
15.People may forget what you said or what you did,but they will never forget _______ you made them feel.(  )

分析 人们也许忘记了你说过的话或做过的事情,但是他们将永远不会忘记你带给他们的感受.

解答 答案:B
根据选择项得知本题考查的是宾语从句的连接词.A why 为什么;B how 怎样,如何;C what 什么; D that只起连接作用,不做任何成分,也无词汇意义.本题是由连词but连接的并列句,前半句是宾语从句(主句People may forget+从句what you said or what you did),连接代词what在句中是"什么"的意思,在从句中作宾语,即表示"说了什么或做了什么";后半句也是一个宾语从句:主句是they will never forget,宾语从句是 _______ you made them feel,它缺少的不是宾语,而是缺少了状语即"你带给了他们怎样的感受",所以要用连接副词how.故选B

点评 宾语从句的连接词分为连接代词who,whom,whose,what,which和连接副词when,where,why,how,它们起连接作用,作句子成分,各有各自的意义.所以有时在把握不准句子意思的时候,可以从分析连接词在句中所作的成分,来做出判断.

6.The high school grades of Tom Monaghan,who was born in 1937,were so low that he graduated at the bottom of his class.The local university turned down his application,but he managed to enter the University of Michigan.A few weeks later,he dropped out because he lacked money for school fees.In 1960,Monaghan agreed to buy a pizza store with his brother,who gave up a year later.
For the first year,Monaghan worked all the time but hardly made any money.He soon found himself deep in debt.He began making the business simpler,selling only three sizes of pizza,instead of five.This change helped Monaghan make a profit,which allowed him to expand his three stores under a new name,Domino's.
However,during the following years Monaghan experienced a series of setbacks.In 1967,a fire destroyed his store in Ypsilanti,Michigan,which served as the company's offices.Most of the damage was not covered by insurance.In an effort to recover his losses,Monaghan continued to expand his franchise,but was unable to keep up with the growth.Without Monaghan's guidance,many of the new stores closed down.By 1970,Monaghan was 1.5 million in debt and facing law suits from nearly 150 debtors.In the following financial settlement,Monaghan lost 51 percen of his company to the bank.But Monaghan concentrated on building the 49 percent of the business he still owned.Slowly,he began to work his way out of his financial difficulties.He defended himself in court since he could not afford a lawyer.He sold his furniture and his car.In about a year,he managed to pay off all his debts.These hard times taught him avaluable lesson in how to run a business.By 1978,two hundred Domino's stores had opened.Five years later,the number of stores was over a thousand;by 1989,the chain had more than five thousand stores.The company had more than six thousand pizza delivery stores when Monaghan sold it for 1 billion in 1998.

56.What seemed to be the reason why the local university turned down Monaghan's application?(No more than 10words)He graduated at the bottom of his class./His school grades were very poor.
57.How did Monaghan expand his three stores under a new name,Domino's according to the second paragraph?(No more than 15words)The profit from his business simplification helped him./Monaghan made his business simpler so that he made a profit which helped him.
58.What does the underlined word"setbacks"mean in the third paragraph?(Only one word)
59.How did Monaghan finally succeed after he lost 51percent of his company?
(No more than 15words)He concentrated on the rest of his company,saved money and learned from failure.
60.What do you think of Monaghan?Give your reasons.(No more than 20words)He is very wise,enthusiastic,creative and insightful.He can learn from failure and adjust his business strategy..

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