
If English means endless new words,difficult grammar and sometimes strange pronunciation,you are wrong.Haven't you noticed that you have become smarter since you started to learn a language?

According to a new study by a British university,learning a second language can lead to an increase in your brain power.Researchers found that learning other languages changes grey matter.This is the area of the brain which processes information.It is similar to the way that exercise builds muscles.

The study also found the effect is greater,the younger people learn a second language.

A team led by Dr Andrea Mechelli,from University College London,took a group of Britons who only spoke English.They were compared with a group of "early bilinguals" who had learnt a second language before the age of five,as well as a number of later learners.

Scans showed that grey matter density (密度) in the brain was greater in bilinguals than in people without a second language.But the longer a person waited before mastering a new language,the smaller the difference.

"Our findings suggest that the structure of the brain is changed by the experience of learning a second language," said the scientists.

It means that the change itself increases the ability to learn.

Professor Dylan Vaughan Jones of the University of Wales,has researched the link between bilingualism and maths skills."Having two languages gives you two windows on the world and makes the brain more flexible (灵活的),"he said."You are actually going beyond language and have a better understanding of different ideas."

The findings were matched in a study of native Italian speakers who had learned English as a second language between the ages of two and 34.Reading,writing,and comprehension were all tested.The results showed that the younger they started to learn,the better."Studying a language means you get an entrance to another world," explained the scientists.

1.The main subject talked about in this passage is ______.

A. science on learning a second language

B. man’s ability of learning a second language

C. 1anguage can help brain power

D. 1anguage learning and maths study

2.In the second paragraph,the writer mentions “exercise” in order to ______.

A. say language is also a kind of physical labor

B. prove that one needs more practice when he (she) is learning a language

C. to show the importance of using the language when you learn the language

D. make people believe language learning helps grey matter work well

3.The underlined word “bilingual'’ probably means ______.

A. a researcher on language learning

B. a person who is good at learning foreign languages

C. a person who can speak two languages

D. an active language learner


After a particularly busy period at work, I decided to get away from it all by going on a hike in the mountains in southern France.

Before I left, I read an interesting story in a magazine. It read, “Once, while I was riding on a crowded bus, the man sitting next to me threw his cell phone out of the window when his phone rang. I was surprised. He looked at me, shrugged (耸耸肩) and looked away. I had no idea whether it was his or stolen or whether he even knew what a cell phone was or not, but he clearly wanted to be free of it, because it clearly troubled him. ”

Billions of people across the world use cell phones. Though cell phones are a wonderful way for communication, they often do the exact opposite. Using cell phones can increase stress within families and friends.

So when I recently returned home, I got rid of my cell phone. Now I go outside without taking my phone with me. I’ve noticed things in my neighborhood I never noticed before, such as gardens. I’ve met new people, started conversations with neighbors I didn’t speak to before and talked with some of my friends face to face instead of chatting over the phone.

Instead of keeping me off from the world, stopping using my cell phone has helped me get even closer to my family and friends.

1.According to the story, the man on the bus threw away his cell phone because ______.

A. it didn’t work properly

B. it was stolen from someone else

C. he didn’t like the phone’s style

D. he didn’t want to be bothered by it

2.We can learn from the passage that cell phones _____.

A. are too expensive for many people

B. can also get people into trouble

C. stop people from communicating face to face

D. can make life more interesting

3.What can we learn about the author?

A. He wants to own a garden now.

B. He always chatted with his neighbors.

C. He used to take his cell phone when going outside.

D. He once rode on a crowded bus in France.

4.The main purpose of the passage is to _______.

A. tell us not to let cell phones control our lives

B. encourage others to hike with him in France

C. share his experiences in France with us

D. teach us how to get along with neighbors

Controlling traffic is a complex and high cost problem in many developed countries. It becomes more difficult and costly with the ever- increasing number of cars on the roads. But scientists and students at the CATT, at the University of Maryland are working to solve this problem. They are using simulation(模拟) technologies to help government and private business control and react to changing traffic conditions.

The online economics magazine Forbes.com says traffic congestion(拥挤) cost Americans $ 124 billion in 2014 and that number could rise to $ 186 billion by 2030.

Bui scientists at the CATT lab are trying to reduce those costs. They are developing a system that helps traffic managers. planners, emergency workers and businesses plan and react better. Michael Pack is CATT director. He says the system is important to help emergency workers, or first responders,reach an accident area faster.

The CATT Lab collects information from many sources, including roadside devices, GPS (global positioning system) equipment and wireless phones.

About 60 students and 30 software developers observe traffic flow and manage the computer servers at all times. They also work to develop software and applications that can help traffic run smoother and safer, Some of them turn the information gathered into so-called "visualizations". These visual representations help emergency workers better understand what is happening.

The center shares its findings with firefighters, police,Transportation departments and the military. They also share information with universities and transportation company. The technology company Google uses the data for its traffic-related websites. Michael Pack says, the information is then shared with anyone who wants to help traffic run more smoothly.

Mr. Pack says the goal is to help develop an intelligent system of road signals that will communicate with each other and with vehicles on the road.

1.The second paragraph is written to

A. attract more people to look through Forbes.com.

B. tell readers what Forbes.com says on its website

C. show how much money controlling costs America

D. prove it is very expensive for some developed countries to control traffic

2.What benefit can emergency workers get from the system developed by the CATT lab?

A. They can be safer.

B. They can reach an accident area faster.

C. They can get more advice from people.

D. They can share their information with others.

3.Which of the following is NOT true about the developers and the students at the CATT?

A. They observe traffic flow continuously.

B. They develop software and applications.

C. They control the computer servers occasionally.

D. They change the information gathered into visual image.

4.1n which column of the newspaper can you read this text?

A. Daily life. B. Science. C. Education. D. Exploration.

Keeping pace with teachers is a fine way to study English. Teachers are experienced and their plans are systematic. But remember to work in a way that suits you. It's important to learn from past mistakes as well. Keep a notebook to make a record of the mistakes you make-it'll help you avoid making the same ones later.

The time of life may be hard,but you're not alone. You may be busy studying,but you can show your care by calling your friends or sending short messages. Don't let your friendships die.

It's as important to live well as it is to study well. Going to bed no later than 11:30 pm is vital(极重要的). It puts you in the right mood for the next day. You needn't follow a special diet,but make sure you are eating nutritious meals each day.

The person who plays well,studies well. Having a lot of schoolwork doesn't mean having to give up other activities. Playing basketball or having a talk with your classmates can relax yourself. Time out is not a waste of time but helps you study more efficiently.

Besides taking the big exam,you have other choices for college. I took the independent enrollment exam held by Peking University and some other students even were preparing to study abroad. Pay attention to any relevant(相关的)information you can find,whether it's from school,the news media or other sources.

1.What should you do if you want to keep your friendship fresh?

A.Have frequent talks with them.

B.Always have lunch with them.

C.Remain them at some distance.

D.Keep connection by some ways.

2.The third paragraph is mainly about________.

A.study B.friendship C.relaxation D.health

3.Which one is the closest meaning to “Time out” in Paragraph 4?

A.Sleep. B.Exercise. C.Continuation. D.Pause.

4.The passage is mainly written by a(n)________.

A.editor B.student C.teacher D.parent

“Your first home,” Laurence Yep wrote in his book, The Lost Garden, “will always be the one that you remember best. I have been away from it for over twenty years, but I still go back in my dreams.” For Yep, whose father came from China, home was an apartment and the family grocery store in a neighborhood of San Francisco. It was there that he learned about patience, hard work, and getting along with neighbors.

Mr. Brown, Laurence Yep’s high school English teacher, often set high goals for his students. He was the first person to encourage Yep to write. The experience of that class changed the direction of Yep’s life. At the age of 18 Yep published his first short story, a sci-fi fantasy. He has since written many books and many kinds of books. He has retold Chinese folk stories and written for the theater. In nearly all these varied works, Yep, who is married to the children’s book author Joanne Ryder, has returned to questions he has been asking himself since childhood: What does it mean to be Chinese and American? Can one who belongs to two cultures ever feel at home anywhere?

When asked, “How has being of a Chinese by origin been important to you?” Laurence Yep replied, “As a child I wanted to be as American as possible. Then, in my early twenties, I became very interested in my Chinese roots. For years after that, I thought that my function as a Chinese American writer was to act as a bridge between two cultures. Now, though, I am not so sure that it is possible to join them together. Compared with Asian culture, American culture pays more attention to individuals and competition. The two cultures pull in opposite directions. So I see myself now as someone who will always be on the border between two cultures. That works to my benefit as a writer because not quite fitting in helps me be a better observer.”

1.According to Paragraph 1, Laurence Yep _____.

A. misses his first home very much

B. goes back to China from time to time

C. moved to San Francisco at an early age

D. once worked part-time at a grocery store

2.2We may infer from Paragraph 2 that Mr. Brown _____.

A. asked Laurence Yep to be a good observer

B. taught Laurence Yep the value of patience

C. helped Laurence Yep finish his first book

D. had high expectations of Laurence Yep

3.The last paragraph is mainly about Laurence Yep’s _____.

A. childhood memories

B. varied writing styles

C. view of the two cultures

D. relationship with his family

4.Which of the following best describes Laurence Yep’s attitude to life?

A. Learn to accept your own differences.

B. Put the needs of others ahead of your own.

C. Work hard and you will receive many benefits.

D. Challenge others as you would wish to be challenged.

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