
As far assafety/securityisconcerned,we can'tsubstituteplastic stairsforwood stairs.

分析 就安全性而言,我们不能用塑料楼梯来替代木头楼梯.

解答 答案:safety/curity is concerned; substitute,;for
解析:根据中文及所给英文提示可知,本题前面分句考查as far as ab/sth is concerned"就…而言"这一固定句型;后面考查substitute A for B"用A取代B"这一固定短语.

点评 本题考查句子翻译,做此类题目时一定要根据中文及英文题干确定需要翻译的成分,再找出与之对应的英文并考虑各成分是否有形式的改变.

11.Sophie was a ten-year-old girl.She loved (21)B.She drew before breakfast.She drew after breakfast.Sometimes she even drew on her way to   (22)D.
One day Sophie arrived (23)Aat school."Why are you late,Sophie?"asked her   (24)B.
"I'm sorry,Miss.I was drawing a big house on the way to school.I forgot about the   (25)D."
"Oh,Sophie,"said her teacher."You must think (26)Cabout your drawing and more about school.Can you give me your (27)Anow please?"
"I'm sorry,Miss,I don't have it finished."
"Yesterday I was in town.I saw a (29)Crunning down the road.He had a(n)  (30)Dface so I drew him."The teacher gave Sophie a strange look."But Sophie,there was a   (31)Crobbery (抢劫案) in town yesterday…"
"Perhaps that was the man I (32)A,"said Sophie."Perhaps I have drawn a picture of the robber!"
After school,Sophie went to the police station.She(33)Bher picture to a policeman."Where did you(34)Cthis picture?"asked the policeman.
"I drew it,"said Sophie."I drew it yesterday in(35)D."
"This is a picture of Ronnie the Robber,"(36)Dthe policeman."So Ronnie robbed the bank!Thank you,Sophie.Now we can (37)Chim."
A week later,the policeman (38)Aa letter to Sophie's school."Sophie's drawing   (39)Bus catch Ronnie the Robber,"he said."She is a very clever girl."
Now her teachers were very (40)Aof Sophie,the girl who loves to draw.

28.A.WhyB.Why notC.What happenedD.So what
16.A British-designed electronic newspaper made of plastic and no larger than a table mat(垫)is to enter the market next year.The new newspaper was conceived(设想)by Cambridge University scientists.They came up with the idea of replacing silicon chips(硅片)with plastic ones.It is being developed by Plastic Logic,a company based in Dresden,Germany.
"It looks just like a table mat,and is as light as a magazine.But you can download hundreds of newspapers at the touch of a button,and read them quite safely,"the BBC reported on its website.
     The plastic paper is produced in a safe"clean room"at the Plastic Logic factory,which opened last month as the world's first plastic-electronics factory.Every part of the product,from the screen to the electronics,is made of plastic.And it is described by engineer Dean Baker as"top quality",as it could help solve the problem of waste associated with traditional newspapers.
"There's a huge amount of waste.We have paper distributed(分发)a ll over the country each day and then thrown into the bin.This doesn't need to happen any more.All of the copies could be made electronically and stored on a single e-reader with the ap pearance of paper,"he says.
     People are expecting to see the plastic newspaper next year,the BBC says.

33.Dean Baker described the electronic newspaper as"top quality",mainly becauseB.
A.it is produced in a"clean room"at the Plastic Logic factory
B.it can solve the problem of waste from traditional newspapers
C.it was a product of Cambridge University scientists
D.it will replace traditional newspapers
34.From the last two paragraphs we learn that the electronic newspaper willD.
A.produce a huge amount of waste   B.be harder to read than a traditional newspaper
C.have no visual appearance        D.save a huge amount of paper
35.The author's attitude toward the electronic newspaper isA.
A.positive     B.doubtful    C.negative    D.curious.
13."Three Apples"changed the world.The first one seduced(引诱)Eve.The second one awakened Newton.(16)B.Here are some famous words from Steve Jobs to share.
On character
I'm the only person I know that's lost a quarter of a billion dollars in one year.(17)A.On good design
That's been one of my mottoes---focus and simplicity.Simple can be harder than complex---You have to work hard to get your thinking clean to make it simple.But it's worth it in the end because once you get there,you can move mountains.
On his outlook
(18)G.Going to bed at night saying we've done something wonderful,that's what matters to me.
On your working life
Your work is going to fill a large part of your life,and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work.(19)D.If you haven't found it yet,keep looking.Don't settle.
On the importance of death
No one wants to die.Even people who want to go to heaven don't want to die to get there.(20)E.No one has ever escaped it.And that is as it should be,because death is very likely the single best invention of life.It is life's change agent.It clears out the old to make way for the new.Right now the new is you,but someday not too long from now,you will gradually become the old and be cleared away.

A.It's very character building.
B.The third one was in the hands of Steve Jobs.
C.This is not a one-man show.
D.And the only way to do great work is to love what you do.
E.And yet death is the destination we all share.
F.It's really hard to design products by focusing on groups.
G.Being the richest man in the cemetery doesn't matter to me.

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