

My friend Jenny from Germany spent some time traveling in India.She ____ the country so much that she always got attracted by it.While there,she ____ with Leela,her friend who was Indian.Aside from the ____ that she got as a foreigner,Jenny always had ____ problems.It was so difficult for her to communicate and converse in this new environment and culture.

One day,a ____ thing happened.Along with Leela,she went to visit an orphanage(孤儿院).All the children there were ____;each one fell somewhere between the ages of fifteen days to one-and-a-half years old.

After some initial hesitation,Jenny ____ went to the kids and sat beside them.After some time,one of the kids smiled at her.Her mind ____ a little,and she immediately was drawn towards that child.

She slowly held the child and started ____ a rhyme in German.The small child continued to ____ and started repeating after her.The words that escaped the little mouth were much ____ from those that Jenny hummed,but the rhythm was the same.Jenny sang a little more and the child ____ it again.On and on they went.

Wanting to join in all the ____,another kid went up to Jenny and started humming the rhyme.They ____ a million smiles together.

Noticing Leela's eyes on her,she blurted(脱口而出)an explanation ____ from her heart:“See,I don't have language problems here.We speak,we ____!”

That day,it was ____ for Leela and the others in the orphanage to see such a heartwarming,language-less connection.In that moment,she ____:we're all simply human,and we have the ____ to connect with each other.It's simple,and ____ deep inside.

1.A.expected B.dreamed C.loved D.defended

2.A.replaced B.stayed C.exchanged D.transformed

3.A.gazes B.receptions C.shocks D.aids

4.A.learning B.revision C.finance D.language

5.A.strange B.rigid C.vital D.complicated

6.A.naughty B.tiny C.ridiculous D.amusing

7.A.casually B.instantly C.officially D.slowly

8.A.relaxed B.struggled C.wandered D.slipped

9.A.observing B.singing C.creating D.entertaining

10.A.wave B.quarrel C.swear D.smile

11.A.various B.different C.irregular D.unique

12.A.removed B.reformed C.recommended D.repeated

13.A.party B.relationship C.responsibility D.fun

14.A.mentioned B.shared C.provided D.distributed

15.A.straight B.deeply C.entirely D.abruptly

16.A.conduct B.negotiate C.communicate D.conquer

17.A.amazing B.extraordinary C.hallenging D.dizzy

18.A.understood B.considered C.donated D.murmured

19.A.responsibility B.technique C.ability D.power

20.A.contributes to B.comes from C.accounts for D.sets off


阅读短文, 然后根据短文内容从A、B、C、D四个选项中选择最佳答案。

Jane’s mother worked on the farm from dawn till dark, which just could make ends meet. To make Jane live a life. Mother was very careful about spending money. Jane didn’t understand her. Every day Mother was busy with her while Jane was studying at school, so they had little time to enjoy themselves.

One day, Mother realized Jane was unhappy and even to her, so she decided to go with Jane to make Jane happy.

On Sunday morning they went happily to the snowfield. Since they were in white clothes, the manager advised them to buy ski clothes. He said there was an accident, they might be easily________ in their ski clothes. Mother couldn’t them, so she refused.

Then they went skiing in their white clothes. They were skiing happily on the when suddenly the snowfield began to . It was the snow slide(雪崩). They ran a long way and the snow slide finally, but they couldn’t find their way. Later, a helicopter was flying above, people on it couldn’t see or hear them. Jane was because she had hurt her head seriously and ________ dropped on the snow. Just then an idea struck Mother. She pierced (刺破) her wrist________ and then bright red blood dropped down on the snowfield. A red SOS was on the snow. At last Jane ________ , but Mother died.

Every time I ________ the blood dropping onto the snowfield, I feel ________ . I believe anyone who hears the tragedy will ________ Mother for her selfless love to her daughter.

1.A. healthy B. happy C. busy D. meaningful

2.A. Moreover B. However C. Anyway D. Though

3.A. writing B. housework C. research D. work

4.A. unfriendly B. loyal C. kind D. cruel

5.A. skating B. dancing C. skiing D. hiking

6.A. all B. both C. either D. every

7.A. in case B. now that C. as though D. even if

8.A. searched B. examined C. found D. caught

9.A. pay B. manage C. stand D. afford

10.A. mountain B. farmland C. playground D. snowfield

11.A. change B. melt C. shake D. jump

12.A. passed B. escaped C. experienced D. overcame

13.A. but B. so C. since D. while

14.A. in despair B. in danger C. in peace D. in ruins

15.A. blood B. hair C. tears D. jewels

16.A. carefully B. slowly C. immediately D. hardly

17.A. cried B. died C. survived D. woke

18.A. find out B. think of C. suffer from D. come across

19.A. satisfied B. curious C. anxious D. painful

20.A. envy B. admire C. reward D. thank


Sunny countries are often poor. A shame, then, that solar power is still quite expensive. Eight19, a British company by Cambridge University, has, however, invented a novel way to get round this. In return for a deposit of around $10 it is supplying poor Kenyan families with a solar cell able to generate 2.5 watts of electricity, a battery that can deliver a three amp(安培) current to store this electricity, and a lamp whose bulb is a light-emitting diode(二极管). The firm thinks that this system, once the battery is fully charged, is enough to light two small rooms and to power a mobile-phone charger for seven hours. Then, next day, it can be put outside and charged back up again.

The trick is that, to be able to use the electricity, the system's keeper must buy a scratch card—for as little as a dollar—on which is printed a reference number. The keeper sends this reference, plus the serial number of the household solar unit, by SMS to Eight19. The company's server will respond automatically with an access code to the unit.

Users may consider that they are paying an hourly rate for their electricity. In fact, they are paying off the cost of the unit. After buying around $80 worth of scratch cards—which Eight19 expects would take the average family around 18 months—the user will own it. He will then have the option of continuing to use it for nothing, or of trading it in for a bigger one, perhaps driven by a 10-watt solar cell.

In that case, he would go then through the same process again, paying off the additional cost of the upgraded kit at a slightly higher rate. Users would therefore increase their electricity supply steadily and afford ably.

According to Eight19's figures, this looks like a good deal for customers. The firm believes the average energy-starved Kenyan spends around $10 a month on oil—enough to fuel a couple of smoky lamps—plus $2 on charging his mobile phone in the market-place. Regular users of one of Eight19's basic solar units will spend around half that, before owning it completely. Meanwhile, as the cost of solar technology falls, it should get even cheaper.

1.The underlined word “get round” in the first paragraph can be replaced by _______ .

A. make use of B. come up with

C. look into D. deal with

2.How much would users pay for the cell and scratch cards before they own a 2.5-watt solar cell?

A. Around $10. B. Around $80.

C. Around $90. D. Around $180.

3.It can be inferred from the last paragraph that ____________.

A. Kenyan families would find it difficult to afford the solar cell

B. using the solar cell would help Kenyan families save money

C. few Kenyan families use mobile phones for lack of electricity

D. the company will make a great profit from selling solar cells

4.What might be the most suitable title for the passage?

A. Solar Energy: Starting from Scratch.

B. Eight19: a creative British Company.

C. Kenyan Families: Using Solar Energy for Free.

D. Poor Countries: Beginning to Use Solar Energy.

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