
Whether you live in Seattle or the Sahara desert, the time has come to invest in a good raincoat or umbrella, a new study suggests.

As global temperatures continue to rise, more “extreme rain” events—intense, cats-and-dogs downpours—can be expected, said the study, published Monday in the journal Nature Climate Change. And that, scientists said, means an increased flood risk, particularly for the world’s driest areas. The study challenges the idea that global warming is causing dry areas to become drier and wet areas wetter.

“In both wet and dry regions, we see these great increases in heavy precipitation(冰雹),” lead author Markus Donat, a climate scientist at the University of New South Wales, told Nature.

Donat and his team collected data from 1951 to 2010 on extreme precipitation events from 11, 000 weather stations around the world, Nature reported.

In that time, the number of days with “extreme precipitation” increased 1 percent to 2 percent per decade.

“We found a strong relationship between global warming and an increase in rainfall, particularly in areas outside of the tropics,” Donat said in a statement.

“Importantly, this research suggests we will see these extreme rainfall events increases at regional levels in dry areas, not just as an average across the globe,” Donat added.

Peter Stott, a senior climate scientist at Met Office, told Climate Central that the study’s findings are important, because more violent rainfall and flooding will “challenge our capability to adapt to a rapidly changing climate.”

As Nature reported, the research aligns(结盟)with a 2015 study that found global warming has led to a sharp increase in record-breaking precipitation events. Donat told Nature that his study should come as a warning to world governments.

1.Which of the following is one of the study’s findings?

A. Global warming is causing dry areas to become drier and wet areas wetter.

B. Extreme rain events can be expected at regional levels in dry areas.

C. Extreme rainfall events increase at regional levels in wet areas.

D. Rainfall increases particularly in the tropics areas.

2.Why does Scott think the findings are important?

A. The research aligns with a 2015 study.

B. They are about extreme precipitation events.

C. They remind us to adjust to rapid climate changes.

D. The study involves many famous climate scientists.

3.The purpose of the study is to ______.

A. encourage investors to start business in Seattle or the Sahara desert

B. persuade people to take a raincoat or an umbrella with them

C. challenge the previous findings of research on climate

D. warn world governments to focus on global warming


Habits, whether good or bad, are gradually formed. When a person does a certain thing again, he is driven by some unseen force to do the same thing repeatedly, then a habit is formed. Once a habit is formed, it is difficult, and sometimes impossible, to get rid of. That’s why we should pay great attention to the formation of habits. Children often form bad habits, some of which remain with them as long as they live. Older persons also form bad habits as long as they live, and sometimes become ruined by them.

There are other habits which, when formed in early life, are of great help. Many successful men say that much of their success has something to do with certain habits in early life, such as early rising, honesty and so on.

Among the habits which children should not form are laziness, lying, stealing and so on. These are all easily formed habits. Unfortunately older persons often form habits which should have been avoided.

We should keep away from all these bad habits, and try to form such habits which will be beneficial for ourselves and others.

1.The last word, “them”, in the first paragraph refers to _________.

A. good habits B. bad habits

C. children D. older persons

2.Why should we pay attention to the formation of habits?

A. Because habits are of great help to every one of us.

B. Because a man can never get rid of a habit.

C. Because we are forced to do them again and again.

D. Because it’s hard and even not possible to throw away bad habits.

3._________ are formed little by little.

A. Good habits

B. Bad habits

C. Both good habits and bad habits

D. Either good habits or bad habits

Once a young boy was walking with his father along a country road. When they discovered a very large tree branch by _____ , the boy asked his father _____ ,"Dad, do you think I could move that branch?"

His father _____ and said, "If you use all your strength, I’m sure you can." So the boy tried _____ to lift, pull and push the branch but he couldn’t move it.

Feeling _____ , he said, "Dad, you were wrong. I can’t do it."

His dad said, "Try again." This time, as the boy _____ to deal with the branch, his father joined him and _____ they pushed the branch aside.

"Son," the father said, "the first time you didn’t use all your strength. You didn’t ask me to help."

This is an important _____ . There are many things we can’t do _____ all by ourselves,

_____ that doesn’t mean we can’t get them done. We all are surrounded by _____ that can be worked together to help us _____ our goals including family, friends and faith. Sometimes we _____ to ask for help _____ pride or stubbornness. Sometimes we think it’s a sign of weakness to _____ we need a hand. And sometimes we don’t _____ think about asking for help. Whatever the _____ is, it’s a waste of time. It’s important that we learn to use all our strength that are _____ : this includes inner resources such as discipline, courage and love, and it also includes outer resources. Just as we should be ready to help others and we should be

_____ to ask for the help of others. It’s one of the great things about being human.

Few things in the world are more powerful than a(n) _____ push, a smile, a word of optimism and hope, a "You can do it!" when things are tough.

1.A.mistake B.nature C.order D.accident

2.A.proudly B.curiously C.sadly D.loudly

3.A.worried B.refused C.complained D.nodded

4.A.greatly B.slightly C.gradually D.naturally

5.A.surprised B.relaxed C.discouraged D.ashamed

6.A.promised B.attempted C.claimed D.agreed

7.A.slowly B.again C.fast D.together

8.A.lesson B.amusement C.decision D.advice

9.A.fortunately B.eventually C.regularly D.absolutely

10.A.and B.so C.but D.or

11.A.friends B.resources C.kindnesses D.difficulties

12.A.design B.score C.realize D.achieve

13.A.fail B.choose C.pretend D.need

14.A.instead of B.because of C.think of D.speak of

15.A.forget B.decide C.admit D.discover

16.A.even B.still C.already D.ever

17.A.strength B.matter C.help D.reason

18.A.available B.equal C.normal D.traditional

19.A.certain B.willing C.afraid D.likely

20.A.hard B.sudden C.positive D.obvious

Comparative thinking and behavior is quite typical among teenagers, but it is the responsibility of the parent to set limits and hold firmly to them. Frequently, a parent will tell me in frustration about how their child has complained about not having the very best in fashion design like their friends, or the latest electronic gadgetry that all the other kids own.

Parents need to teach their children self?confidence. Those who are self?confident resist the urge to compare themselves to other people, and do not overestimate others' experience while diminishing their own. But some people may have a mantra signified by the slogan, if only. “If only I had the money of my brother; if only I was smart like my classmates; if only I was as good?looking as my friends.”

Comparing oneself with others is a trap. People who compare themselves with other individuals tend to feel that they are not good enough. They tend to perseverate(表现执拗)about their shortcomings. Even if they try their best,it is not good enough because they can always find someone who performs at a higher level. When people compare, they generally focus on their negative traits. They ignore all that is going right in their life. They also tend to minimize their success and dismiss positive gestures and compliments.

Those who are confident listen to their own inner voice. They are not influenced by other people's view of events. They are not overly impressed by others' success, money, health,and material possessions. They do not believe that others have a greater sense of emotional well?being than they do.

Recently, The Harvard Mental Health Letter published an article which indicated that people with chronic(慢性的)pain had as significant a sense of well?being as those without chronic pain. However, those with chronic pain tended to overestimate the emotional well?being of physically healthy people. The study confirmed that it is how we view events that is important, not the nature of our circumstances which may include making comparisons.

1. It seems that those who make comparisons don't________.

A. care about their success

B. have self?confidence

C. overestimate others' experience

D. understand others' success

2.The third paragraph mainly tells us________.

A. people tend to compare themselves to other individuals

B. those who make comparisons focus on their strengths

C. those who make comparisons don't deserve compliments

D. making comparisons can cause many negative effects

3.The article published in The Harvard Mental Health Letter indicates________.

A. chronic pain actually doesn't affect people's sense of happiness

B. physically healthy people have a higher sense of happiness

C. emotional health has nothing to do with physical health

D. what is important is the nature of events rather than our viewpoints

4. What is the author's attitude towards “making comparisons”?

A. Favorable. B. Unconcerned.

C. Disapproving. D. Doubtful.

I decided to go back to school in the fall of 2010 for not being happy with my current job and financial status. I got my Associate (大专毕业证书) in May 2002 in commercial art. After graduation, I had trouble getting a job in that field. For years, I was going from one job to another, and I was not satisfied with unstableness (不稳定).

I decided to go back to school to study either international business or psychology (心理学). I weighed the pros and cons of both professions and psychology won. I like helping my friends and family. When they are faced with hard situations in their life, I’d like to give them sound advice and be honest with them. Also, I was interested in the “mind”.

I searched for online schools because my work schedule would not allow me to study in a classroom. I was nervous about taking online classes because I had heard mixed stories from my friends who were taking online classes. I decided to do it anyway to experience something different. I wanted to find an online school that was affordable and believable. While I was doing the online search, I discovered Walden University, which is specially for working adults who want to have a bachelor’s degree or higher. The process of getting accepted was easy, i.e. writing an essay on why I wanted to attend their school, sending my previous credits (以前的成绩), etc.

I am currently enrolled in the bachelor’s program for psychology, and I am paying for college via financial-aid loans (贷款). This experience has been interesting and yet upsetting as sometimes it was difficult to balance work, school and home life. I have learned a lot about psychology and myself. For example, I like writing about current events, relationships and traveling. I thought my English composition was ordinary, but after taking a few classes at Walden University, I have improved my English composition and it has made me feel confident enough to start writing professionally. Now I am a freelancer (自由撰稿人) and I am only three classes away from getting my bachelor’s degree in psychology. It is one of the best decisions I have made in my life.

1.What did the author study in the first place when he was in college?

A. Psychology.

B. Commercial art.

C. International business.

D. English composition.

2. What does the underlined part “pros and cons” in Paragraph 2 probably mean?

A. Education of a university.

B. Suggestions and conditions.

C. Advantages and disadvantages.

D. Difficulty that may appear.

3.Why was the author nervous about taking online classes?

A. Some of his friends didn’t think highly of the classes.

B. He felt that he had not enough time to study.

C. The college entrance exam is very difficult.

D. He was afraid that he could not afford the online classes.

4.We can know from the passage that the author _____.

A. was unable to find a full-time job

B. is most interested in psychology

C. prefers to make a living by writing

D. paid his schooling by working hard


A happy family life doesn't happen by chance. It is a result from husband and wife who carefully and diligently create a home where there is love, respect, forgiveness, patience, service and selflessness.

1. The love of husband and wife makes their union last forever; the love of parents for children enables them to feel safe in the world; the love of children for parents lightens the burden that the parents bear; and the love among children reduces quarrels and fights.

A couple who respect each other never blame their spouse(配偶).He or she doesn't think much about her or his weaknesses but helps her or him overcome them. 2.

Forgiveness cannot be ignored either. Conflicts often arise in a family but they can be settled right away. The one who is at fault should immediately ask for forgiveness and the other should choose to forgive. 3.

4. If there is patience in the family, anger will be controlled and there will be peace and harmony.

5. Small acts of service in a family make people's hearts glad. Children learn simple acts of service by giving their parents a glass of water, and a couple serve each other by taking care of family members.

A。Live in harmony.

B. Love is the greatest of all virtues.

C. If there is respect, there will be encouraging words.

D.Ⅱthere is forgiveness, there will be no anger or misunderstanding.

E. Being patient is difficult, especially for parents with babies or teenagers.

F. If you do something wrong, you must make an apology.

G. The best service is always found within the walls of homes.

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