
Dear Aunty,
After years of her crying. I finally gave in and allowed my daughter to have a cat. I now regret my decision. As someone needs to have a clean, tidy house, I no longer feel relaxed in my own home. If I tell her, “sorry, the cat has to go.” She will be heartbroken. What can I do?
-Feline Phobic
Dear Phobic,
I’m an animal lover and on your kid’s and cat’s side. Tell your daughter your problem. Ask her to help you come up with a plan. Perhaps you can agree to allow the cat only in certain areas of the house. This is a chance for your daughter to develop the sense of responsibility owning a pet requires.
Dear Aunty,
I got the highest grade on a biology test. Now the popular kids think I’m brainy, and want me in their lab group. I knew I was being used. Now, they want my homework. What should I do?
Dear Lily.
Popularity can come at a price, but it’s no excuse to cheat. Offer to help new friends with their homework, but don’t give them yours.
Dear Aunty,
I’m one of six assistants in a dental(牙科的) office. But I’m new-there just four months. I’ve tried to join conversations, but they just ignore me. They go shopping together. No one invites me. How can I break into the circle?
Dear Crystal,
Humans run in packs like dogs. When a new dog enters the pack, a lot of discovery goes on. So bring cookies for everyone! Then try making friends with one co-worker. Invite her to lunch. When you get familiar with each other, tell her how hard you’re finding the situation at work. chances are, she’ll take you under her wing.
小题1:Aunty thinks that Phobic should        .
A.try to persuade her daughter to give in.
B.spend more time cleaning the house.
C.ask her daughter to help tidy up
D.find a better way to keep the cat.
小题2:The underlined word “brainy” in the passage means        .
小题3:According to the passage,       .
A.Phobic can’t get along well with her daughter.
B.Aunty is fond of animals like cats.
C.Crystal’s coworkers are cheating her.
D.Lily has no interest in lab experiments.


小题1:D 推理题。根据第二封信Ask her to help you come up with a plan. Perhaps you can agree to allow the cat only in certain areas of the house. This is a chance for your daughter to develop the sense of responsibility owning a pet requires.说明Aunty 认为Phobic应该要找一个地方来养猫。故D正确。
小题2:C 推理题。根据本句I got the highest grade on a biology test. Now the popular kids think I’m brainy,说明我得了高分,别人都认为我很聪明,故C正确,
小题3:B 推理题。根据第一封信I finally gave in and allowed my daughter to have a cat. I now regret my decision.说明Feline Phobic写信给Aunty征求养猫方面的问题,说明Aunty是一个爱猫之人,对猫了解较多。故B正确。
Emanuel’s father liked to declare he’d spent ages by the sea, breathing seawater. Now, away from the sea, in the hospital, his body just looked like a beached fish. His condition went from bad to worse. The doctor came from saying, “He’ll be home in a day,” “He’ll be home in a week,” to “He will be home in a month.”
When Emanuel was a teenager, if he ever seemed bored with the pier(码头), his father would shout, “What ? This isn’t good enough for you?” And later, when he suggested Emanuel take a job at the pier after high school, the boy almost laughed, and his father again said, “What? This isn’t good enough for you?” And before Emanuel went to war, when he talked of marrying Maggie and becoming an engineer, his father said, “What? This isn’t good enough for you?”
And now, here he was, Emanuel helped out at the pier, working evenings after his taxi job, doing his father’s labor.
Parents rarely let go of their children, so children let go of them. They move on. They move away. It is not until much later that children understand: their stories and all their accomplishments sit on top of the stories of their mothers and fathers.
One night his father, lying in hospital, was practically too weak to speak. Others comforted him. “Your old man will pull through. He’s the toughest man we’ve ever seen.”
When the news came that his father had died, Emanuel felt heart-broken.
In the following weeks, Emanuel’s mother lived in a confused state. She spoke to her husband as if he were still there .She yelled at him to turn down the radio. She cooked enough food for two .One night, when Emanuel offered to help with the dishes, she said. “Your father will put them away.” Emanuel put a hand on her shoulder. “Ma,” he said softly, “Dad’s gone.”
“Gone where?” murmured Mum.
小题1:Which of the following shows the right order of the story?
a.Emanuel’s father fell ill.         
b.Emanuel helped out at pier.
c.Emanuel went to the war.
d.Emanuel wished to be an engineer.
e.  Emanuel’s mother lived in a confused state
小题2:In Paragraph 4, the writer inplies that       
A.Children can never understand how much their parents have devoted to them
B.Children wouldn’t have achieved so much without their parents’ support
C.Children often feel regretful because they leave their parents
D.Children like moving away from their parents
小题3:The underlined phrase “pull through” can probably be replaced by ________
A.wake upB.give upC.pick upD.get up
小题4:The last paragraph mainly tells us that      
A.Emanuel’s mother was at a loss at her husband’s death.
B.Emanuel often helped his mother to wash the dishes.
C.Emanuel lived with his mother and often comforted her.
D.Emanuel’s mother doesn’t like to listen to the radio.
John and Booby joined a wholesale company together just after graduation from college the same year. Both worked very hard. After several years, however, the boss promoted(提升)Bobby to the position of manager but John remained an ordinary employee(雇员). John could not take it any more, so he sent his resignation(辞职信) and complained that the boss did not value(重视)hard working workers but only promoted those who said good words of him.
The boss knew that John worked very hard for the years. He thought for a moment and said, “Thank you for telling me, but I have a request. I hope you will do one more thing for our company before you leave. Perhaps you will change your mind and take back your resignation.”
John agreed. The boss asked him to go and find out anyone selling watermelons in the market. John went and returned soon. He said he had found out a man selling watermelons. The boss asked how much per kg, John shook his head and went back to the market to ask and returned to tell the boss $1.2 per kg.
The boss told John to wait a second, and he called Bobby to go and find anyone selling watermelons in the market. Bobby went, returned and said only one person sold watermelons. $1.2 for a kg, $10 for 10kg and his watermelons added up to 340. On the table 58 melons, every melon weighs about 2 kg, bought from the south two days ago and they were fresh, red and good quality.
John was surprised and realized the difference between himself and Bobby. He decided not to go away but to learn from Bobby.
The story tells us that a more successful person is more concerned and thinks more. Chances are there in the daily details. For the same thing, a person sees one year ahead, while another sees only tomorrow. The difference between a year and a day is 365 times, how could you win?
小题1:John wanted to stop his job in his company because_________.
A.Bobby was promoted but he was not
B.he didn’t want to say good words of his boss
C.he thought the boss didn’t take his hard work seriously
D.he didn’t want to be an ordinary employee
小题2:The boss asked John to find out where watermelons were sold in order to _________.
A.persuade him to stay in the company
B.prove he was a hardworking worker
C.buy some watermelons for the company
D.prove his abilities at work for himself
小题3:From what Bobby did, we can see that he was promoted only because _________.
A.he was a more concerned businessman
B.he knew how to do business
C.he was more experienced at work
D.he knew details about the watermelon market
小题4:We can conclude from the story that _________.
A.one should stop his job if the boss doesn’t think much of his work
B.it’s necessary to know the market when you buy a watermelon
C.detail plays a very important part in one’s success
D.one should get along well with his boss if he wants to be promoted
小题5:What can be the best title of the passage?
A.More Concerned, More SuccessfulB.How to Buy Watermelons
C.Who Is More SuccessfulD.Proud John
Last night, I was waiting for a taxi. After 5 minutes, I was  36 . The driver seemed to be angry. I asked him what the   37  was. He said he had just come from the airport without a   38  , which was basically $70 in lost fare.
Over the course of the ride, the anger   39  died down. He mentioned he had read an article saying the   40  people are the ones that give, so he hoped he’d have more   41  to give in his life. I was starting to   42  being with him! We continued talking about why   43  is so beneficial both to the giver and the receiver and different ways to   44  it.
As we arrived at my destination,  I  45  my fare. But I pulled out an extra $20 and said, “Since we’ve been talking about this whole time, I wanted to share that   46  with you. I’ve already paid my fare, but here’s an extra little bit. You can   47  it, since you’re already down $70 from the airport. But if you want to experience the  48 of the gift, then tell the next passenger in this taxi that their ride is a gift from another and they can   49 their gratitude(感激) in whatever way.”
The man turned toward me, tears in his eyes, and said, “Sir, I have a better   50  . You give that $20 to a   51  person around here and I’ll treat the next passenger with a   52  ride myself.
Wow. This man was   53  10 minutes ago. I got out and walked around trying to   54 someone who needed help before heading to my destination.
It was an honor meeting that driver and    55   the lesson of how everyone is capable of giving.
A.gotten offB.put offC.called upD.picked up
For a long time I saw happiness as a huge banner (旗帜)across the finish line of a long race. I felt that only when I 36 _____ certain things could I finally be happy in my life. Most of the time I felt like a tortoise believing that being slow and 37 _____ would win the race. At other times I would 38 _____ like a rabbit trying different side roads at a dangerous 39 _____ hoping to reach that banner a little faster. 40 _____ , I began to see that no matter how long I raced towards it, the banner was never any 41 _____ I finally decided one day to 42 _____ and take a break. It was then that I saw my 43 _____ sitting beside me.
It had been with me as I 44 _____ hard to support my family, as I played with my children and heard their 45 _____ and even when I was 46 _____ with my wife at my side looking after me. It had been with me as I raced towards that stupid banner. I just didn’t have the 47 _____ to see it.
There is an old Chinese proverb that says, “Tension is what you think you should be. 48 _____ is who you are” Perhaps we all should stop our race towards the 49 _____ life we think we should have and 50 _____ the life we have now. Happiness will never be found under some banner far away. If will be found 51 _____ your own heart, soul and mind. It will be found when you 52 _____ that others love you just as you do.
Don’t be a tortoise or a rabbit when it comes to your happiness. Be a playful puppy and carry your stick of 53 _____ with you everywhere you go. 54 _____ yourself out of the race and realize that when it comes to love and happiness you are 55 _____ there.
A.settle inB.start offC.stop byD.sit down
"Hey, Dad," one of my kids asked the other day, "what was your favourite fast food when you were growing up?"
"We didn't have fast food when I was growing up," I informed him."All the food was slow." "Where did you eat?" "It was a place called 'at home'." I explained."Grandma cooked every day and when Grandpa got home from work, we sat down together at the dining table, and if I didn't like what she put on my plate I was allowed to sit there until I liked it."
Some parents never owned their own houses, set foot on a golf course, travelled out of the country or had a credit card.
My parents have never driven me to soccer practice.This was mostly because we never had heard of soccer.I had a bicycle that weighed probably 50 pounds, and only had one speed.We didn't have a television in our house until I was 11.I was 13 when I tasted my first pizza; it was called "pizza pie".When I bit into it, I burned the roof of my mouth and the cheese slid off, swung down, plastered(粘贴)itself against my chin and burned that, too.It's still the best pizza I ever had.
I delivered newspapers, six days a week .The paper cost 7 cents, of which I got to keep 2 cents.I had to get up at 4:00 a.m.every morning.On Saturday, I had to collect the 42 cents from my customers.My favourite customers were the ones who gave me 50 cents and told me to keep the change.
If you grew up in a generation before there was fast food, you may want to share some of these memories with your children or grandchildren.
Growing up isn't what it used to be, is it?
小题1:By saying "All the food was slow", the writer implies that ____.
A.when he was growing up, he never ate fast food
B.he didn't like fast food when he was growing up
C.his grandma made food slowly
D.he had to wait for a long time for the fast food
小题2:When the writer didn't like the food his grandma cooked when he was growing up, _______.
A.his grandma would make something he liked
B.his grandma would buy him fast food
C.he would sit there waiting for his favourite pizza pie
D.he had to eat it or go without
小题3:The writer's purpose of writing this passage is to _____.
A.tell his children there was no fast food in the past
B.tell us that life has been changing
C.tell us how hard it is to deliver newspapers
D.made us understand the meaning of life
I took my 9-year-old daughter,Suzan and 5-year-old son,Robbie to the shopping centre.As we got there,we saw a big sign that said,“Petting Zoo”.The kids jumped up and asked,“Daddy,can we go?”
Both my wife and I were out of work.However,I said,“Sure”,giving them a quarter each. They went away, leaving only fifty cents left in my pocket.
A petting zoo is made up of a hundred of little baby animals of all kinds.Kids pay their money and stay in the enclosure(围场)pleased with the little animals while their parents shop.
A few minutes later,I saw Suzan walking along behind me.I was surprised and asked what was wrong.
She said sadly,“Well,Daddy,a ticket for Petting Zoo costs fifty cents.So I gave Robbie my quarter.” Then she said the most beautiful thing I ever heard.She repeated the family motto(座右铭),which is “Love is Action!”
I knew clearly no one loves little animals more than Suzan. She had watched both my wife and me do and say "Love is Action!” for years,and now she had put it into her lifestyle.It had become part of her,because she knew the whole family motto.It’s not only “Love is Action”;it’s “Love is SACRIFICAL(牺牲的)Action!" Love always pays a price.
I was moved.We went back to the Petting Zoo.Suzan stood with her hands and chin(下巴)resting on the fence and just watched Robbie go crazy petting and feeding the animals.I had fifty cents burning a hole in my pocket. I put my hand into my pocket and took out the money.Sure,I must do that !
小题1:What is the best title for this passage?
A.A Petting Zoo.B.Try Your Best to Help Others.
C.An Attractive Shopping Centre.D.Love Is Sacrificial Action!
小题2:The underlined part “the most beautiful thing” in Paragraph 5 refers to .
A.the Petting ZooB.the family motto
C.their lifestyleD.the ticket for Petting Zoo
小题3:Which of the following best describes Suzan?
小题4:What might happen next according to the story?
A.The author would buy Suzan some candies.
B.The author would get angry with Robbie.
C.Suzan would play happily with the little animals.
D.The author would play together with Suzan.
How can you make a million dollars in one month? I’m sure I am going to get the ____41____ of many readers with the question. The ____42____ news is that you are not going to make a million dollars in one month ____43____ you win the lottery (彩票) or some other prize.
We all want to be millionaires. However, if you try to ____44____ how they became that rich, you will learn that they worked very ____45____ for the money. That is what most ____46____ have had to do, including Bill Gates and Andrew Carnegie, and they often went ____47____ hardships before they succeeded ____48____.
There are many reasons why the millionaires have made it ____49____ for themselves. In this article, I am going to ____50____ passion (热情) which I think is the most ____51____ quality to have in order to succeed. I am sure that if one were to ____52____ the people who made millions in their lifetime, this would be found in all of them.
Take J.K. Rowling for ____53____. Her first Harry Potter book was sent to twelve publishing houses, all of which ____54____ to publish it. A year later, she was finally given the chance by a small ____55____, which paid £1,500. And the ____56____ from that company was that she should get herself a job since she had little ____57____ of making a living by writing children’s books.
If you want to make a million dollars, find something that ____58____ you really passionate and work hard at it. It doesn’t ____59____ what it is. Let me know how you ____60____.
A.find outB.think upC.bring upD.care about
A.as wellB.at lastC.on purposeD.by chance
A.talk aboutB.show offC.pick outD.carry out
The turning point of my life was my decision to give up a promising business career and study music. My parents, although sharing my love of music, didn’t __36__ it as a profession. My grandfather, having taught music for years at college and, though much __37__, earned merely enough to support his family. As a result of this _38___in the family, I went to college -----quite __39__, for although I loved my violin and spent most of my spare time practicing, I had many other _40___. Before my graduation from Columbia, I felt _41___my duty to leave college and take a job. Aside from the satisfaction of being able to ___42__the family, money is all I got out of it. My only ambition was to save enough to _43___ the job and go to Europe to study __44___. I used to get up at dawn to practice_45__ I left for “downtown “to work. . I continued to make money, and _46__, bit by bit, accumulated enough to enable me to ___47_.
The situation of my family improved, and my help was _48___necessary, so I resigned from my __49__and, feeling like a man released from jail, sailed for _50___. I stayed four years, worked harder than I had ever dreamed of working before and _51___every minute of it. I was a _52__man and I was doing what I__53__ to do and what I was meant to do. If I had stayed in business, I might be a quite wealthy man today, __54__ I wouldn’t have made a success of living . I would have _55__all those that money can never buy.
Money is a wonderful thing, but it is possible to pay too high price on it.
A.give upB.give inC.go onD.throw away
A.afterB.in caseC.beforeD.the moment
A.go backB.go homeC.go abroadD.go down
A.no longerB.of courseC.in factD.much too
A.AsiaB.EuropeC.AfricaD.North America

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