
At that time, education _____ white settlers only and few black people had the chance to go to school.

A. intended to B. was intended for

C. had intended to D. had intended for


There are quite a few advantages of wearing school uniforms. The idea may seem disagreeable at first, but considering all the positive effective coming from wearing uniforms you would be more likely to enjoy them.

Teachers love school uniforms because it helps provide an orderly learning environment. Having students dressed in uniforms may teach them how to present themselves in a neat and professional manner. It gives students the opportunity to learn how to dress like young ladies and gentleman. And they can focus their attention on academics rather than style.

Purchasing school uniforms is easy and needs less hesitation and consideration. No matter what the school’s policy is, there are only specific essential pieces to the wardrobe(服装) that are necessary, so it won’t break the bank. A few wardrobe items can last a long time. Parents could also enjoy an easy morning, as it will take less time to choose a set of clothes for the school day.

Students wearing uniforms will feel less pressure about what to wear or not to wear when their classmates are dressed similarly. Getting dressed before school becomes less of a chore when students are limited in their choices, so there shouldn’t be any trouble about choosing an outfit for the day and getting ready quickly. Some students may not like the lack of individuality(个性) with a uniform, but some school dress code policies may offer them the opportunities to show their unique styles.

Uniforms today are also becoming trendier and can be seen in many areas of pop culture. Celebrities and fashion designers are using uniforms as inspiration for new looks which also appeal to students.

1.Teachers think that wearing school uniforms ________________.

A. is just a tradition that students should follow

B. makes students feel less pressure in study

C. helps students put more effort into their studies

D. makes students lose their independence and identity

2.The underlined part “it won’t break the bank” in Paragraph 3 probably means “________”.

A. a school uniform doesn’t cost a lot of money

B. a school uniform should be worn every day

C. parents will have to go to the bank many times

D. parents who work in a bank can afford the uniform

3.We can infer from the text that school uniforms _________.

A. are not popular with fashion designers

B. were not accepted by parents in the past

C. will be designed by students themselves

D. will be more fashionable in the future

4.The author’s attitude towards students’ wearing school uniforms is ___________.

A. negative B. supportive

C. doubtful D. unclear

In American schools there is something called Homecoming Day. Many high schools and colleges with a football team have a homecoming game. This can be the most important event of the year except graduation or commencement(毕业典礼) day. Students plan homecoming day for many weeks in advance(预先).

Several days before Homecoming, students start to decorate(装饰) the school. There are signs to wish luck to the team, and many other signs to welcome all the graduates. Many people still come to Homecoming twenty or thirty years after their graduation.

The members of school clubs build booths(摊位) and sell lemonade, apples and sandwiches. Some clubs help to welcome visitors.

During the day people like to look for teachers that they remember from long ago. Often they see old friends and they talk together about those happy years in school.

Everyone soon comes to watch the football game. When the game is half over, the band comes onto the field and plays school songs. Another important moment is when the Homecoming Queen or King appears. All the students vote a most popular student Homecoming Queen or King. It is a great honor to be chosen.

Homecoming is a happy day, but it is not perfect unless the football team wins the game. Even if the team loses, the students still enjoy Homecoming. Some stay at the school to dance, and others go to a party.

For everyone it is a day worth remembering.

1.The most important event of the year in high schools and colleges is ______.

A. Homecoming B. the football game

C. graduation D. winning the game

2.When do students begin to arrange everything for Homecoming?

A. The day before Homecoming. B. Many weeks before the day.

C. When the guests arrive. D. In the days before Homecoming.

3.Which of the following is NOT done on Homecoming ?

A. To see old friends. B. To call on teachers they remember.

C. To watch the football game. D. To go home to see their family.

4.Who can probably become Homecoming Queen or King ?

A. The student who is liked most by the others.

B. The guest who is most popular with the students.

C. The student who is most liked by the guests.

D. The player who plays best in the football game.

Last month, Justin Valdez, a college student, was shot in a subway station in San Francisco. The surveillance video(监控录像) showed that before Justin was killed, the killer pulled out his gun several times, and even wiped his nose with it. However, nobody noticed the killer. The surrounding passengers all focused on their cell phones.

We may see the same scene everywhere in our life: in subway stations, restaurants, elevators and so on, people are watching their cell phones. From a family reunion to a date with a friend, people couldn’t stop checking their twitter and facebook on the cell phones and ignoring the persons in front completely, Phubbing(低头症) not only involves young people, but also the elderly and kids.

“Phubbing” is a new term which comes from the words“phone” and “snub”(冷落). It describes the habit of snubbing someone in favor of a cell phone. The word “phubbing” was included in the Australian National Dictionary in 2012. Obviously, the indifference (冷漠) and rudeness of the information age are spreading globally.

A Stop Phubbing campaign website has been set up. You can find the slogan of the website as follows: “stop twittering, stop posting photos…enjoy your food, enjoy the music and respect others.”

Phubbing appears harmless. However, it does influence our life. Jimmy, an epicure(美食家), wrote in his blog: “I can no longer focus on what I am eating since I started twittering. My skill of food photography has improved very fast, while my interest in food drops as a result.” Let us put down our cell phones and re-enjoy the real taste of our food and the warmth of interpersonal communication.

1.The case of Justin Valdez is given in the first paragraph to show       .

A. gun violence happens easily in the US

B. phubbing may lead to terrible disasters

C. the killer didn’t mean to kill him

D. the killer had made a careful plan

2.What will probably happen when you ask a phubbing person for help?

A. He will give you an immediate reply.

B. He will stop looking at his cell phone.

C. He will pay no attention to you.

D. He will be very angry with you.

3.Jimmy’s words suggest that       .

A. phubbing is actually harmless

B. phubbing stops people enjoying their life

C. phubbing affects people’s eating habits the most

D. phubbing helps people improve their photographic skills

4.What is the text mainly about?

A. The phenomenon of phubbing.

B. The popular campaign of stop phubbing.

C. The meaning of the word “phubbing”.

D. The great harm of phubbing.

How to love your parents

Even if you think that your parents are mean-spirited at times, loving your parents is a normal and fulfilling part of life. You love them for the fact that they created you, raised you, and are in part a source of who you are.1.

2.A gentle “good morning” and “I love you” will warm a coldest heart. Remember that they brought you into this world. Without your parents, we might still wander at an unknown corner in an unknown world. Respect them more and cherish these moments. You can use these moments to learn from them when you're off on your own. It's OK to get angry but angry actions don't help you or your parents. Act calmly, cool off, journal about your feelings, or talk to a friend.3.

Obey their requests. It will make your attitude better and earn you more respect from them. It may seem like you are going through hell when you don’t get what you want or you have to clean. However, you had better remember they keep a roof over your head when it’s cold, raining, snowing, or too hot.4.Forgiveness is the key. Since you can forgive your friends, why not forgive your parents?

Keep company with them. Do things with your parents like watching TV, or go somewhere with them.5.Listen to their old stories and learn from them. You will find they are your teachers in this way or another.

A. After this, share your feelings with your parents.

B. Here are some ways to love your parents.

C. Parents will in turn express their love to you.

D. Understand that parents are human beings and make mistakes.

E. Please remember parents are as important as friends.

F. Anyway, spend as much time with them as you can.

G. Tell them you love them every morning.

When I was a teenager, we were the only family in our New York town that didn’t own a car. And having no car was _______ because all my friends’ parents did.

We were poor. Suddenly a moment arrived _______ my life forever. For weeks a new Buick Road Master _______ in the window of the biggest store on Main Street. Now, on the special night, I stayed in the shadows at the edge of the crowd waiting for the winning _______to be drawn.

It had never even entered my mind that we would _______. But the loudspeaker called my father's name! _______ I wormed my way up to the platform, the mayor had presented dad with the _______, and he had driven off amid _______. I ran _______. Mother met me and told me that my father had asked Jim, his boss, if he wanted to buy a ticket. Jim said yes and my dad ________ two tickets in his own name with his own money, ________ 348 for Jim and the winning number was 348 instead of ________ one 349.

“Your father is struggling with a/an ________ problem. But I think if you have character, you have the better part of ________and I know your father will do what is right,” mother said ________. At last we ________ dad’s step on the front porch,I held my ________. He went straight to the ________ in the dining room and dialed Jim’s phone rang for a long time...

________ over the years, I know now we were never ________ than we were at the moment when dad made the telephone call.

1.A. relaxing B. shaming C. worrying D. pleasing

2.A. saving B. improving C. risking D. changing

3.A. had stood B. had been on sale C. had performed D. had been under repair

4.A. team B. guy C. ticket D. boss

5.A. jump B. fail C. strike D. win

6.A. As soon as B. Because C. By the time D. Although

7.A. dollars B. keys C. medals D. tickets

8.A. shouts B. prayers C. noises D. cheers

9.A. home B. downtown C. to my friends D. to the platform

10.A. saved B. bought C. booked D. printed

11.A. calling B. writing C. marking D. bringing

12.A. the other B. another C. the lucky D. other

13.A. embarrassing B. mental C. puzzling D. moral

14.A. wealth B. poverty C. health D. belief

15.A. with anger B. excitedly C. calmly D. with anxiety

16.A. saw B. heard C. followed D. found

17.A. arms B. mouth C. eyes D. breath

18.A. phone B. cup C. ticket D. window

19.A. Looking out B. Looking up C. Looking back D. Looking in

20.A. poorer B. richer C. more foolish D. more clever

September is a difficult month for all students as they return to continue their education, but for high school and university green hands, it is not just the heavy study tasks they need to follow. They will also go through military(军事的) training, which aims to help students improve their health and help them adapt to college life. The Ministry(部) of Education requires that universities should carry out at least 14 days' military training for freshmen(新生).

Hou Zhengfang, an education expert, questioned the benefits of military training. “It does little to improve students' physical health over only two weeks' time,” she said. “Maybe some disaster prevention training, such as earthquake survival or escaping from fires, would be of greater benefit.”

A freshman who fainted(晕倒) during training said that many students, especially girls, are unwilling to train in direct sunshine. “For me, military training is physically challenging and even damages my health,” said the 19-year-old.

Although Chu Jinjing, a Tsinghua University freshman, did feel some discomfort while training in the heat, the 18-year-old did recognize the benefits of military training. “By going through this tough(艰难的) training, I've become more independent and determined,” said Chu. “I have also managed to make a lot of friends.”

Wang Hui from Xi'an Jiaotong University sees the advantages of military training besides character building. “From senior high school to college, we join military training to start a new journey,” said Wang. “I would feel a bit incomplete without it.”

1.Hou Zhengfang might advise the Ministry of Education to ________.

A. cut students' heavy study tasks

B. introduce other trainings for students

C. encourage students to work out

D. shorten the time of military training

2.Chu Jinjing and Wang Hui mentioned all the benefits of military training EXCEPT ___.

A. developing friendship

B. improving students' health

C. building character

D. preparing students for college

3.According to the passage, what is the author's attitude towards military training?

A. He supports it very much.

B. He is strongly against it.

C. He doesn't express his own opinions.

D. He thinks it's good for his health.

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