
Your weight has been important since the moment you were born. Maybe you even know what your birth weight was. Most newborns weigh between 6 and 9 pounds, but some may weigh more and some less. But very quickly, a baby gains weight and everyone is glad about that because it means the child is growing bigger and stronger.

As you get older, your weight is still important. It's something your parents and doctor will probably keep an eye on. When you go for a checkup, the doctor often will record your height and weight and compare it with what it was the last time you came in. The doctor wants to check whether you have a healthy weight because weighing too much or too little can be a problem.

But these days, being overweight is more common than being underweight. In the last 30 years, a growing number of kids and teenagers have developed weight problems. Today, 1 out of 3 kids and teens between the ages of 2 and 19 are overweight. Many grown-ups understand what it's like to have weight problems, since 2 out of every 3 adults (成年人) are overweight..wfsqzkss.

For kids and adults, weighing too much can lead to illnesses and health problems. And a kid who is overweight might be made jokes on or find it hard to keep up with friends on the playground. When people talk about being overweight, they mean that someone has more body fat than is healthy. Everyone has some body fat, but extra (多余的) fat can influence someone's health and ability to walk, run, and get around, as well as how the person looks and his or her self-respect.

1. Why is everyone happy hearing a baby become fatter?

A. The baby is growing healthily.

B. The parents are rich enough.

C. The mother has enough milk.

D. The family is in good situation.

2. The doctor compares your height and weight in order to __________.

A. complete a check item

B. see if you have a healthy weight

C. know about your living habits

D. set up your checkup book

3. Which group has the largest number of people with overweight problems?

A. Babies. B. Kids. C. Adults. D. The old.

4. What is the last paragraph mainly about ?

A. Importance of keeping weight.

B. Ways to avoid becoming overweight.

C. Reasons for getting overweight.

D. Bad influence of being overweight.


Most academics would view a post at an elite university like Oxford or Harvard as the crowning achievement of a career—bringing both honour and access to better wine cellars. But scholars desire such places for reasons beyond glory. They believe perching on one of the topmost branches of the academic tree will also improve the quality of their work, by bringing them together with other geniuses with whom they can collaborate and who may help spark new ideas. This sounds reasonable. Unfortunately,as Albert Laszlo Barabasi of Northeastern University,in Boston (and also, it must be said, of Harvard), shows in a study published in Scientific Reports, it is not true.

Dr Barabasi and his team examined the careers of physicists who began publishing between 1950 and 1980 and continued to do so for at least 20 years. They ranked the impact of the institutions these people attended by counting the number of citations each institution’s papers received within five years of publication. By tracking the association of individual physicists and counting their citations in a similar way, Dr Barabasi was able to work out whether moving from a low to a high-ranking university improved a physicist’s impact. In total, he and his team analysed 2,725 careers.

They found that, though an average physicist moved once or twice during his career, moving from a low-rank university to an elite one did not increase his scientific impact. Going in the opposite direction, however, did have a small negative influence. The consequence is that elite university do not,at least as far as physicists are concerned,add value to output. That surprising conclusion is one which the authorities in countries such as Britain, who are seeking to concentrate expensive subjects such as physics in fewer, more elite institutions—partly to save money, but also to create what are seen as centers of excellence—might wish to consider.

1. What is the fundamental reason why scholars want to get a post at an elite university?

A. Their academic career can benefit from it.

B. It is an access to better wine cellars.

C. Reasons beside glory.

D. They can win honour.

2. On what basis did Dr Barabasi’s research team draw conclusions that getting a post at a higher-rank university won’t help scholastic impact?

A. His team examined the 20-year careers of physicists.

B. He came from Havard, a top-ranking university himself and knew it well.

C. Individual physicists’ citations by other authors increased within 5 years.

D. They ranked the physicists’ institutions according to citations to these universities’ paper.

3. Which of the following is true of Dr Barabasi’s research?

A. It proved that a post at an elite university helps academics.

B. It began in 1950 and ended in 1980.

C. It calculated the citations of the physicists’ institutions.

D. It is based on a lot more than 2,000 scholars of various fields.

Thousands of people began pouring into Pennsylvania from other states. They wanted to buy lottery tickets(彩票). The tickets cost only $ 0.9 each. But that small spending could bring them a reward of $ 90 million .That was the second largest lottery jackpot (积累奖金)in history.

More than 87 million tickets were bough t for the Pennsylvania lottery drawing. Those who bought tickets had to choose seven numbers from 1 to 80.The chance of winning was one in 9.6 million, but that little chance certainly didn’t affect ticket sales. In the last few days before the drawing, tickets were sold at the unbelievable rate of 500 per second.

Experts say many people buy lottery tickets because they just want to have a piece of the action. Others say the lottery is a stock market for poor people. It allows them to dream about wealth they’ll probably never have.

But many people believe lotteries are no better than legalized gambling. Some critics note that most people who play are poor and may not be able to afford the tickets. There are also many addicts who take the game seriously. They may pour their life savings into lottery tickets. Some clubs have been formed to help them kick the habit.

Politicians like lotteries because they provide money that would otherwise have to come from new taxes. The profits from lotteries are usually used to pay for education or programs for senior citizens. But critics say this arrangement just allows states to legalize vice, under the name of social progress. Whether you regard stock lotteries right or not, you cannot refuse to accept their extreme popularity with many Americans.

1.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A.Buying lotteries may help people become wealthy overnight.

B. Politicians like lotteries because they don’t have to pay extra taxes.

C.The profits from lotteries are usually used for the public.

D. Some critics don’t like lotteries because many poor people waste money on them.

2.In just one hour in the last few days, the Pennsylvania lottery sold tickets totaling_______.

A.$ 16.2 million B.$ 38.88 million

C.$ 19.6 million D.$ 87 million

3. The underlined word in the last paragraph refers to__________.

A. something profiyable

B. something challenging

C. something immoral

D.something easy

4. What is the main purpose of the passage?

A. To introduce the lotteries in Pennsylvania.

B. To persuade people not to buy lotteries.

C. To show the drawbacks of buying lotteries.

D. To tell us the different opinions on lotteries.

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