
Exerpeutic 15-0125 InStride Folding Cycle

by Exerpeutic

3.8 out of 5 stars 625 customer reviews

List Price: $70.00

Price: $29.22 & FREE DELIVERY on orders over $35.

Portable folding exercise bike that sits on a tabletop or on the floor

Battery-operated electronic monitor times your workout

Convenient tension control offers several resistance levels

Sturdy nonslip rubber feet; sturdy foot straps for stability

DeskCycle Desk Exercise Bike Pedal Exerciser (White)

by DeskCycle

4.7 out of 5 stars 786 customer reviews

List Price: $199.00

Price: $159.00 & FREE DELIVERY.

Lowest pedal height available; Only 10 Inches; Can work with desks as low as 27 Inches

More than twice the resistance range of the other pedal exercisers; 8 calibrated resistance settings; from very easy to more than you need

Magnetic resistance provides smooth, quiet pedal motion; let you focus on your work and your co-workers focus on theirs

5 function display shows speed, time, distance calories and scan

Stamina 15-0120 InStride Cycle XL

by Stamina

3.6 out of 5 stars 747 customer reviews

List Price: $60.00

Price: $31.63 & FREE DELIVERY on orders over $35.

Seatless-exercise cycle with electric progress monitor

Sturdy rubber straps hold feet or hands for full-body workout

Adjustable tension knob lets you vary workout intensity

Improves cardiovascular health and muscle strength

MagneTrainer-ER Mini Exercise Bike Arm and Leg Exerciser

by MagneTrainer

4.5 out of 5 stars 477 customer reviews

List Price: $189.00

Price: $159.00 & FREE DELIVERY.

Compact, lightweight commercial grade arm and leg exerciser

Patented magnetic resistance; More than twice the resistance range of the other magnetic pedal exercisers

Adjustable Velcro straps on pedals to accommodate all foot sizes; pedals work with both feet and hands

Electronic monitor displays Speed, Distance, Time and Calories. Runs on single AA Battery (included)

1.Which product offers you the biggest discount?

A. Stamina 15-0120 InStride Cycle XL

B. Exerpeutic 15-0125 InStride Folding Cycle

C. DeskCycle Desk Exercise Bike Pedal Exerciser

D. MagneTrainer-ER Mini Exercise Bike Arm and Leg Exerciser

2.If you want to exercise without disturbing others at work, you can choose the item from ______.

A. Stamina B. Exerpeutic

C. MagneTrainer D. DeskCycle

58. According to the passage, we can infer that ______.

A. you don’t have to pay for the delivery of the items advertised

B. the producers may be trying to reduce the range of resistance

C. the limit of choice in color may affect the popularity of the product

D. the monitoring system is something these products have in common



To be more grateful in life means that you are also allowing yourself to be happier, more contented and more satisfied with everything that has been going on around you. But with all the stress, all the disappointments and all the anxiety around you, I bet you ask yourself this question all the time: ‘How exactly can I be more grateful with my life?" 1. .

1. Learn to live in the moment.

Life is a wonderful adventure full of enriching experiences and endless possibilities. Don't just go through the motions of repetitive activities and boring tasks. No! Being a mindless zombie can make you more likely to take things for granted. 2. , make an effort to enjoy the experience. You're supposed to attend a conference? Absorb it. Babysit your niece? Enjoy the moment. Eat a 15-minute lunch? Taste each bite.

2. 3. .

Being aware of your goal to be more grateful can help you look for things to be really more grateful for. Gratitude is a conscious decision. You have to practice it consistently.

3. Control your thoughts.

Of course you have the power to control what you' re thinking of! Consider this exercise, for example if you find yourself thinking more and more self-entided, stop. 4. .You are given[consciousness. Make use of it wisely.

4. Always resist the temptation of comparing yourself with other people.

As humans, we have the natural tendency to compare ourselves with others with the hope of attaining satisfaction. Actually, this kind of activity does not help you feel to be more grateful in life. 5.!You will always be meeting someone richer, which makes you feel inferior to others! Don't do it, please.

Every little thing counts. You have the ability to make yourself feel to be more grateful in your life.

A.It does the opposite

B. Express gratitude all the time

C. Appreciate what you have right now

D. And if you find yourself repeating negative junk, stop

E. Instead of doing something just for the sake of doing it

F. Well, the following are some tips to help you with this particular concern

G. Words that stress you and make you feel worthless should definitely be removed



Wishing Away

Have you ever noticed how people always want to be something they’re not?

Tall want to be short, young long to age, single dream of marriage, and no matter what body shape, everyone wants to lose at least another five pounds.

It’s almost like a natural preoccupation (天性), this wishing away of our lives.

Think about it. When was the last time you heard someone say, “I am totally satisfied with myself and my life. I couldn’t ask for anything more.”

It just doesn’t happen. So, I have this idea to create a virtual reality machine that would allow people to actually experience the life of their dreams. For instance, for all the women who live with the unanswered hope that their husband will one day wait at the back door with a dozen roses and a cool bottle of Dom Perignon... the opportunity to live with Prince Charming.

Or, for sports fans, how about the chance to score the winning goal, kick the overtime fieldgoal, drive the victory lap, or hit that “must-win” two pointer at the buzzer? Music fans might choose to jump onstage and perform with their favorite rock band or conduct a full orchestral symphony.

The possibilities are endless.

But I wonder about the down side to such an invention. Would experiencing the dreams of a lifetime really make us better people? I'm not sure of that answer, or of the true possibility of such an invention.

But what I am sure of is that perfection is often over-evaluated.




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An ancient philosopher felt: be content with what you have; be pleased about the way things are. When you realize that, the whole world belongs to you.

When we can be grateful for what we have, and take our focus off what we think we are short of, it's amazing how our feelings will shift to a place of peace and happiness. The reason for "an attitude of thankfulness" isn't necessarily so that God can hear our appreciation, but perhaps so that we can live happily and peacefully, with a feeling of "all is well".

Have you ever experienced this-the feeling that "what is" is great, and there is no need to wish for things to be different? It's a wonderful feeling and a great way to go through life.

Here's an example: We have strong winds in the desert at times, and the other day the high winds broke three arms on the beautiful mimosa tree in my back yard. The tree's arms are twisted and the leaves and flowers are dying. It looks hurt and brown.

Well, that's certainly one way to choose to look at it, And if I choose that way, then I can allow myself to get upset that the tree has been hurt, that there will be less shade in the yard, that I have to cut up and pull away the branches, etc. OR I can choose to see that "all is well" –that nature does what it does, that trees will lose branches, that the yard is not a static thing, but it is alive. In other words, I can choose to be okay with "what is".

Either way, the tree situation hasn't changed-I've simply changed how I choose to interpret it. My interpretation then affects my emotions, my state of peacefulness, my happiness with things, etc.

When I choose to be content with "what is", to be pleased about the way things are, and to see that nothing is missing, that everything is just fine, then I choose to be at peace. Suddenly, the whole world looks beautiful. Instead of seeing problems, I see reality. I see "what is" and I am okay with it.

Try seeing everything and accepting everything just the way it is. And watch the world open up to you.

1.What's the best title for the article?

A. We Value Life B. We Love Nature

C. We Better Ourselves D. We Lack Nothing

2.The underlined word "static" in Paragraph 5 means

A. unbelieving B. unchanging

C. unseeing D. unknowing

3.What best characterizes the writer's attitude toward life?

A. I choose to forget everything that makes me upset.

B. I choose to look at the glass as half-empty.

C. I choose to be grateful for my blessings.

D. I choose to focus on what satisfies me.

Many people who work in London prefer to live outside it, and to go to their offices or schools every day by train, car or bus, even though this means they have to get up early in the morning and reach home late in the evening.

One advantage of living outside London is that houses are cheaper. Even a small flat in London without a garden costs quite a lot to rent. With the same money, one can get a little house in the country with a garden of one’s own.

Then, in the country one can rest from the noise and hurry of the town. Even though one has to get up earlier and spend more time in trains and buses, one can sleep better at night and during weekends, and on summer evenings, one can enjoy the fresh, clean air of the country. If one likes gardens, one can spend one’s free time digging, planting, watering, and doing the other jobs which are needed in a garden. Then, when the flowers and vegetables come up, one has the reward of one who has shared the secret of nature.

Some people, however, take no interest in country things: for them, happiness lies in the town, with its cinemas and theatres, beautiful shops and busy streets, and dance halls and restaurants. Such people would feel that their life was not worth living if they had to live it outside London. An occasional walk in one of the parks and a two-week-visit to the sea every summer is all the country they want: the rest they are quite prepared to leave to those who are glad to get away from London every night.

1.Which of the following statements is NOT true?

A. People who like country things prefer to live outside the city.

B. People who work in London prefer to live in the country.

C. Because of certain disadvantages of living outside London, some people who work in London prefer to live inside London.

D. Because of certain advantages of living outside London, many people who work in London prefer to live outside London.

2.When the flowers and vegetables in the garden come up, those ______ have the reward of one who has shared the secret of nature.

A. who live in the country.

B. who have spent time working in the garden.

C. who have a garden of their own.

D. who have been digging, planting, and watering.

3.People who think happiness lies in the town would feel that _______________ if they had to live outside London.

A. their life was meaningless

B. their life was invaluable.

C. they don’t deserve a happy life.

D. they were not worthy of their happy life

4.The underlined word “rest” in the last paragraph refer to “_____________”.

A. the rest questions

B. the rest people

C. the rest of the country

D. the rest of the parks and of the sea

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