
Building Trust in a Relationship Again

Trust (信任)is a learned behavior(习得行为) that we gain from past experiences(以往经历). 1.Trust is a risk.But you can’t be successful when there’s a lack of trust in a relationship that results from an action where the wrongdoer takes no responsibility to fix the mistake.

Unfortunately,we’ve all been victims of betrayal(背信).Whether we’ve been stolen from,lied被欺骗 to,misled被误导,or cheated on被哄骗,there are different levels of losing trust.Sometimes people simply can’t trust anymore(有时候人们就是不能再信任别人). 2. It’s understandable(可理解的),but if you’re willing to build trust in a relationship(人际关系) again,we have some steps you can take to get you there.

3. Having confidence in yourself will help you make better choices because you can see what the best outcome结果 would be for your well-being幸福.

4.If you’ve been betrayed(如果你遭遇了背叛),you are the victim(受害者) of your circumstance(客观环境).But there’s a difference between being a victim and living with a “victim mentality”(“受害者的心态”).At some point in all of our lives,we’ll have our trust tested or violated. 被破坏

You didn’t lose “everything”.Once trust is lost,what is left? Instead of looking at the situation from this hopeless angle角度,look at everything you still have and be thankful for all of the good in your life.5.Instead,it’s a healthy way to work through the experience to allow room余地 for positive growth and forgiveness(宽恕).

A.Learn to really trust yourself.

B.It is putting confidence in someone(对某人寄托信任).

C.Stop regarding yourself as the victim.

D.Remember that you can expect the best in return.

AB.They’ve been too badly hurt and they can’t bear to let it happen again. .(他们曾经受过严重伤害,不能容忍这种事情再次发生。)

AC.This knowledge carries over in their attitude toward their future relationships.

AD.Seeing the positive(积极的) side of things doesn’t mean you’re ignoring(忽视) what happened.


I met Mrs. Neidl in the ninth grade on a stage-design team for a play and she was one of the directors. Almost instantly I loved her. She had an Unpleasant voice and a direct way of speaking,______ she was encouraging and inspiring. For some reason, she was impressed with my work and me.

Mrs. Neidl would ask me for my  _____ . She wanted to know how I thought we should_______things. At first I had no idea how to answer because I knew _______ about stage design! But I slowly began to respond to her ______ . It was cause and effect: She believed I had opinions, so I began to  _____ them. She trusted me to complete things, so I completed them perfectly. She loved how _______ I was, so I began to show up to paint more and more. She believed in me, so I began to believe in myself.

Mrs. Neidl's  ____ that year was, "Try it. We can always paint over it ______ !"I began to take______ . I had been so afraid of failing but suddenly there was no failing--only things to be  _____upon. I learned to dip my brush into the paint and ______ create something.

The shy, quiet freshman achieved success that year. I was _______in the programs "Student Art Assistant" because of the time and effort I'd put in. It was that year that I _______ I wanted to spend the rest of my life doing stage design.

Being on that stage-design team  _____  Mrs. Neidl changed me completely. Not only was I stronger and more competent than I had thought, but I also _______a strong interest and a world I hadn't known existed. She taught me not to ______ what people think I should do: She taught me to take chances and not be  ____ . Mrs. Neidl was my comforter when I was upset. Her  ______in me has inspired me to do things that I never imagined_______ .

1.A. and B. yet C. so D. for

2.A. opinion B. impression C. information D. intention

3.A. make B. keep C. handle D. change

4.A. anything B. something C. everything D. nothing

5.A. questions B. comments C. explanations D. remarks

6.A. hold B. follow C. evaluate D. form

7.A. happy B. lively C. reliable D. punctual

8.A. message B. motto C. saying D. suggestion

9.A. again B. more C. instead D. later

10.A. steps B. control C. charge D. risks

11.A. improved B. acted C. looked D. reflected

12.A. easily B. carefully C. confidently D. proudly

13.A. introduced B. recognized C. identified D. considered

14.A. confirmed B. decided C. realized D. acknowledged

15.A. with B. below C. of D. by

16.A. developed B. discovered C. took D. fostered

17.A. accept B. care C. judge D. wonder

18.A. bored B. lazy C. sad D. afraid

19.A. trust B. patience C. curiosity D. interest

20.A. accessible B. enjoyable C. possible D. favorable

I Am A Pencil

Children’s book author Sam Swope took a job teaching writing to third-graders in the New York City. His students were immigrants or the children of immigrants from 21 countries, speaking 11 languages and having many different beliefs. But there were a few things they had in common: family troubles, money struggles and poetry.

Cover Price: $59.88

Price: $19.95

You Save: $39.93 (About 67%)

What It Takes To Help Me Out

An editor for US News & World Report, David L. Marcus takes us inside a boarding (寄宿) school for troubled teens. He shows the great stresses that are put on these teens and make them lose their confidence. This should cause us to think hard about troubled teens.

Cover Price: $35.86

Price: $15.00

You Save: $20.86 (About 58%)

The Most Scenic Drives in America

Published again and again and translated into several languages beginning in 1997, this travel book includes over 200 brand-new photographs of the wonderful places along 120 selected routes.

Cover Price: $47.88

Price: $23.88

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Our Brother’s Keeper

Author Jedwin Smith tells what happened when he met several of his brother’s old friends. They make a journey to Vietnam, to visit the place where Jeff, his brother, died. Surprisingly, their Vietnamese guide was the former commander (海军中校) carrying out the attack that killed Jeff. A powerful story of brotherhood, bravery and understanding carried out.

Cover Price: $59.40

Price: $10.00

You Save: $49.40 (About 83%)

1.Which of the following books offers the biggest price cut?

A. I Am A Pencil B. What It Takes To Help Me Out

C. The Most Scenic Drives in America D. Our Brother’s Keeper

2.If you are interested in pictures, you would probably choose ________.

A. Our Brother’s Keeper B. What It Takes To Help Me Out

C. The Most Scenic Drives in America D. I Am A Pencil

3.From the book I Am A Pencil, we can learn that Sam Swope’s students _______.

A. are homeless children B. have the same beliefs

C. like writing poetry D. are in different grades

4.What can we learn from the passage?

A. I Am A Pencil is written by Jedwin Smith.

B. What It Takes To Help Me Out is about troubled teens.

C. You have to pay $47.88 for The Most Scenic Drives in America.

D. Jedwin Smith was killed in Vietnam.

5.What type of writing is this passage?

A. An advertisement. B. A news report.

C. An announcement. D. A tour guide.

The fiddler crab (蟹) is a living clock. It indicates(=shows) the time of day by the color of its skin, which is dark by day and pale by night. The crab’s changing color follows a regular twenty—four hour plan that exactly matches the daily rhythm (节奏) of the sun.

Does the crab actually keep time, or does its skin simply answer to the sun’s rays, changing color according to the amount of light strikes it? To find out, biologists kept crabs in a dark room for two months. Even without daylight, the crab’s skin color continued to change exactly on time.

This characteristic (特性) probably developed gradually in answer to the daily rising and setting of the sun, to help protect the crab from sunlight and enemies. After millions of years it has become completely regulated (受控制) inside the living body of the crab.

The biologists noticed that once each day the color of the fiddler crab is especially dark, and that each day this happens fifty minutes later than on the day before. From this they discovered that each crab follows not only the rhythm of the sun but also that of the tides (潮水). The crab’s period of greatest darkening is exactly the time of low tide on the beach where it was caught!

1.The fiddler crab is like a clock because it changes color ______.

A. in a regular 24—hour rhythm B. in answer to the sun’s rays

C. at low tide D. every fifty minutes

2.The crab’s changing color ______.

A. tells the crab what time it is B. protects the crab from the sunlight and enemies

C. keeps the crab warm D. is of no real use

3.When the fiddler crabs were kept in the dark , they ______.

A. did not change color B. changed color more quickly

C. changed color more slowly D. changed color on the same timetable

4.The crab’s color—changing ability was probably developed ______.

A. in the process of evolution (进化) B. over millions of years

C. by the work of biologists D. both A and B

5.The best title for this selection would be ______.

A. The Sun and the Tides B. Discoveries in Biology

C. A Living Clock D. A scientific Study

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