
The two researchers originally set out to study the zebras in Africa and discovered a new species of tiger ______.

A. by chance B. in addition

C. by nature D. in need




试题分析:句意:这两个研究人员本来动身去非洲是研究斑马的,他们却无意中发现了一种新的老虎物种。A. by chance 偶然地; B. in addition 此外; C. by nature 天生地; D. in need在危难中。选A。




Elizabeth and I are 18 now, and about to graduate. I think about our elementary school friendship, but some memories have blurred(模糊). What happened that day in the fifth grade when Beth suddenly stopped speaking to me? Does she know that I’ve been thinking about her for seven years? If only we could go back, and discover what ended our relationship.

I have to speak with Beth. I see her sometimes, and find out school is “fine”. It’s not the same. It never will be. Someone says that she’s Liz now. what happened to Beth?

I can’t call her. Should I write? What if she doesn’t answer me? How will I know what she’s thinking?

Yes, I’ll write her a letter. These things are easier to express in writing. “Dear Be-,” no, “Dear Li-” no, “Dear Elizabeth,” I begin. The words flow freely, as seven-year-old memories are reborn. I ask her all the questions that have been left unanswered in my mind, and pray she will answer. I seal my thoughts in the perfect white envelope, and imagine Beth looking into the mailbox. Will she know why I’m writing? Maybe she once thought of writing the same letter.

As the mailman takes my envelope from me forever, I wonder if I’ve made the right decision. Do I have the right to force myself into Beth’s life again? Am I simply part of the past? I have taken the first stop. Beth has control of the situation now.

One day has passed. Are my words lying on the bottom of the post office floor.

Two days are gone. I’m lost in thought and don’t even hear the phone ring.

“Hello? It’s Elizabeth”

1.What can we learn about Beth?

A. She had a quarrel with the author in the fifth grade

B. She moved to another school in the fifth grade

C. She is now called Liz instead of Beth

D. She hasn’t seen the author for seven years

2.Why does the author decide to write a letter instead of calling?

A. She is sure that Beth will not answer

B. She’s afraid that they’ll quarrel on the phone

C. She doesn’t know Beth’s telephone number

D. It is easier to express her feelings in writing

3.What does the underlined sentence mean in the fifth paragraph?

A .It’s up to Beth to decide what to do next

B .Beth is to be blamed for the ending of their friendship

C. Beth is in the same situation as the author is

D .The author is completely in the hands of Beth now

4.What might happen at the end of the story?

A. Beth answers her letter two day later

B. The letter doesn’t reach Beth at all

C. They make up their friendship

D. Beth refuses to make peace with her


In the spring of 1919, princess Bazaar of Luxembourg’s (卢森堡的) royal family met the royal kitchen helper Leon. Many nights, Leon went into the kitchen and made for Bazaar. They always talked about the good old times they were having ice-cream. They soon fell in love. But their different social status, both of them buried the .

Soon, Bazaar was made to accept an arranged royal marriage. For days, Leon could not see Bazaar; he was with impatience(心急如焚). Finally, Bazaar at the table a month later. While serving desserts, Leon the letters DOVE, which is a short form of DO YOU LOVE ME with hot chocolate on Bazaar's ice-cream. Leon that Bazaar could understand his feelings.

A few days later, Bazaar got . One year later, Leon could not the mental suffering and left the royal kitchen. Years later, he and his own family a candy store.

Many years later, Bazaar that that afternoon she ate the ice-cream made by Leon, but didn’t see the letters.

Hearing this, Leon broke down in tears, and he finally understood the past . If that chocolate had been , those letters would never have melted, and he would not have lost his last chance. Leon decided to a solid chocolate which can a long time.

After lots of , the chocolate Dove was finally made and each piece of chocolate was engraved (刻有) with the letters “DOVE”. It’s a symbol of the love between Leon and Bazaar.

Now more and more people fall in love with this chocolate. Giving someone DOVE means sending the of love: DO YOU LOVE ME?

1.A. dishes B. chocolate C. ice-cream D. cakes

2.A. until B. if C. while D. once

3.A. because of B. instead of C. in case of D. regardless of

4.A. feelings B. difference C. silence D. needs

5.A. calling B. burning C. working D. talking

6.A. stood up B. turned up C. stayed up D. dressed up

7.A. wrote B. sent C. mixed D. noticed

8.A. expected B. declared C. allowed D. promised

9.A. sick B. angry C. married D. bored

10.A. reduce B. stop C. repeat D. bear

11.A. left B. visited C. ran D. found

12.A. recognized B. remembered C. learned D. thought

13.A. confusing B. interesting C. melting D. annoying

14.A. misunderstandings B. competitions C. judgment D. prejudice

15.A. stable B. powerful C. frozen D. solid

16.A. buy B. discover C. create D. enjoy

17.A. stand B. spare C. take D. preserve

18.A. breaks B. research C. pressure D. problems

19.A. luckily B. immediately C. quickly D. firmly

20.A. story B. memory C. words D. cause


A schoolgirl saved her father's life by kicking him in the chest after he suffered a serious allergic (过敏的) reaction which stopped his heart.

Izzy, nine, restarted father Colm's heart by stamping (踩) on his chest after he fell down at home and stopped breathing.

Izzy's mother, Debbie, immediately called 999 but Izzy knew doctors would never arrive in time to save her father, so decided to use CPR.

However, she quickly discovered her arms weren't strong enough, so she stamped on her father's chest instead.

Debbie then took over with some more conventional chest compressions (按压) until the ambulance arrived.

Izzy, who has been given a bravery award by her school, said: "I just kicked him really hard. My mum taught me CPR but I knew I wasn't strong enough to use hands. I was quite scared. The doctor said I might as well be a doctor or a nurse. My mum said that Dad was going to hospital with a big footprint on his

"She's a little star," said Debbie, "i was really upset but Izzy just took over. I just can't believe what she did. I really think all children should be taught first aid. Izzy did CPR then the doctor turned up. Colm had to have more treatment on the way to the hospital and we've got to see an expert."

Truck driver Colm, 35, suffered a mystery allergic reaction on Saturday and was taken to hospital, but was sent home only for it to happen again the next day. The second attack was so serious that his airway swelled, preventing him from breathing, his blood pressure dropped suddenly, and his heart stopped for a moment.

He has now made a full recovery from his suffering.

1.Izzy kicked her father in the chest ______ .

A. to express her helplessness B. to practise CPR on him

C. to keep him awake D. to restart his heart

2.What's the right order of the events?

①Izzy kicked Colm.

②Debbie called 999.

③Izzy learned CPR.

④Colm's heart stopped.

A. 3124 B. 4231 C. 3421 D. 4312

3.What does Paragraph 8 mainly talk about?

A. What Colm suffered.

B. Colm's present condition.

C. What caused Colm's allergy.

D. Symptoms of Colm's allergic reaction.

4.Why does the author write the news?

A. To describe a serious accident.

B. To prove the importance of CPR.

C. To report a 9-year-old girl's brave act.

D. To call people's attention to allergic reaction.


Watching television makes it easier for toddlers (学步的孩子) to kick and scream, according to a US study.Children under two should not watch any TV.The longer they sit in front of TV,the worse their behavior becomes.

Just having the TV on in the background, even if the child wasn't watching it,was also connected to troublemaking behavior although the relationship wasn't as strong, said the researchers.

“Parents should be smart about TV use,”researcher Jennifer Manganello from the University at Albany, New York, said.

“They should limit the time that children use TV, pay attention to the content of TV programs,and consider how TV is used throughout the home.”

The study looked at 3,128 women from 20 US cities who had a child between 2005 and 2008.

While there was some diversity(差异) of education among the women,one?third hadn't graduated from high school.

Two?thirds of the mothers said their three?year?old children watched more than two hours of TV a day,and the average viewing time for children was around three hours.On average,the TV was on for about five additional hours on a common day.

After accounting for factors(因素) such as living in a violent neighborhood,scientists also found watching TV was strongly connected to behavior such as hitting others,having angry moods,being disobedient(不服从的),and screaming a lot.

The researchers thought that children may see violence on TV,and spend less time on positive development tasks such as reading or playing.

The American Academy of Pediatrics suggests no TV at all for children at two and younger,and two hours a day or less for older kids.

1.What is the main idea of the passage?

A.Children should choose positive programs.

B.Watching TV can make children violent.

C.Children should keep away from TV.

D.Parents should watch less TV.

2.What can we learn from Paragraph 2?

A.Children can watch good programs.

B.Children will be affected as long as the TV is on.

C.It's OK that the TV is on if children don't watch it.

D.Children's trouble?making behavior is mainly caused by watching TV.

3.What can be learned about the study between 2005 and 2008 from the passage?

A.The women studied have different jobs.

B.The TV was on for about three hours.

C.Most women allowed their children to watch TV.

D.Most women studied hadn't graduated from high school.

4.Children who spend much time watching TV will ________.

A.become easily angry

B.be influenced by others

C.be popular with others

D.know more about the neighborhood


Hi,this is Linda,a schoolgirl from New Jersey.My day is full of activities and I seem to be always ____.During the week,I usually get up at half past six ____ I would really prefer to sleep late.After I get up I perform my ____ routine of washing my face,brushing my teeth,and then____ what to wear.After I get dressed,I brush my hair.I usually don't have time for____ in the morning because I have to catch a bus at seven o'clock to ___.The bus is usually___ and it really makes me envy my schoolmates who don't have to ride the bus to school.Classes at school start at a quarter to eight except on Tuesdays____ they start at seven.Each class has its own timetable.Classes are forty?five minutes long with ten?minute ___,except for one“long”break between the third and the fourth classes,which is twenty minutes____.

My classes take place____in our classroom or in various labs or a gym. After class we go for lunch to the___.Some students in their third and fourth____have afternoon classes,after?school activities or driving lessons.

After school I sometimes go shopping or just ___ around the town for a while.When I get home I like to ____ for some time, I listen to music or watch TV. Then I start my homework or help with some housework.

I___eat dinner at about seven o'clock. At dinner my family____what happened during the day.____dinner,I watch TV or go surfing(冲浪)or watch a film or a video.I usually manage to go to ___ around half past ten.

What do you think of my____?

1.A.angry B.busy C.early D.happy

2.A.as B.if C.since D.though

3.A.day B.night C.morning D.afternoon

4.A.asking B.deciding C.knowing D.thinking

5.A.breakfast B.dinner C.lunch D.supper

6.A.cinema B.hospital C.school D.work

7.A.cheap B.crowded C.empty D.expensive

8.A.that B.when C.while D.where

9.A.breaks B.periods C.pauses D.stops

10.A.away B.long C.sharp D.short

11.A.all B.both C.either D.neither

12.A.dining hall B.library C.living room D.street

13.A.hour B.week C.month D.grade

14.A.look B.move C.travel D.walk

15.A.play B.relax C.sing D.sleep

16.A.carefully B.immediately C.slowly D.usually

17.A.discuss B.report C.say D.repeat

18.A.After B.Before C.Over D.Through

19.A.bed B.dream C.church D.toilet

20.A.country B.family C.lifestyle D.school


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