







Linda's father bought her the new bike the day before yesterday, which made her very exciting. Then she began to ride it fast on the road. Seeing a man getting closely to her, Linda couldn't stop it and as a result, she knocked onto the man. Being very kind, so the man didn't scold her at all. Instead, he told her how dangerously it was to ride a bike so fast. He asked her to keep the lesson in mind. Linda felt regretful but ashamed. She promised keep the lesson in mind forever. Then, the man bend down and began to repair her bike. After a while, he got them repaired. Linda was greatly moved. She thanked the man and left happily.





第三处:考查副词的用法。get close to接近……,是固定短语,故closely错误,改为close。

第四处:考查动词短语。表示撞在某人身上用knock down/into/over,但不能用onto。

第五处:考查连词。句意:那个人很好,没有骂她。Being very kind是非谓语动词,与主句之间不必用连词,而且之间是顺承关系,故删掉so。



第八处:考查动词用法。promise to do sth为固定搭配,承诺做某事。故在keep前加上to





Even if trees cannot walk, they are still on the move.
In parts of the Arctic, entire forests are moving northward. Across the Arctic, temperatures are rising faster than anywhere else in the world. As that happens, the tree line that marks where forests stop and the treeless tundra(冻土地带) starts has been shifting northward. Trees growing along the tree line must protect themselves from the cold wind. To do this, plants tend to grow horizontal(水平的) branches low to the ground. The energy it takes for trees to grow this way means they don't have enough energy to make seeds.
But as Earth's climate has been warming, trees no longer have to just grow horizontally. Many can instead grow up toward the sky. This takes less energy. And with all the leftover energy. these trees have started producing more seeds. This happens especially in places where the white spruce(白云杉) grows.
White spruce, which is a North American tree, is quite able to produce a lot of seeds, which can move long distances in the wind. When wind-blown seeds end up on the tundra beyond the tree line, they eventually can sprout(发芽) new trees. This explains how a forest can move. Of course, the process would work only if the tundra were warm enough. But in recent years, the whole planet has been warming.
New trees will provide shelters for some snow, keeping the sun's rays from making the white surface disappear. Instead, the trees absorb the sun's heat. This warms the surrounding air. The extra warmth encourages even more trees to produce seeds. That further boosts a forest's ability to expand. In addition, more trees will trap more snow, preventing much of it from being blown away. Snow can trap heat in the soil below, which encourages trees to grow. The recent rise of temperature has helped more trees grow. The recent rise of temperatures has helped more trees grow past the tree line. People worry about impacts on the animals that depend on frozen conditions for food and shelter.
(1)What is the main cause of the trees in the Arctic moving northward?
A.The rising temperature.
B.The shrinking of northern tundra.
C.The fierce and cold wind.
D.The abundant resources in the north.
(2)What does the underlined word“this”in Paragraph 2 mean?
A.To produce more seeds.
B.To move northward.
C.To respond to the climate change.
D.To protect themselves from the cold wind.
(3)What can be inferred from the last paragraph?
A.New trees can trap the snow, which may make the soil colder.
B.The trapped snow prevents new trees from producing more seeds.
C.New trees can make the surrounding air warmer.
D.New trees can bring more food and shelter for local animals.
(4)The passage is most probably taken from _______.
A.a health report
B.a science report
C.a fashion magazine
D.a children's magazine

【题目】Art Beat in January 2016


Youth choir to perform

The youth choir of China National Symphony Orchestra will soon perform classics including the Mexican folk song, The Golden Nightingale, and the Blue Danube, adapted from a waltz by Johann Strauss II. Pianists Zhao Lin and Wang Tianyang will join in the show.

7:30 pm, Jan 23. Forbidden City Concert Hall, inside Zhongshan Park, west of Tian'anmen Square, Xicheng district. 010-6559-8285.

Orchestra recitals

The China National Center for the Performing Arts Orchestra led by conductor Lyu Jia will give two recitals, featuring works including Beethoven's Coriolanus Overture and Mozart's Symphonies No 40 & No 41 Jupiter. Cellist Wang Jian will join in the performances, playing Schumann's Cello Concerto in A minor, Op 129 and Saint-Saens' Cello Concerto No 1 in A minor, Op 33.

7:30 pm, Jan 15; 2:30 pm, Jan 16. China National Center for the Performing Arts, No 2 West Chang'an Avenue, Xicheng District. 010-6655-0000.

Ballet from Paris

Paris Opera Ballet will present two gala performances in the city. Besides highlights of classical ballet, such as Swan Lake and Manon, the program will also include modern pieces from the company's repertoire. The leading etoiles are Ludmila Pagliero and Karl Paquette.

7:15 pm, Jan 15-16. Shanghai Oriental Art Center, 425 Dingxiang Road, Pudong district. 021-6854-1234.

Ensemble of swans

Shanghai Ballet will present two performances of Swan Lake. The production choreographed by British artist Derek Deane has just completed a tour in 26 cities of the Netherlands. The spectacular production features an ensemble of 48 dancers.

7:15 pm, Jan 22-23. Shanghai Grand Theater, 300 Renmin Avenue, Huangpu district. 400-106-8686.

1If you only spare some time in the afternoon, you can enjoy ________.

A. Beethoven's Coriolanus Overture

B. Classical ballet Manon

C. The Golden Nightingale

D. Classical ballet Swan Lake

2According to the text, we know that Ludmila Pagliero and Karl Paquette are ________.

A. Pianists B. ballet performers

C. cellists D. violinists

3If you are interested in ballet performances, which of the following places can you go to enjoy yourself?

A. Forbidden City Concert Hall and China National Center

B. Forbidden City Concert Hall Shanghai Grand Theater

C. Shanghai Oriental Art Center and Shanghai Grand Theater

D. China National Center and Shanghai Oriental Art Center



Camping wild is a wonderful way to experience the natural world and, at its best, it makes little environmental influence. But with increasing numbers of people wanting to escape into the wilderness, it is becoming more and more important to camp unobtrusively(不引人注意地)and leave no mark.

Wild camping is not permitted in many places, particularly in crowded lowland Britain. Wherever you are, find out about organizations responsible for managing wild spaces, and contact them to find out their policy on camping and shelter building. For example, it is fine to camp wild in remote parts of Scotland, but in England you must ask the landowners permission, except in natural parks.

Camping is about having relaxation, sleeping outdoors, experiencing bad weather, and making do without modern conveniences. A busy, fully-equipped campsite(野营地)seems to go against this, so seek out smaller, more remote places with easy access to open spaces and perhaps beaches. Better still, find a campsite with no road access: walking in makes a real adventure.

Finding the right spot to camp is the first step to guaranteeing a good nights sleep. Choose a campsite with privacy and minimum(最小化的) influence on others and the environment. Try to use an area where people have obviously camped before rather than creating a new spot. When camping in woodland, avoid standing dead trees, which may fall on a windy night. Avoid animal runs and caves, and possible homes of biting insects. Make sure you have most protection on the windward side. If you make a fire, do so downwind of your shelter. Always consider what influence you might have on the natural world. Avoid damaging plants. A good campsite is found, not madechanging it should be unnecessary.

【1】You neednt ask for permission when camping in ________.

A.national parks in England

B.most parts of Scotland

C.crowded lowland Britain

D.most parts of England

【2】The last paragraph mainly deals with ________.

A.protecting animals

B.building a campfire

C.camping in woodland

D.finding a campsite with privacy

【3】The passage is mainly about ________.

A.the protection of campsites

B.the importance of wild camping

C.the human influence on campsites

D.the dos and donts of wild camping


My Forever Valentine

Valentine's Day was the time my father chose to show his love for the special people in his life. Over the years I fondly (天真地) thought__ _him as my “Valentine Man”.

My first recollection of the__ _he could bring to Valentine's Day came when I was six. That morning at the breakfast table I found a card and a giftwrapped package at my chair.

The card was__ _“Love, Dad ”and the gift was a ring with a small piece of red glass to __ _my birthstone, a ruby (红宝石). There is __ __difference between red glass and rubies to a child of six, and I remember__ _that ring with pride that all the cards in the world__ __not surpass (超越).

__ __I grew older, the gifts gave____to heart shaped boxes filled with my____chocolates and always included a ____card signed “Love,Dad”. In those years my “thanks” became___of a perfunctory(敷衍的)response. The cards seemed less____,and I took it for granted that the Valentine would____be there. I had_ _my hopes and dreams in receiving cards and gifts from “significant others” and “Love, Dad” just didn't seem quite__ _.

His final card remains on my desk today. It's a__ __of how special father can be and how important it had been to me over the years to know that I had a father who continued a __ __of love with simple acts of understanding and an ability to express happiness over the people in his life.

Those things never__ __,nor does the memory of a man who never__ _being my Valentine.

【1】A. of B.about C.up D.over

【2】A. memory B.magic C.puzzle D.presents

【3】A. read B.written C.shown D.signed

【4】A. recover B.resemble C.represent D.replace

【5】A. much B.little C.great D.less

【6】A. having B.owning C.wearing D.watching

【7】A. could B.did C.must D.should

【8】A. Because B.Since C.When D.As

【9】A. room B.way C.honor D.seat

【10】A. favorite B.lovely C.dear D.precious

【11】A. usual B.common C.strange D.special

【12】A. less B.little C.more D.much

【13】A. important B.beautiful C.familiar D.standard

【14】A. surely B.always C.regularly D.often

【15】A. let B.kept C.placed D.remembered

【16】A. suitable B.enough C.effective D.sacred

【17】A. signal B.certificate C.consequence D.reminder

【18】A. tradition B.hobby C.habit D.custom

【19】A. lose B.die C.miss D.appear

【20】A. thought B.wanted C.tried D.stopped

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