


I love a good murder mystery. It is so _______ to watch or read an exciting and interesting detective story and try to solve the _______ yourself. Agatha Christie is undoubtedly queen of the detective story considering she _______ over eighty books. Many people have fallen in love with her _______ -----Hercule Poirot, a famous Belgian detective and Miss Marple, an old lady who is also an amateur _______ .

As I am a big _______ of Agatha Christie, I was excited to _______ her house in Devon called Greenway. I travelled to her _______ by steam train. We went through a dark tunnel and there was lots of smoke. It was a _______ setting for a murder like in her famous novel Murder on the Orient Express. _______ , all the passengers arrived safely!

After a pleasant walk through the woods, I _______ the splendid house. I did a tour and I loved seeing where she wrote her _______ . Many first editions were on display in a revolving(旋转的)bookcase. However, my _______ part of the estate(房产) was the boathouse. There was a lovely view of the river _______ the boathouse also served a more special purpose---inspiration for a crime _______ . In the Poirot novel, Dead Man’s Folly, a girl’s body is _______ in the boathouse. They even _______ the TV adaptation of the book at Greenway.

I really_______ my visit to Greenway. It was such a _______ place and I was interested in seeing where Agatha Christie was_______ write so many exciting stories.

1.A. attention B. heat C. success D. fun

2.A. doubt B. problem C. murder D. method

3.A. read B. wrote C. saw D. contributed

4.A. creations B. inventions C. discussions D. reasons

5.A. guard B. detective C. creator D. spy

6.A. guide B. fellow C. fan D. gift

7.A. watch B. rebuild C. explode D. visit

8.A. house B. family C. hometown D. site

9.A. perfect B. central C. colorful D. direct

10.A. Sadly B. Fortunately C. Hopefully D. Surprisingly

11.A. fetched B. got C. reached D. mentioned

12.A. posts B. novels C. letters D. books

13.A. personal B. useful C. rewarding D. favourite

14.A. or B. and C. but D. for

15.A. scenery B. sight C. view D. scene

16.A. dissolved B. tended C. found D. buried

17.A. developed B. filmed C. adapted D. affected

18.A. enjoyed B. treasured C. exploited D. focused

19.A. shocking B. beautiful C. skillful D. helpful

20.A. inspired B. disappointed C. marked D. Honored


Yesterday I started the Year of Giving, my first day of a year-long journey into exploring the act of giving and the meaning of charity. I chose December 15 as the starting date, which marked three years since my mother died from heart disease. She was one of the most generous people that I have ever known. She always thought of others first and certainly serves as an inspiration to me.

I had a rather busy day yesterday, ironic(具有讽刺意义的) for someone who is unemployed right now. In the morning I went to the gym, and unsuccessfully got the phone call from the unemployment office for some job searching. Before I knew it, it was noon. I grabbed a quick lunch and rushed down to a meeting. On my way to Connecticut, I wondered if I would see someone that I would feel forced to give my first $10 to. I was running late and decided to do it afterwards.

After the meeting I had about half an hour to find the first person of my Year of Giving! I decided to check out Dupont Circle. I had met a guy there named Jerry once and thought he would willingly accept my first $10. He wasn’t there, but I did see a man sitting by himself who looked really lonely, so I approached him. Now I had to figure out what I was going to say. I think I said something like, “Hi, can I sit down here?” “I would like to know if I could give you $10?” He asked me to repeat what I had said. I did, then he looked at me funny, got up and left.

I then started walking south where I spotted a man standing by the bus stop on Connecticut Ave. He appeared to be in his 60s. I don’t know what drew me to him, but I thought I would make my second attempt. I was a bit nervous and asked him which bus came by that stop. Then I explained that I was starting a year-long project to give $10 to someone every day and that I wanted to give my $10 for today to him. The gentleman, I later found out that his name was Ed, responded without hesitation that he could not accept my offer and that there were many people more deserving the money than him. This was exactly one of the things that I hoped would happen. People would think of others before themselves!

1. The author set the starting date on December 15 to .

A. help the charity

B. remember his mother

C. make an exploration

D. fulfill a wish of his mum

2. In the author’s first attempt to give away the money, .

A. he was considered ridiculous

B. he hesitated for a long time

C. he was forced to donate the money

D. he had no time to take action

3.In the author’s second attempt, the gentleman refused his offer because .

A. he didn’t need others’ help

B. he thought more for others

C. he didn’t care about money

D. he wanted to get more money

4.We can infer that the author was inspired by .

A. true friendship B. his own kindness

C. generous donations D.human’s good nature

Hey there,

So you’re about to spend four years of your life and tens of thousands of dollars of your parents’ money,and all you really know about college is that all of your friends are going.Do you ever stop to wonder why you’re going?

Relax.You’re making the right decision.First of all,you’ll discover what interests you by taking courses in many subjects.For example,it’s hard to decide if you want to be a painter if you’ve never painted any pictures;once you’re in a drawing?room on campus,you’ll know one way or the other.College is also a lot of fun—after you graduate,you’ll be working every weekday for 50 or so years.And remember that college graduates earn about twice the income of those who never attend college.

Finding the right college can be difficult.Fortunately,Johnson Review is here to help you every step of the way.

*Researching Schools.To us,the most important decision you’ll make is to choose the school that really fits you best—not the one that is the most competitive or has the best?equipped rooms.

*Applying to School.On JohnsonReview.com,you’ll find hundreds of actual college applications and links to many more.

*Raising Your Scores.American College Test is one of the most difficult parts of the admissions course.It’s not the most important, though,and not everyone needs to prepare for the test.But,if you think you can do better,find the right course for better scores.

*Paying for School.Most families need financial aid for the high cost of college.The problem is that financial aid seems difficult to get and many families get caught up in the price of college rather than learning the ways to get financial aid.If you really do your research,you’ll learn that you can afford to attend any college,no matter the cost.

For more information,call 600?3681 or visit JohnsonReview.com.Wherever you go,have a nice trip!

Johnson Smith

Founder and CEO

Johnson Review

1.The author thinks you should choose the college that is ________.

A.well?equipped B.competitive

C.suitable D.famous

2.What does the author advise you to do to pay the high cost of college?

A.To ask the family for help.

B.To make a study of financial courses.

C.To do research on the price of college.

D.To get to know how to ask for financial aid.

3.What’s the author’s purpose of writing this text?

A.To suggest ways to prepare for college learning.

B.To help readers find the right college.

C.To make Johnson Review popular.

D.To introduce college life.

4.Where may the text be taken from?

A.A journalist book. B.A travel book.

C.A grammar book. D.An advice book.

Tight-lipped elders used to say , “ It’s not what you want in this world , but what you get . ”

Psychology teaches that you do get what you want if you know what you want and want the right things.

You can make a mental blueprint of a desire as you would make a blueprint of a house, and each of us is continually making these blueprints in the general routine of everyday living.If we intend to have friends to dinner, we plan the menu, make a shopping list, decide which food to cook first, and such planning is essential for any type of meal to be served.

Likewise, if you want to find a job, take a sheet of paper, and write a brief account of yourself.In making a blueprint for a job, begin with yourself, for when you know exactly what you have to offer, you can intelligently plan where to sell your services.

This account of yourself is actually a sketch of your working life and should include education, experience and references.Such an account is valuable.It can be referred to in filling out standard application blanks and is extremely helpful in personal interviews.While talking to you, your could-be employer is deciding whether your education, your experience, and other qualifications will pay him to employ you and your “ wares ” and abilities must be displayed in an orderly and reasonably connected manner.

When you have carefully prepared a blueprint of your abilities and desires, you have something tangible to sell.Then you are ready to hunt for a job.Get all the possible information about your could-be job.Make inquiries as to the details concerning the job and the firm.Keep your eyes and ears open, and use your own judgment.Spend a certain amount of time each day seeking the employment you wish for, and keep in mind: Securing a job is your job now.

1.What do the elders mean when they say, “It’s not what you want in this world, but what you get?”

A.You’ll certainly get what you want.

B.It’s no use dreaming.

C.You should be dissatisfied with what you have.

D.It’s essential to set a goal for yourself.

2.A blueprint made before inviting a friend to dinner is used in this passage as ________.

A.an illustration of how to write an application for a job

B.an indication of how to secure a good job

C.a guideline for job description

D.a principle for job evaluation

3.According to the passage, one must write an account of himself before starting to find a job because ________.

A.that is the first step to please the employer

B.that is the requirement of the employer

C.it enables him to know when to sell his services

D.it forces him to become clearly aware of himself

4.When you have carefully prepared a blueprint of your abilities and desires, you have something ________.

A.specific to offer B.imaginary to provide

C.practical to supply D.desirable to present



One man was to meet his wife downtown and spend some time shopping with her. He waited

_____ for 15 minutes. Then he waited impatiently for 15 minutes more. After that, he became _____ . When he saw a photograph booth (照相亭) nearby, he had _____ . He wore the most unhappy expression he could manage, which was not _____ in the situation. In a few moments, he was holding four small prints that _____ even him.

He wrote his wife’s name on the back of the photos and handed them to a _____ behind the desk in the booth. “ _____ you see a small, dark lady with brown eyes and an apologetic expression, obviously _____ someone, would you please give her this?” he said. He then _____ _his office in Morrison Building, _____ that if a picture is worth a thousand words, then the four photos must be a good _____ ! He sat down with a smile.

Of course his wife received those pictures and she even _____ them. She carries them in her purse now and shows them to anyone who asks if she is married, “See? This is my husband!”

How are you with _____ ? One person calls it “wait training.” It seems that there is always something we are _____ . We wait on traffic and we wait in lines. We wait to hear about a new job. We wait to complete school. We wait for someone to change his or her mind.

Patience is an important _____ of a happy and rewarding life. _____ some things are worth waiting for. _____ presents many good chances for wait training.

We can hate waiting, _____ it or even get good at it! But one thing is _____ —we cannot avoid it. How is your _____ coming along?

1.A. proudly B. respectfully C. patiently D. curiously

2.A. angry B. hungry C. frightened D. thirsty

3.A. a question B. a reason C. an opinion D. an idea

4.A. Serious B. difficult C. Regular D. easy

5.A. hurt B. achieved C. attracted D. shocked

6.A. Clerk B. secretary C. passer-by D. friend

7.A. Since B. Before C. Unless D. If

8.A. looking for B. working for C. sending for D. paying for

9.A. called up B. returned to C. Visited D. left

10.A. worried B. disappointed C. Satisfied D. surprised

11.A. action B. preparation C. Excuse D. lecture

12.A. Tore B. saved C. Developed D. destroyed

13.A. your wife B. determination C. patience D. your family

14.A. hoping for B. waiting for C. ready for D. fit for

15.A. humor B. comment C. purpose D. quality

16.A. For example B. After all C. Right now D. So far

17.A. Every wife B. Every shop C. Every day D. Every office

18.A. accept B. control C. Change D. improve

19.A. certain B. interesting C. Valuable D. easy

20.A. photo taking B. job hunting C. decision making D. wait training

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