
10.If you think your vocabulary is weak,a little effort every day over six to nine months can go a long way in improving it.Here are some tips for increasing your vocabulary.
(76)G.You may be comfortable reading a particular part but make an effort to read different articles on every page.The editorial (社论的) page is highly recommended not only for vocabulary but also for structuring and presenting thoughts.And there are different articles in the newspaper every day.
Make it a habit to read a new book every week.It is not surprising that those who read a lot of books develop good vocabulary.(77)A.Make a list of words that are new to you and look up their meanings in the dictionary.
Watching English movies and television shows.It is important for improving English and learning new English words.It's an interesting way to add the number of your vocabulary.(78)F.
Use vocabulary cards.Vocabulary cards are used by students who are trying to learn many words in a short time.You can make your own cards by writing the word on one side and the meaning on the other side of a piece of paper.(79)B.
Use the Internet.The Internet is an unlimited (无限制的) resource for reading material.(80)D.You will come across plenty of material to read,which you might find interesting,and important.The Internet will also introduce you to new words.Be sure to look them up in a dictionary.

A.You can consider becoming a member of the local library.
B.Flash cards are a convenient tool to use to learn new words in your free time.
C.You cannot learn English well without enough vocabulary.
D.Pick up a topic of your choice and search for articles about it.
E.You should develop your own way of learning vocabulary.
F.Besides,by doing this you can learn the correct pronunciation as well.
G.Read the newspaper every day.

分析 如果你觉得自己在词汇方面比较差,那么按照以下的方法每天努力一点点,坚持六到九个月你就能够提高了.

解答 76-80.GAFBD
76题答案:G 考查细节推理,由下文"And there are different articles in the newspaper every day."(而且报纸里每天都有不同的文章) 可知此处是说每天读报,故本题答案为G选项.
77题答案:A 考查细节推理,由上文"It is not surprising that those who read a lot of books develop good vocabulary."(那些书读得很多的人词汇很好也不足为奇)可知本题答案为A选项"你可以考虑成为当地图书馆的会员".
78题答案:F 考查细节推理,由上文"Watching English movies and television shows."(看英文电影和节目)可知本题答案为F选项"看英语影视节目可以帮助你学习正确的发音".
79题答案:B 考查细节推理,由上文"Vocabulary cards are used by students who are trying to learn many words in a short time."(想要在短时间内学习很多单词的学生可以使用单词卡片)可知本题答案为B选项"空闲时间用卡片学习词汇很方便".
80题答案:D 考查细节推理,由上文"The Internet is an unlimited resource for reading material."(互联网是一个无限制的阅读材料资源)可知本题答案为D选项"用网络搜索你想阅读的话题".

点评 本文是一篇选句填空,题目涉及多道细节理解题,做题时结合原文和题目有针对性找出相关语句进行仔细分析,结合选项选出正确答案.推理判断也是要在抓住关键句子的基础上合理的分析才能得出正确的答案.

6.Henry Ford,the famous U.S.inventor and car manufacturer,once said,"The business of America is business.''By this he meant that the U.S.way of life is based on the values of the business world.
    Few would argue with Ford's statement.A brief glimpse at a daily newspaper vividly shows how much people in the United States think about business.For example,nearly every newspaper has a business section,in which the deals and projects,finances and management,stock prices and labor problems of corporations are reported daily.In addition,business news can appear in every other section.Most national news has an important financial aspect to it.Welfare,foreign aid,the federal budget,and the policies of the Federal Reserve Bank are all heavily affected by  business.Moreover,business news appears in some of the unlikeliest places.The world of arts and entertainment is often referred to as"the entertainment industry''or"show business.''
    The positive side of Henry Ford's statement can be seen in the prosperity(繁荣) that business has brought to U.S.1ife.One of the most important reasons why so many people from all over the world come to live in the United States is the dream of a better job.Jobs are produced in abundance because the U.S.economic system is driven by competition.People believe that this system creates more wealth,more jobs,and a materially better way of life.
    The negative side of Henry Ford's statement,however,can be  seen when the word business is taken to mean big business.And the term big business--referring to the biggest companies,is seen in opposition to labor.Throughout U.S.history working-people have had to fight hard for higher wages,better working conditions,and the fight to form unions.Today,many of the old labor disputes(分歧) are over,but there is still some employee anxiety.Downsizing--the laying off of thousands of workers to keep expenses low and profits high--creates feelings of insecurity for many.

61.The United States is a typical countryB.
A.which encourages free trade at home and abroad
B.where people's chief concern is how to make money
C.where all businesses are managed scientifically
D.which normally works according to the federal budget
62.The influence of business in the U.S.is evidenced by the fact thatD.
A.most newspapers are run by big businesses
B.even public organizations concentrate on working for profits
C.Americans of all professions know how to do business
D.even arts and entertainment are regarded as business
63.According to the passage,immigrants choose to settle in the U.S.,dreaming thatD.
A.they can start profitable businesses there
B.they can be more competitive in business
C.they will make a fortune overnight there
D.they will find better chances of employment
64.Henry Ford's statement can be taken negatively becauseD.
A.working people are discouraged to fight for their fights
B.there are many industries controlled by a few big capitalists
C.public services are not run by the federal government
D.there is a conflicting relationship between big corporations and labor
65.A company's efforts to keep expenses low and profits high may result inA.
A.reduction in the number of employees   
B.improvement of working conditions
C.fewer disputes between labor and management
D.a rise in workers wages.
5.A few years ago a literary agent turned me down after he read a couple chapters of my manuscript(稿件).After I received the rejection,I responded to his email with a question."So is it the lack of platform,"I asked him,"or the quality of the writing…or both?"
He answered quickly."To tell you the truth,you don't have a strong enough platform yet,but the bigger issue right now is your voice.Your writing is okay,but your voice needs work."
Staring at that reply on my computer screen,I burst into tears.That was the day I quit writing and gave up my dream to publish my book."It's too hard,too disappointing,"I complained to my husband later that evening.My husband listened carefully,and then he asked me a single question:"Can you imagine your life without writing?"
I didn't even have to think about it."No,"I answered Brad."No,I can't image my life without writing."
"Well then keep at it,"Brad encouraged."Keep writing.Something will come of it."
Not long after,I hired a professional editor to work with me on the manuscript.The editor observed two voices competing on the pages:the personal voice and the instructional voice.The two voices didn't play well together,the editor concluded; switching from one voice to the other was unsettling to the reader.
I wish I could tell you that reworking the manuscript was an inspiring,fulfilling process.But it wasn't.It was hard,slow work.Another entire year passed before the manuscript was ultimately accepted by a different agent.And it was another two years before that agent was able to sell the book to a publisher.
I'm grateful my husband asked me that pointed question the day the agent rejected my manuscript.
And I'm even strangely grateful the agent offered such a searing criticism of my work.Without it,I might have been satisfied with writing that was merely"okay".
33.What was the author's biggest problem with her writing?A
A.The voice in it needed to be improved.
B.There was lack of platform in it.
C.He didn't show his personal voice in it.
D.There was a strong platform in it.
34.Who helped the author improve her writing?B
A.Her husband
B.A professional editor
C.A different agent
D.A famous writer.
35.Why is the author grateful to the literary agent who turned her down?A
A.He made her realize her writing needed improving.
B.He encouraged her to go on writing.
C.He pointed out her potential in writing.
D.He gave practical advice on her writing.
    I've dreamed of becoming a writer since I was a teenager.But (61)it isn't easy to get a book of mine published.(62)Though\Although I've tried hard,none of my books have been published.This is really (63)upsetting (upset).
    This morning,I received a call from a publisher and (64)was told (tell) once again that there was no way my book would be published.(65)Feeling (feel) sad,I left home and went to the park near my apartment.At the park,I sat down on the bench near the grass.
    While I was sitting there,I saw a little boy about one and a half years old.He was running on the grass,(66)with his mother not far behind him.He looked so happy when he enjoyed the (67)freedom (free) of running on the grass.He then fell on the grass,but he quickly got up and continued (68)to run (run) as fast as he could again even without looking back at his mother.He was still running with a smile on his face,as if nothing (69)had happened (happen).
Seeing that,I was truly inspired.I (70)suddenly (sudden) realized that I shouldn't get discouraged after experiencing failure.Instead,I should cheer up and keep on trying.

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