the best picture Oscar after it was erroneously awarded to"La La Land"in a moment of onstage confusion.
Iran's"The Salesman"won the foreign-language film Oscar.The film's director,Asghar Farhadi,didn't attend the ceremony to show his dissatisfaction with President Trump's order banning travelers from seven Muslim countries from entering the U.S.
Here's part of the list of nominees(提名人):
Actor in a leading role
•Casey Affleck,"Manchester by the Sea"
•Ryan Gosling,"La La Land"
•Denzel Washington,"Fences"
Actor in a supporting role
•Mahershala Ali,"Moonlight"
•Lucas Hedges,"Manchester by the Sea"
Actress in a leading role:
•Emma Stone,"La La Land"
•Natalie Portman,"Jackie"

5.Who won the best lead actress award?D
A.Viola Davis.
B.Casey Affleck.
C.Natalie Portman.
D.Emma Stone.
6.What does the underlined word"erroneously"mean in Paragraph 2?A
7.Why did the director,Asghar Farhadi,refuse to attend the 2017Oscars?D
A.He was not free for it.
B.He failed to win an award.
C.He disliked the important ceremony.
D.He disagreed to Trump's travel ban.
3.I grew up in a small town.My father(41)Dchickens and ran a construction company.I was(42)C10 years old when my dad gave me the(43)Dof feeding the chickens and(44)Cup the stable(笼子).He believed it was
(45)Bfor me to have those jobs to(46)Aresponsibility.Then,when I was 22,I found a job in Natchbill at a country music club(47)Cthe Natchbill Palace,I washed(48)Dand cooked from 4:00pm to 9:00pm and then (49)Cto sing until 2:00 in the morning.It wasn't long before I became known(50)Da singing cook.
I had been rejected so many times by record(51)Athat it was hard not to be discouraged.One night,a(52)Bexecutive(主管) from a company named Warner Brothers Records came to hear me sing.When the show was(53)A,we sat down and talked and after she left,I said to(54)Bit was one more rejection.A few weeks later,my manager received a phone call-Waner Brothers(55)Cto sign me to a record deal.(56)Dafter,I release(发行) my first record in June 1986.It(57)Cover 2million copies.
My best efforts had gone into every job I've ever held.It was the(58)Dof responsibility that made me feel like a man.Knowing that I had done my(59)Afilled me with pride.I still feel that way today,even though I have become a well-known(60)B.

49.A.jumped upB.flew overC.went onD.observed at
51.A.companiesB shopsC.factoriesD.clubs
10.Becoming ateacher isoneof the bestwaysto make a differencein the lifeof achild and even olderstudents.Here are somegreatscholarshipsand grant(奖学金,助学金)opportunities to getthe ball rolling on your dreamsofbecoming a teacher.
Straightforward Teacher Program
This is one ofthe mostpopular and unique scholarships available for students working towardsbecoming teachers.The foundation offerstheirscholarships every three months asopposedto(而非)each year.During each payment,four studentsreceive a$500scholarship.
Prezell Robinson Scholarship Program
Whilethis scholarshipis availableonly to studentsin the state of NorthCarolina,it is so incredibly helpful thatmanystudentschoose to studyin the state for the
only purpose ofreceiving it.Itis offered to college studentswho come fromlow-income high schoolsor familiesthatare interested in pursuing along term career in education atanylevel.
New York State Scholarship Program
Officials in the state of New York founded this programto award studentswho wantto give back to theircommunity through theirabilityto teach.The catch for this scholarship isthatthe studentsmustbe pursuing ateaching careerin mathematics or science atthe secondary level.
Also,because the programwasdesigned to improve the education system in New York,the candidatesmustsign aservice contractagreeing to work full timewithin the state for atleastfive yearsafter graduation.
Coca-Cola Scholarships
You may have many opportunities for grants and scholarships through The Coca
Cola Foundation.There is the Coca Cola Teaching Foundation that will provide free money for students pursuing an education in the teaching field.This is the most obvious for teachers,but do not be afraid to check out their other offers.
Funds  For  Teachers
Not all scholarships or grants are for students entering or already in college.The Funds for Teachers scholarships are for graduates who are already working in the field,but want to improve their possibilities,skills and education in an effort to increase their ability to teach the students that cross their path more effectively.Teachers in PreK through 12th grade are applicable (适用的) no matter where they teach or what subject they specialize in.
56.How many students get their scholarships each year according to the Straightforward Teacher Program?B
A.Four B.Sixteen C.Eight D.Six
57.The reason why many students choose to study in the state of North Carolina is thatC.
A.They can pursue a long term career in education
B.There are some good universities in North Carolina
C.They can receive Prezell Robinson Scholarship
D.They can go to college easily
58.Which scholarship goes to the student who must be a science or math teacher after graduation?B
A.Coca-Cola Scholarships
B.New York State Scholarship
C.Prezell Robinson Scholarship
D.Straightforward Scholarship
59.Who will get the Funds For Teachers scholarship?D
A.All the students
B.The students who are working as teachers
C.All the science teachers
D.The college graduates teaching in PreK
60.What is the best title of the passage?B
A.Dreams of Becoming a Teacher
B.Teaching Scholarships and Grants
C.Five Scholarships for Teachers
D.Five Scholarships for Students.
20.1Hong Kong hosts exciting events ranging from colorful festivals to world class arts and sports events.When planning your next visit,be sure to include these events in your plans.
Affordable Art Fair
Date/Venue 24-27 June 2017 at Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Center
Time Please refer to event website
Admission Various prices
Ticketing Available at www. and at the venue
Enquiry     www.aff 
Description Featuring over 100 galleries showing more than 1,000 artists from all over the world,the fair will encourage participation through interactive activities.
Jazz Concert-HKCO-Howard McCrary
Date/Venue 21-22 June 2017 at Auditorium,Kwai Tsing Theatre
Time     8 pm
Ticketing URBTIX Tel:+852 27349009 or at www.u 
Enquiry+852 31851600 or www.
Description Howard McCrary,jazz songwriter and musician,joining the Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra (HKCO) to perform their favorite jazz music,combining the west and the east.
Writer's Block
Date/Venue 28-30 June and 2-6 July 2017 at Studio Theater,Hong Kong Cultural Center
Time 2:30 pm 28-30 June;7:30 pm 2-6 July
Ticketing URBTIX Tel:+852 27349009 or at www. 
Enquiry+852 81068338 or www.
Description Writer's Block is an evening of two one-act absurdist plays performed by the comedian Woody Allen.Not to be missed by Woody Allen fans.
Hong Kong Sevens 2017
Date/Venue    29-30 July 2017 at Hong Kong Stadium
Time               7 am-7 pm,29 July;8 am-7:30 pm 30 July
Admission     Please refer to event website
Ticketing       Please refer to www.h 
Enquiry+852 25048311 or www. 
Description     Since its kick-off in 1976,the Hong Kong Rugby Sevens has grown into one of the biggest rugby events internationally.

21.When can you enjoy art works from other countries?B
A.21-22 June 2017.B.24-27 June 2017.C.2-6 July 2017.D.29-30 July 2017.
22.How much should you pay at least to attend both the jazz concert and Writer's Block?A
23.In which event can audience see Woody Allen in person?A
A.Writer's Block.
B.Affordable Art Fair.
C.Hong Kong Sevens 2017.
D.Jazz Concert-HKCO-Howard McCrary.
24.Where can sport lovers order tickets for sports events?B
A.At www.
B.At www.
C.At Hong Kong Stadium.
D.At Auditorium,Kwai Tsing Theatre.
4.Kids and food:advice for parentsIt is important for parents to know how to help their kids eat healthy.Here are a few easy ways:
Parents control the supply lines.
(36)F.Though kids may keep asking for less nutritious foods,parents should decide which foods are regularly provided in the house.Kids won't go hungry.They'll eat what's available in the fridge at home.
Say goodbye to the"clean-plate club".
(37)E.Lots of parents grew up under the clean-plate rule,but that way doesn't help kids listen to their own bodies when they are full.When kids feel full,they're less likely to overeat.
Food peferences are developed early in life,so try to offer different kinds of food.Likes and dislikes begin forming even when kids are babies.Parents may need to serve a new food on several different occasions(时机) for a child to accept it.
Food is not love.
Find better ways to say"I love you."When foods are used to reward kids and show love,they may start to turn to food when feeling worried or unhappy.(39)D
Kids do as you do
(40)C.When trying to teach good eating habits,try to set the best example.Choose nutritious food,eat at the table,and don't forget breakfasts.

A.Start them young.
B.Rewrite the kids'menu.
C.Be a role model and eat healthy yourself.
D.Offer praise and attention instead of food treats.
E.Let kids stop eating when they feel they've had enough.
F.You decide which foods to buy and when to serve them.
G.Let kids choose what to eat and how much of it they want.

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