

   Not so long ago, if you avoided drinking water during a workout(训练), you were considered tough. Today, most experts     36   , you would be considered unintelligent.

   Even in you don’t sweat much or feel    37   and even if there is a nice breeze,    38     experts say drinking water- or something    39   is necessary before, during and after all warmer-weather   40  .

   Only a few years ago, many coaches   41   players from drinking anything during the game----they thought it was   42   for them to rinse(漱口) their mouths,   43  swallowing anything might slow them down.

   Now, there’s   44   plenty of water on the sidelines for athletes to drink. The National Hockey League even   45   goalkeepers to put water bottles on top of their nets.

   These new practices   46  be lost on the recreation(消遣) athlete. Some   47  advise you to drink about two cups of water 15 minutes or so after you   48  exercising and the same amount every 15 minutes. In some types of exercises-running, for example-others encourage drinking a cup or two of water   49  the workout.

   Don’t drink any more, experts say too much fluid makes   50 and exercise uncomfortable. In   51   continuous hot-weather exercise,   52   can sweat and breathe away 1.8 kilograms of   53   an hour.

   Drinking water does two things: restore some   54   and allow you to keep sweating so the skin can be kept  55  . Doctors say drinking six or eight cups a day can help digestion.

36. A. discover                     B. suggest                     C. agree                       D. fear

37. A. thirsty                       B. hungry                     C. hot                          D. tired

38. A. labour                       B. children                   C. water                       D. exercise

39. A. else                           B. instead                            C. fresh                        D. tasteful

40. A. seasons                      B. lessons                     C. days                         D. activities

41. A. excused                            B. discouraged                     C. prevented                 D. saved

42. A. possible                            B. unnecessary              C. difficult                   D. right

43. A. but                                   B. then                         C. therefore                  D. though

44. A. seldom                      B. forever                     C. usually                     D. sometimes

45. A. allows                       B. promises                  C. forbids                     D. guides

46. A. couldn’t                            B. wouldn’t                  C. shouldn’t                  D. mustn’t

47. A. teachers                            B. parents                     C. players                     D. doctors

48. A. stop                           B. start                         C. give up                    D. begin with

49. A. after                          B. before                      C. with                         D. from

50. A. walking                            B. breathing                  C. swallowing               D. drinking

51. A. heavy                        B. easy                         C. pleasant                    D. everyday

52. A. a patient                    B. a drinker                  C. an athlete                 D. an expert

53. A. air                             B. atmosphere               C. oxygen                     D. water

54. A. sweat                         B. weight                            C. breath                      D. height

55. A. warm                        B. strong                      C. cool                         D. safe

36-40 CADBD  41-45 BDACA  46-50 CDBCB  51-55 ACDBC


第三部分: 完形填空(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)
The back door of the ambulance was suddenly shut and the driver ran to the front, jumped into the seat, and started the engine。 Inside were the   26   parents, Mr。 and Mrs。 Green。 The mother was holding their baby daughter, Ally。 The girl had some   27   stuck in her throat and could   28   breathe。
The driver, Mr。 White, turned on his siren(警报器) and sped towards the  29   hospital, fighting against the time。 The   30   ahead of him pulled out of the way   31   he drove through the busy traffic。 From the back of the   32   the parents were shouting at him to be         __33  , since Ally had almost stopped   34 。 In front of him he saw some traffic   35  , with the red “Stop” light shining。 Mr。 white knew he had no time to   36  , so he drove straight through the traffic lights。
Coming towards him from his right was a taxi with the   37   closed, and the driver was playing his radio, He did not   38   the ambulance。 The lights were green;   39   he drove straight on into the ambulance。
Mr。 White tried to stop his ambulance, but it was too   40 。 It hit the taxi。 Everyone was shaken, but no one was hurt。 Mr。 White looked to see   41   little Ally was。 He was astonished to see relief(宽慰) instead of   42   on the faces of the parents。
“Look!” cried Mrs。 Green。 “She is breathing again。”
“It   43   have been the crash,” said her husband, “It   44   the food out of her throat。”
The baby’s color was turning   45  , and she was crying in a loud but healthy voice。 They were all joyful, and quite forgot about the accident。
26。 A。 worried                  B。 angry             C。 satisfied                D。 surprised
27。 A。 honey                   B。 drinks            C。 food                     D。 water
28。 A。 never                     B。 almost           C。 hardly                   D。 simply
29。 A。 modern                 B。 promising      C。 children’s           D。 nearest   
30。 A。 interviewers           B。 drivers          C。 cars                      D。 parents
31。 A。 that                       B。 as                  C。 if                         D。 as though
32。 A。 street                     B。 cars               C。 traffic                   D。 ambulance
33。 A。 quick                     B。 convenient     C。 anxious             D。 calm
34。 A。 breathing               B。 circulating      C。 saying                   D。 talking
35。 A。 signs                      B。 policemen      C。 lights                    D。 marks
36。 A。 stop                       B。 spare             C。 lose                      D。 miss
37。 A。 engine                   B。 car               C。 door                     D。 window
38。 A。hear                       B。 see                C。 find                  D。 notice
39。 A。 however                 B。 so                  C。 but          D。 on the other hand
40。 A。 dangerous              B。 late                C。 careless                 D。 quick
41。 A。 how                       B。 what              C where                       D。 who
42。 A。 pleasure                     B。 anger             C。 fear                      D。 surprise
43。 A。 may                       B。 can               C。 should                  D。 must
44。 A。 took                      B。 picked           C。 knocked                D。 pulled
45。 A。 common                B。 normal           C。 general                 D。 ordinary

If we really want to be happy, why do we complain all the time in our daily life? We can be active in our life by setting goals and going   34   what we want. But if we’re always expressing complaints, we can not really live   35  .
If you don’t believe me,   36   how many times you complain about something or other in one day. Whether it is being stuck in traffic, being bothered by the weather, or whatever it is, there are endless   37   where you can find a reason to complain. But it’s not just outside circumstances   38   we complain about. We also complain about   39  . We complain constantly that we don’t have enough time, that we don’t have enough money and that we’re not   40   enough, cool enough, or just enough.
Most of us have experienced plenty of unpleasantness   41   complaining about things we can’t control, so do I. And I   42   really thought about it much until I found the website about “living in a complaint-free world”, which   43   my attitude towards life.
Imagine how   44   you would be if you simply stopped being a complainer.   45   of what you complain of is outside of your control anyway.   46  , it is no use thinking about something you have no power to change. When you   47   that you’re complaining, stop and ask yourself if you would rather complain, or be happy.
In our daily life, we have many choices. As Dale Carnegie puts it, any fool can criticize and complain but it takes character and   48   for the wise persons to live a complaint-free and happy life.
34.   A. without                B. against              C. after             D. over
35.   A. effectively                B. normally           C. casually             D. honestly
36.   A. scan                         B. evaluate            C. witness              D. count
37.   A. effects                            B. cases                 C. consequences     D. anecdotes
38.   A. that                         B. which               C. where               D. what
39.   A. yourselves                B. themselves         C. oneself              D. ourselves
40.   A. clumsy                     B. attractive           C. neat                  D. awesome
41.   A. due to                      B. in addition to     C. by means of       D. in spite of
42.   A. ever                         B. even                 C. never                D. once
43.   A. reflected                  B. strengthened      C. abandoned         D. changed
44.   A. awkward                  B. confident           C. awful                D. cheerful
45.   A. Few                         B. Little                C. Much                D. Many
46.   A. Therefore                 B. However           C. Otherwise          D. Anyway
47.   A. guarantee                 B. determine      C. realize               D. recommend
48.   A. dignity                     B. self-control        C. judgement         D. affection

You may think there is only sand in the desert(沙漠) of the world, but it is not true. In the desert, as we know, there is a little__26__ and it is not__27__ for most plants. Still we can see some plants live in the desert.
There is___28_ in some places in the deserts. We__29__ these places oases(绿洲). In the oases, there are villages and towns. People grow__30__ kinds of vegetables and rice in the fields there. People__31__ live outside the oases. They have camels(骆驼), sheep and other animals. These animals live__32__ the desert plants for their food and do not need any water. The__33__ are useful to the desert people in many ways. They eat the__34__ and drink the milk of the animals. They__35__ the camels for carrying water, food, and_36___.
The people of the desert have to keep__37__ from place to place. They must always look__38__ grass or desert plants for their animals. When there__39___ no more food for their animals, they move to another place. The desert people are__40__. Every one in the desert likes to help the people in trouble and give them food and water.
26. A. rain           B. rains           C. wind           D. winds
27. A. good          B. good enough     C. enough good    D. enough
28. A. earth          B. plants           C. wood          D. water
29.A. say            B. call            C. tell           D. find
30.A. every          B. all              C. a             D. one
31.A. also           B. too              C. either         D. still
32.A. on             B. with            C. of            D. by
33.A. water         B. plants           C. animals        D. food
34.A. meal           B. meat            C. body          D. food
35.A. let            B. make           C. drive          D. use
36.A. other something  B. something other  C. else something  D. something else
37.A. walking         B. carrying        C. moving        D. going
38.A. up             B. for             C. after          D. at
39.A. is              B. are             C. have          D. has
40.A. carefully        B. careful          C. friendly        D. friend

One day a mother rat and her babies were out in an open field. They were playing and having a good time when ___21___ a hungry cat came on the scene! It hid ___22___ a big tree and then ___23___ forward through tall grass ___24___ it could almost hear them talk. ___25___ the mother rat and her babies knew ___26___ had happened, the cat ___27___ from its hiding-place and started to run ___28___ them.
The mother rat and her babies all ___29___ at once. They hurried towards ___30___ home, which was under a pile of large stones. ___31___ the baby rats were ___32___ scared that they could not run very ___33___. Closer and closer the cat came. In no time the cat could catch ___34___. What was to be done?
The mother rat stopped running, ___35___ round and faced the cat, ___36___, “Wow! Wow! Wow-wow!” just like ___37___ angry dog. The cat was so surprised and ___38___ that it ran away.
The mother rat turned to her babies, “Now you see ___39___ important it is to learn ___40___ second language!”
21. A. naturally           B. suddenly           C. nearly             D. certainly
22. A. or                 B. between           C. by                D. behind
23. A. crawled            B. jumped            C. looked             D. climbed
24. A. before             B. when              C. until               D. while
25. A. Before             B. After              C. Unless             D. Otherwise
26. A. where              B. what              C. which             D. when
27. A. jumped            B. started             C. walked            D. appeared
28. A. over               B. through            C. after             D. against
29. A. stood              B. fled               C. left               D. cried
30. A. to                 B. for                C. its               D. their
31. A. Because            B. But               C. Therefore          D. Although
32. A. as                 B. much              C. so               D. very
33. A. freely              B. hardly             C. soon             D. quickly
34. A. ahead              B. down              C. that              D. them
35. A. turned            B. walked             C. jumped           D. ran
36. A. saying             B. speaking           C. shouting          D. telling
37. A. a                 B. an                 C. their             D. that
38. A. pleased            B. excited             C. frightened         D. worried
39. A. so                B. why                C. what             D. how
40. A. our               B. their                C. a                D. An



    Once there lived in Egypt a famous philosopher(哲学家) named Zun-Nun. One day a young man came to visit him and asked ___30___, “Please, sir, why are great people like you dressed in such a way?”

___31____ his ring to the man, the philosopher said, “I will answer your question, ___32____ first you must take this ring to the ____33___ and sell it for one gold coin.”

Looking at the dirty ring, the young man replied ____34___, “One gold coin? Could this ring be sold at that ___35____?” Then he went to the market. He ____36___ the ring to the vegetable, meat, fish traders, and others. The fact was that no one was willing to ____37____ a gold coin. He went back and said ___38____ to Zun-Nun, “I didn’t manage to sell it. They all thought a gold coin was too ___39____ a price for such an ugly ring.” With a smile, Zun-Nun said, “Now go ___40____ the gold shop at the back of this street, and show ____41____ to the owner. Don’t give your price; just wait and let him tell you ___42____ he would like to pay.”

The youny man went to the shop, returned and reported, “The traders in the market don’t know the ____43___ of this ring. The gold trader said he would pay one thousand gold coins for it.”

“That’s the answer to your question, my young friend. A person cannot be valued only from his ____44____.” Zun-Nun said gently. 

30. A. foolishly                    B. Coldly                              C. proudly                            D. politely

31. A. Handing                   B. Turning                            C. Joining                             D. Selling

32. A. for                              B. so                                     C. but                                    D. or

33. A. theatre                     B. restaurant                      C. market                            D. school

34. A. with joy                    B. for sure                          C. by mistake                      D. in surprise

35. A. price                          B. table                               C. farm                                 D. house

36. A. added                       B. returned                          C. showed                           D. Reported

37. A. pay                            B. make                                C. save                                 D. get

38. A. good-bye                  B. sorry                                 C. yes                                    D. cheers

39. A. short                         B. long                                  C. Low                                 D. high

40. A. through                    B. to                                      C. out of                               D. away from

41. A. you                            B. him                                   C. it                                       D. them

42. A. how many                B. how much                       C. how often                       D. how far

43. A. shape                        B. value                                C. design                              D. size

44. A. words                       B. coins                                 C. ring                                   D. dress


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