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have the honour ofÓСÈÙÐÒ
the organizing committee ×éί»á
be proud of ÒԡΪ×ÔºÀ
undertake the great obligation³Ðµ£Öص£
go all out to do ¾¡Ò»ÇÐŬÁ¦×öijÊÂ
¸ß·Ö¾äÐÍÒ»£ºIt is universally acknowledged that the 2010 World Cup in South Africa is going to be held on June£®´Ë¾äÓÃÁËit is V-ed that¾äÐÍ£¬ÈËÃÇÆÕ±éÖªÏþ¡
¸ß·Ö¾äÐͶþ£ºI am LiHua£¬who is£¬from childhood£¬interested in football´Ë¾ä·ÇÏÞÖÆÐÔ¶¨Óï´Ó¾ä
½â´ð Dear leader£¬
It is universally acknowledged that the 2010 World Cup in South Africa is going to be held on June£®£¨¸ß·Ö¾äÐÍÒ»£©I have the honour of hearing the information that the organizing committee want to advertise for a compulsory propagandist£®I am LiHua£¬who is£¬from childhood£¬interested in football£®£¨¸ß·Ö¾äÐͶþ£©I have done well in spoken English all the time and have the outstanding ability of translation£®I am proud of telling you that I has an edge£¬thanks to his talent£¬over the other competitors in Shandong Spoken English Contest£®I want to give myself a chance to undertake the great obligation so that I made myself worthy to the great enthusiasm of football£®I have a presumptuous request that I wonder if you can allow me encourage my classmates to join in the activity through convening the class meeting£®I believe my ability and please you believe my ability£®I go all out to do it if you give a chance£®£¨×ÔÎÒÌس¤½éÉÜ£©
I am looking looking forward to your reply£®£¨ÆÚ´ý´ð¸´£©
Li Hua
µãÆÀ µÚÒ»²½£ºÉóÌ⣬ȷ¶¨Ìå²Ã¸ñʽ¡¢Ö÷Ìåʱ̬¡¢ÖÐÐÄÈ˳ƺÍÄÚÈÝÒªµã£¬±ÜÃâÌî±íʽ»òÂÄÀú±íʽ±í´ï£®

A£® | which | B£® | that | C£® | what | D£® | whom |
A£® | after that | B£® | after it | C£® | after which | D£® | after this |
A£® | no | B£® | not much | C£® | great | D£® | many |
this beautiful red-haired image of £¨41£©D£®It was£¨42£©_A Outside£®We waited£¬some patiently£¬others annoyed because £¨43£©C messed up their hurried day£®The little voice was so sweet that it £¨44£©Dthe hypnotic trance£¨´ßÃßÐÔÃÔ˯£©we were caught in£®"Mom£¬let's run through the rain£¬"she said£®
"£¨45£©B£¿"Mom asked£®
"Let's run through the rain!"She repeated£®
"No£¬honey£®We'll wait £¨46£©Cit slows down a bit£¬"Mom replied£®
This young child waited about another minute and repeated£º"Mom£¬let's run through
the rain£¬"
"We'll get wet through if we£¨47£©B£¬"Mom said£®
"No£¬we won't£¬Mom£®That's not what you said this morning£¬"the young girl said
as she pulled at her Mom's arm£®
"This morning£¿When did I say we could run through the rain and not get £¨48£©A£¿"
"Don't you £¨49£©D£¿When you were talking to Dad about his cancer£¬you said£¬'We can £¨50£©C anything!"'
The entire crowd fell into dead £¨51£©B£®I dare say you couldn't hear anything but the Rain£®£¨52£©A came or left in the next few minutes£®
Mom paused and thought for a moment about what she would say£®Now some would£¨53£©
Bit off and say she was silly£®Some might even £¨54£©D what was said£¬But this was a moment of affirmation£¨¿Ï¶¨£©in a young child's life£¬a time when innocent trust can be£¨55£©C so that it will develop into faith£®
"Honey£¬you are£®£¨56£©Cright£®Let-s run through the rain£®If we get wet£¬maybe we
just need washing£®"Mom said£®
Then £¨57£©Athey ran£®We all stood inside£¬watching£¬smiling and laughing as they£¨58£©Bpast the cars£®and yes£¬across the puddles£¨Ë®¿Ó£©£®They held their shopping bags over their heads just £¨59£©A£®They did get wet£®
And yes£¬I did£®I ran£®I got wet£®I needed£¨60£©D£®
41£®A£®bravery | B£®confidence | C£®honesty | D£®innocence |
42£®A£®pouring | B£®snowing | C£®windy | D£®dark |
43£®A£®customers | B£®shopping | C£®nature | D£®accidents |
44£®A£®ruined | B£®helped | C£®started | D£®broke |
45£®A£®Why | B£®What | C£®How | D£®When |
46£®A£®though | B£®as if | C£®until | D£®now that |
47£®A£®are | B£®do | C£®will | D£®can |
48£®A£®wet | B£®tired | C£®annoyed | D£®impatient |
49£®A£®believe | B£®know | C£®understand | D£®remember |
50£®A£®make use of | B£®put up with | C£®get through | D£®set aside |
51£®A£®calmness | B£®silence | C£®anxiety | D£®surprise |
52£®A£®No one | B£®Neither | C£®All | D£®Someone |
53£®A£®put | B£®laugh | C£®keep | D£®wipe |
54£®A£®follow | B£®value | C£®analyse | D£®ignore |
55£®A£®won | B£®doubted | C£®encouraged | D£®tested |
56£¬A£¬always | B£®partly | C£®definitely | D£®almost |
57£¬A£¬out | B£®in | C£®up | D£®down |
58£®A£®jumped | B£®raced | C£®drove | D£®walked |
59£®A£®in case | B£®at once | C£®in time | D£®on purpose |
60£®A£®trusting | B£®watching | C£®noticing | D£®washing |