

Not so long ago, if you avoided drinking water during a workout(训练), you were considered tough. Today, most experts     36   , you would be considered unintelligent.

Even in you don’t sweat much or feel    37   and even if there is a nice breeze,    38     experts say drinking water- or something    39   is necessary before, during and after all warmer-weather   40  .

Only a few years ago, many coaches   41   players from drinking anything during the game----they thought it was   42   for them to rinse(漱口) their mouths,   43  swallowing anything might slow them down.

Now, there’s   44   plenty of water on the sidelines for athletes to drink. The National Hockey League even   45   goalkeepers to put water bottles on top of their nets.

These new practices   46  be lost on the recreation(消遣) athlete. Some   47  advise you to drink about two cups of water 15 minutes or so after you   48  exercising and the same amount every 15 minutes. In some types of exercises-running, for example-others encourage drinking a cup or two of water   49  the workout.

Don’t drink any more, experts say too much fluid makes   50 and exercise uncomfortable. In   51   continuous hot-weather exercise,   52   can sweat and breathe away 1.8 kilograms of   53   an hour.

Drinking water does two things: restore some   54   and allow you to keep sweating so the skin can be kept  55  . Doctors say drinking six or eight cups a day can help digestion.

36. A. discover                     B. suggest                     C. agree                       D. fear

37. A. thirsty                       B. hungry                     C. hot                          D. tired

38. A. labour                       B. children                   C. water                       D. exercise

39. A. else                          B. instead                           C. fresh                        D. tasteful

40. A. seasons                     B. lessons                     C. days                         D. activities

41. A. excused                           B. discouraged                    C. prevented                 D. saved

42. A. possible                           B. unnecessary              C. difficult                   D. right

43. A. but                                  B. then                         C. therefore                  D. though

44. A. seldom                     B. forever                     C. usually                     D. sometimes

45. A. allows                      B. promises                  C. forbids                     D. guides

46. A. couldn’t                           B. wouldn’t                  C. shouldn’t                  D. mustn’t

47. A. teachers                           B. parents                     C. players                     D. doctors

48. A. stop                           B. start                         C. give up                    D. begin with

49. A. after                          B. before                     C. with                         D. from

50. A. walking                           B. breathing                  C. swallowing              D. drinking

51. A. heavy                        B. easy                         C. pleasant                    D. everyday

52. A. a patient                    B. a drinker                  C. an athlete                 D. an expert

53. A. air                            B. atmosphere              C. oxygen                     D. water

54. A. sweat                         B. weight                           C. breath                     D. height

55. A. warm                        B. strong                     C. cool                         D. safe



36-40 CADBD  41-45 BDACA  46-50 CDBCB  51-55 ACDBC




Not so long ago, if you avoided drinking water during a workout(训练), you were considered tough. Today, most experts     36   , you would be considered unintelligent.
Even in you don’t sweat much or feel    37   and even if there is a nice breeze,    38     experts say drinking water- or something    39   is necessary before, during and after all warmer-weather   40  .
Only a few years ago, many coaches   41   players from drinking anything during the game----they thought it was   42   for them to rinse(漱口) their mouths,   43  swallowing anything might slow them down.
Now, there’s   44   plenty of water on the sidelines for athletes to drink. The National Hockey League even   45   goalkeepers to put water bottles on top of their nets.
These new practices   46  be lost on the recreation(消遣) athlete. Some   47  advise you to drink about two cups of water 15 minutes or so after you   48  exercising and the same amount every 15 minutes. In some types of exercises-running, for example-others encourage drinking a cup or two of water   49  the workout.
Don’t drink any more, experts say too much fluid makes   50 and exercise uncomfortable. In   51   continuous hot-weather exercise,   52   can sweat and breathe away 1.8 kilograms of   53   an hour.
Drinking water does two things: restore some   54   and allow you to keep sweating so the skin can be kept  55  . Doctors say drinking six or eight cups a day can help digestion.
36. A. discover                     B. suggest                     C. agree                       D. fear
37. A. thirsty                       B. hungry                     C. hot                          D. tired
38. A. labour                       B. children                   C. water                       D. exercise
39. A. else                          B. instead                           C. fresh                        D. tasteful
40. A. seasons                     B. lessons                     C. days                         D. activities
41. A. excused                           B. discouraged                    C. prevented                 D. saved
42. A. possible                           B. unnecessary              C. difficult                   D. right
43. A. but                                  B. then                         C. therefore                  D. though
44. A. seldom                     B. forever                     C. usually                     D. sometimes
45. A. allows                      B. promises                  C. forbids                     D. guides
46. A. couldn’t                           B. wouldn’t                  C. shouldn’t                  D. mustn’t
47. A. teachers                           B. parents                     C. players                     D. doctors
48. A. stop                           B. start                         C. give up                    D. begin with
49. A. after                          B. before                     C. with                         D. from
50. A. walking                           B. breathing                  C. swallowing              D. drinking
51. A. heavy                        B. easy                         C. pleasant                    D. everyday
52. A. a patient                    B. a drinker                  C. an athlete                 D. an expert
53. A. air                            B. atmosphere              C. oxygen                     D. water
54. A. sweat                         B. weight                           C. breath                     D. height
55. A. warm                        B. strong                     C. cool                         D. safe


It’s not just an American phenomenon:   1   the globe, single-parent homes are on the  2  . Numbers for one-parent families increased from England to Australia during the 1990s, mirroring demographic (人口统计学的) changes reflected in the US census.

Just as in America, those changes   3   new questions about how  4     government should be in helping single-parent families, which often are less well-off   5   than those led by a married mom and dad.

Should single parents be afforded tax breaks to help pay for child   6   ? Should employers be monitored to make   7  flexible work hours are offered?

Annie Oliver, a 32-year-old single mother from Bristol, England, thinks so. “You wouldn’t believe   8   becoming a single parent suddenly made me a second-class   9   ,” said Oliver, who struggles to   10   a full-time job and give the extra care her disabled son needs.

(   ) 1. A. on B. in     C. across       D. through

(   ) 2. A. rise      B. way  C. fall   D. decrease

(   ) 3. A. asked    B. answered  C. avoided    D. raised

(   ) 4.A. included       B. concluded C. involved   D. intended

(   ) 5. A. physically    B. financially       C. mentally   D. spiritually

(   ) 6. A. care      B. growth     C. happiness  D. concern

(   ) 7. A. clear     B. known      C. out    D. sure

(   ) 8. A. when    B. what C. how  D. why

(   ) 9. A. employee     B. citizen      C. partner     D. mother

(   ) 10. A. keep   B. look for    C. find  D. own


     Adrian's "Amazing Race" started early when his parents realized he couldn't hear a thing, not even loud noises. At a special school for the hearing-impaired (听觉受损的),he learned  ___1__ language and had
to __2___ with other disabled children. However, the  ___3__ of all the disabled children communicating with one another upset his mother. She wanted him to lead a(an)  __4_ life. After speaking to an advisor,
she sent him to private classes __5__ he learned to lip-read and pronounce words.
     Later on, Adrian's parents __6__ to send him to a regular school. The headmaster tried to prevent
them from doing so, __7__ regular school couldn't take care of a special needs student. His parents were
determined to __8__ and pushed him hard to go through his work every day __9__ they wanted to prove that, __10__ the opportunity, Adrian could do anything. Adrian made the grade and was __11__. It was a big challenge. The pace(节奏) was faster so he had to sit at the front of the class and really pay attention
to  the teacher, ___12__ wasn't always easy. But he___13__ it and did a lot of extra work after school.
     The ___14__made by Adrian and his parents paid off. Adrian graduated with good __15__ and got
into a top high school. He also achieved a lot in his life __16__ school. He developed a love __17___ the outdoors and went to Nepal to climb mountains. He even entered the World Yacht Race 05/06, __18___ the first hearing-impaired Asian to do so.
     But none of these achievements would have been possible __19__ one of the most important lessons
from his mother.
     "If you ___20__ yourself and work hard, you can achieve great results," she often said.
(     )1. A. sign    
(     )2. A. mix        
(     )3. A. view   
(     )4. A. common   
(     )5. A. that     
(     )6. A. thought    
(     )7. A. lying    
(     )8. A. insist on  
(     )9. A. because  
(     )10. A. having given
(     )11. A. fired   
(     )12. A. it      
(     )13. A. stuck to  
(     )14. A. affords
(     )15. A. aims   
(     )16. A. outside
(     )17. A. to     
(     )18. A. achieved
(     )19. A. out of   
(     )20. A. leave out  
B. hearing  
B. work      
B. sight     
B. normal  
B. which    
B. succeeded  
B. telling  
B. take a look    
B. therefore  
B. given     
B. blamed  
B. he      
B. devoted to  
B. effects  
B. fames    
B. inside
B. for    
B. became  
B. through  
B. trust in  
C. spoken  
C. play  
C. sign    
C. ordinary  
C. where  
C. decided  
C. speaking  
C. focus on  
C. however  
C. giving  
C. accepted  
C. that  
C. applied to
C. efforts  
C. grades    
C. behind
C. over  
C. becoming  
C. from  
C. try out    
D. written      
D. study        
D. scenery      
D. average      
D. when          
D. considered    
D. saying        
D. take the risk
D. while        
D. to give      
D. squeezed      
D. which        
D. appealed to  
D. affects      
D. data          
D. after        
D. about        
D. achieving    
D. without      
D. believe in    


   Not so long ago, if you avoided drinking water during a workout(训练), you were considered tough. Today, most experts     36   , you would be considered unintelligent.

   Even in you don’t sweat much or feel    37   and even if there is a nice breeze,    38     experts say drinking water- or something    39   is necessary before, during and after all warmer-weather   40  .

   Only a few years ago, many coaches   41   players from drinking anything during the game----they thought it was   42   for them to rinse(漱口) their mouths,   43  swallowing anything might slow them down.

   Now, there’s   44   plenty of water on the sidelines for athletes to drink. The National Hockey League even   45   goalkeepers to put water bottles on top of their nets.

   These new practices   46  be lost on the recreation(消遣) athlete. Some   47  advise you to drink about two cups of water 15 minutes or so after you   48  exercising and the same amount every 15 minutes. In some types of exercises-running, for example-others encourage drinking a cup or two of water   49  the workout.

   Don’t drink any more, experts say too much fluid makes   50 and exercise uncomfortable. In   51   continuous hot-weather exercise,   52   can sweat and breathe away 1.8 kilograms of   53   an hour.

   Drinking water does two things: restore some   54   and allow you to keep sweating so the skin can be kept  55  . Doctors say drinking six or eight cups a day can help digestion.

36. A. discover                     B. suggest                     C. agree                       D. fear

37. A. thirsty                       B. hungry                     C. hot                          D. tired

38. A. labour                       B. children                   C. water                       D. exercise

39. A. else                           B. instead                            C. fresh                        D. tasteful

40. A. seasons                      B. lessons                     C. days                         D. activities

41. A. excused                            B. discouraged                     C. prevented                 D. saved

42. A. possible                            B. unnecessary              C. difficult                   D. right

43. A. but                                   B. then                         C. therefore                  D. though

44. A. seldom                      B. forever                     C. usually                     D. sometimes

45. A. allows                       B. promises                  C. forbids                     D. guides

46. A. couldn’t                            B. wouldn’t                  C. shouldn’t                  D. mustn’t

47. A. teachers                            B. parents                     C. players                     D. doctors

48. A. stop                           B. start                         C. give up                    D. begin with

49. A. after                          B. before                      C. with                         D. from

50. A. walking                            B. breathing                  C. swallowing               D. drinking

51. A. heavy                        B. easy                         C. pleasant                    D. everyday

52. A. a patient                    B. a drinker                  C. an athlete                 D. an expert

53. A. air                             B. atmosphere               C. oxygen                     D. water

54. A. sweat                         B. weight                            C. breath                      D. height

55. A. warm                        B. strong                      C. cool                         D. safe

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