
3.Research has shown that music has an important effect on one's body and psyche (心灵).In fact,there is a growing field of health care known as music therapy,which uses music to treat diseases.Even hospitals are beginning to use music therapy.This is not surprising,as music affects the body and mind in many powerful ways.
Research has shown that quick music can make a person feel more alert,while slow music can produce a calm,deep thinking state.Also,research has found that music can change brainwave activity levels.This can help the brain to change speeds more easily on its own as needed,which means that music can bring lasting benefits to your state of mind,even after you've stopped listening.
Breathing and heart rates can also be influenced by music.This can mean slower breathing,slower heart rate.This is why music and music therapy can help reduce the damaging effects of long-term stress,greatly promoting (促进) not only relaxation,but health.
Music can also be used to bring about a more positive state of mind by helping to keep worries away.Music has also been found to bring many other benefits,such as lowering blood pressure and reducing the risk of strokes.It is no surprise that so many people are considering music as an important tool to help the body become or stay healthy.
 21.What can we infer about music therapy?D
  A.It is a type of music.
B.It is a research about music.
C.It is a kind of musical effect on diseases.
D.It is the use of music method to help treat diseases.
22.According to the second paragraph,we can know thatA.
A.music with different speeds has different effects
B.quick music is not good for one's health
C.slow music can help one to think more calmly and slowly
D.music will have less benefit after one stops listening
23.The reason why music can help deal with stress is thatB.
A.it is used by many hospitals
B.it can help change brainwaves
C.it does good to breathing and heart rates
D.it can bring a more positive state of mind
24.According to the passage,music can help deal with all the following EXCEPTB.
B.mind illnesses
D.high blood pressure.

分析 本文是一篇科教类阅读.文章主要叙述了音乐对人们健康的影响.不同速度的音乐对人的影响不同,现在人们在医院开始使用音乐来治疗病人,听音乐有许多好处,它能改变人的脑电波.

解答 21-24 DABB
21.D.细节理解题.根据"there is a growing field of health care known as music therapy,which uses music to treat diseases."可知音乐疗法是利用音乐来治疗疾病.故选D.
22.A.推理判断题.根据"Research has shown that quick music can make a person feel more alert,while slow music can produce a calm,deep thinking state."可知不同速度的音乐对人的影响不同.故选A.
23.B.细节理解题.根据"Also,research has found that music can change brainwave activity levels."可知音乐有助于缓解压力是因为它能改变脑电波.故选B.
24.B.推理判断题.根据"by helping to keep worries away.Music has also been found to bring many other benefits,such as lowering blood pressure and reducing the risk of strokes."可知音乐不能帮助治疗精神疾病.故选B.

点评 本文是一篇科教类阅读.文章主要叙述了音乐对人们健康的影响.此类题型主要考查学生的细节理解和推理判断能力.细节理解题是针对文中某个细节、某句话或某部分具体内容设置问题,所以在做细节理解题时要结合原文和提干有针对性的找出相关语句进行仔细分析,再结合选项选出正确答案.在做推理判断题时不要以个人的主观想象代替文章的事实,要联系上下文根据文章事实进行合乎逻辑的推理判断.

13.I remember a day when I was a little kid.I was making a sandwich in the kitchen when noticed the date on oneof the wine bottles.
"Dad,dad!"I cried."This wine is too old to drink."
"Son,hold on,"he said.
"No,you can't drink this tonight!This bottle of wine was made 10years ago."
"Wait,let me tell you…"
"Would you like me to throw it away from you?"I asked.
"Son,wait a second,"he said."Son,some wines get better over time.The longer you wait to drink it,the better it will be.Although this may seem strange,it is true."
When I was young,I didn't have any understanding of what this meant,but now,this would have been very helpful to remember as I went through my teenage years.
In our society,we forget this simple rule:The longer you want for certain things,the better they will be.But we want the best job as quickly as possible;we want to graduate from college in as few years as possible;we even speed through our homework just to chat with friends.When we do this,we lose something of great importance.
We all want to get to the next step so quickly that perhaps we don't get ready enough to get there.This has a negative effect on our society.When trying to go to the right college,we will do anything to get in and when we rush through our class-work,we may not study enough for the test,and end up failing.We need to be ready for whatever comes,ready for the unexpected.Wine gets better over time,so do the things in our paths of life.

21.Why did the author tell his father not to drink the bottle of wine?D
A.Because it smelt terrible.
B.Because it was mixed with something else.
C.Because his father drank too much that night.
D.Because it had been kept for years.
22.What the author's father said.A
A.made the author puzzled when he was a little child
B.was too simple a rule to be meaningful to the author
C.threw the author into deep thought then
D.was an excuse to drink the wine
23.In the author's opinion,if we do things too quickly,we will.D
A.do it better                                  
 B.save much time
C.graduate from college more quickly
D.miss something useful to us in life
24.Which of the following best reflects the main idea of the passage?B
A.Well begun is half done.
B.More haste(匆忙),less speed.
C.Failure is the mother of success.
D.Nothing is impossible to a willing heart.

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