
5.Dubai:An Indian man killed himself in Dubai by throwing himself under a train after his employer refused him the right to return home,newspapers in the Gulf emirate reported on Thursday.A driverless Dubai Metro (地铁) train struck the man on a track on Monday,the Gulf News daily said."His body was left beyond recognition and police took two days to identify him,"it reported.
"The 36-year-old had used an emergency fire exit to access the track,"the paper quoted Dubai police chief General Khamis al-Mazeina as saying,adding he was thought to have been under the influence of alcohol.A friend of the victim who had been in Dubai since 2010 told police the man was depressed and unhappy because he wanted to go back home but the sponsor (保荐人),for no clear reasons,was not letting him go.
 The Indian man?s work visa had been cancelled after he charged his employer.Under the sponsorship system (保荐制度) for foreign workers in the United Arab Emirates,employers take possession of their passports.
"We are looking for the reason why the company delayed sending the man back home,"Mazeina said.
The suicide is the first of its kind reported since the Dubai Metro began operations in September 2009.Platforms in metro stations are protected by glass doors that slide open only when a train is there.
 The UAE and other Gulf countries have come under repeated criticism from human rights groups over their treatment of millions of foreign workers,mostly South Asians.The watchdogs have particularly criticized the sponsorship system,still in force in most Gulf states,by which workers must be sponsored by their employer.
56.What's the best title of the article?A
A.Indian denied returning home jumps under Dubai train
B.The sponsorship system should be cancelled
C.Measures taken to avoid train accidents
D.Death caused by depression
57.Why was the man killed himself?D
A.Because he lost his passport.
B.Because he had a spiritual disease.
C.Because he had no home to go back.
D.Because he was refused to go back home.
58.What's the root cause of the man's death?C
A.The driver of the train.
B.The poor traffic system.
C.The sponsorship system.
D.The poor working condition.
59.Who kept the passport of the man?B
A.The man himself.
B.The man's employer.
C.The policeman.
D.The man's friend.

分析 该报道主要简述了一位受雇于迪拜的印度工人因回家被拒而卧轨身亡的事.

解答 56.A 主旨大意题.该报道主要简述了一位受雇于迪拜的印度工人因回家被拒而卧轨身亡的事.故选A.
57.D 细节理解题.根据第二段最后一句"…he wanted to go back home but the sponsor(保荐人),for no clear reasons,was not letting him go."可知,自杀的原因是回家被拒.故选D.
58.C 根据第三段第二句"Under the sponsorship system(保荐制度) for foreign workers in the United Arab Emirates,employers take possession of their passports."可知,阿联酋的保荐制度使得外国工人能否离开该国由雇主决定,这一制度是工人死因的根源.故选C.
59.B 第三段讲到,在阿联酋的保荐制度下,雇主持有外国工人的护照.故选B.

点评 本文是一篇广告类类阅读,在做题时,应充分理解文意,在理解的基础上对答案进行分析,遇到某些细节问题时要注意联系上下文,切忌胡乱猜测答案.

13.There is a unique charm of having female friends.They can make you feel at the top of the world.(71)B  They can be very angry for hours,but the love they show to a friend overshadows all these small matters.With a woman,friendship can be really rewarding if you are true to each other.A woman can give you love and at the same time make you feel guilty if you break her trust.(72)F 
With a woman,you can share everything under the sun.Each and every conversation,no matter how silly it is,will be interesting.(73)CThey can comfort you when you get hurt and have pure fun when it comes to spending quality time.Sometimes,even their only presence can cheer you up in a boring day.
(74)GIf you feel too bored and need to share your feelings with someone,you'd better choose a female friend and tell her everything.You will be surprised to find how gentle your friend can be.Not only will she listen to you patiently but also offer practical advice.
(75)EMen don't pay enough attention to each other's emotions.But women know what words to use to make a person feel well.If you find a true female friend,consider yourself lucky and happy.

A.Man and woman have much in common.
B.On the other hand,they are easy to change their moods.
C.Women friends always share their happiness and sorrow.
D.According to a survey,it is not easy for one to make female friends.
E.Female friendship is different from male friendship in many aspects.
F.The friendship with women is very strong and it cannot be broken easily.
G.Medical research shows that having female friends can actually help you beat stress.
20.For a long time Gabriel didn't want to be involved in music at all.In his first years of high school,Gabriel would look pityingly at music students,(36)D  across the campus with their heavy instrument cases.(37)D   at school for practice hours (38)Aanyone else had to be there.He swore to himself to (39)Cmusic,as he hated getting to school extra early.
 (40)B,one day,in the music class that was (41)Aof his school's standard curriculurn,he was playing idly (随意地)on the piano and found it(42)Dto pick out tunes.With a sinking feeling,he realized that he actually (43)Cdoing it.Hetried ti hide his(44)B  pleasure from the music teather,who had(45)D  over to listen.Hemight not have this particularly well,(46)A   the teacher told Gabriel that he had a good(47)Aand suggested that Gabriel go into the musin store-room ti see if any of the instruments there (48)Chim.There he decided to give the cello(大提琴)a(49)B.When he began practicing,he took it very(50)C.But he
quickly found that he loved playing this instrurnent,and was(51)A  to practicing it so that within a couple of months he was playing reasonably well.
This(52)D,of course,that he arrived at school early in the morning,(53)Bhis heavy instrument case across the campus to the(54)Blooks of the non-musicians he had left(55)C.
37.A.rising upB.coming upC.driving upD.turning up
48.A.occurredB.took toC.appealedD.held to
10.In 2012,the Tower of London welcomed two new inhabitants:a pair of ravens(乌鸦) named Jubilee and Grip.Their arrival celebrated the bicentenary(二百周年) of Charles Dickens's birth.This Grip was the third of the Tower ravens to be named after the novelist's own pet bird.One of his predecessors(前辈) was resident during World War Two; he and his mate Mabel were the only ravens to survive a bombing attack on the Tower.
Dickens's Grip,who had an impressive vocabulary,appears as a character in the author's fifth novel,Barnaby Rudge.On 28 January 1841,Dickens wrote to his friend George Cattermole:"my notion is to have Barnaby always in company with a pet raven,who is immeasurably more knowing than himself.To this end I have been studying my bird,and think I could make a very distinctive character of him."
Unfortunately,just a few weeks after Dickens wrote that letter,Grip died,probably as a result of having stolen and eaten paint some months earlier.The bird had developed a strange habit-tearing sections off painted surfaces (including the family's carriage) and even drinking a quantity of white paint out of a tin.Dickens mourned his loss and wrote a humorous letter to his friend,the illustrator Daniel Maclise,about the raven's death.
He related how,when Grip began to show signs of sikness,the vet was called and"administered a powerful dose of castor(蓖麻) oil".Initially this seemed to have a positive effect and the author was thrilled to see Grip restored to his usual personality when he bit the coachman (who was used to the raven and took it in good humor).The following morning,Grip was able to eat"some warm porridge",but his recovery was short lived.
As Dickens wrote to Maclise,"On the clock striking twelve he appeared slightly upset,but soon recovered,walking twice or thrice along the coach-house,stopped to bark,exclaimed‘Hello old girl'(his favorite expression) and died.He behaved throughout with a decent manner,which cannot be too much admired…The children seem rather glad of it.He bit their ankles.But that was play."

32.Which of the following is right about Dickens's pet Grip?B
A.he liked painting a lot.
B.he was quite ill before his death.
C.he could speak English fluently.
D.he and Mabel survived a bombing attack.
33.Why did Dickens study his bird Grip?D
A.Because the bird was very strange-looking.
B.Because Dickens liked the bird immeasurably.
C.Because Barnaby needs a companion who was always with him.
D.Because Dickens wanted to base one character of his novel on him.
34.What caused the death of Dickens's Grip?A
A.His strange diet.
B.His old age.
C.The killing of the coachman.
D.His bad habit of biting people.
35.Which of the following can be the best title of the passage?A
A.The writer's bird.
B.A bird in a novel.
C.The death of a bird.
D.Dickens and his bird.

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