
  Imagine yourself on a boat looking out at the horizon and all you can see is the water meeting the sky with no land in sight and you are sailing straight ahead to meet the world. Jesse Martin does not have to imagine: he is living in it.
On Dec. 7, 1998, at 17 years old, Jesse set sail from Melbourne, Australia on his boat, attempting to become the youngest person to sail alone and nonstop around the world. He sailed south of New Zealand, through the South Pacific, around South America, north on the Atlantic, back south past Africa, through the Indian Ocean and back to Melbourne.
Even as a young child, Jesse had been an adventurer who traveled all over Europe and Asia with his parents. Born in Munich, Germany in 1981, he moved to Australia with his family when he was only two years old. They moved close to a rainforest in Cow Bay, about 3500kms north of Melbourne, where they built a small house with no electricity or running water. Jesse grew up at the beach enjoying the outdoors to its fullest.
At 14, he sailed for the first time with his father and brother, Beau. It was after this trip that he began to dream about sailing around the world.
Jesse’s family played an important role. “I was made to believe I could do anything.” he says. Although, he says, there were others that were not so encouraging or supportive, “People that I looked up to, respected and trusted told me I couldn’t. Thankfully, I trusted myself. There were people that said that the boat couldn’t be ready by the time I had to leave.” However, through perseverance and belief in himself he was able to do what many told him was impossible.
On Oct.31, 1999, more than 10 months after he set sail, Jesse Martin went down in history as the youngest person to sail around the world alone, nonstop and unassisted.
小题1: What’s the author’s purpose in encouraging the reader to imagine a sailing experience?
A.To show how difficult it is to be a sailor.
B.To show how wonderful Jesse’s sailing is.
C.To describe what Jesse’s sailing is like.
D.To describe what a sailor’s life is like.
小题2: Jesse Martin was at the end of his voyage when he _______.
A.sailed on the South Pacific.
B.sailed on the Indian Ocean.
C.sailed past Africa
D.sailed past South America.
小题3: Which of the following made Jesse decide to sail alone around the world?
A.His childhood adventure experiences.
B.His journeys to Europe.
C.His first sailing trip with his family.
D.His love for outdoor activities.
小题4: What can we learn from Jesse Martin’s story?
A.Interest leads to success.
B.A strong belief will make a person stronger.
C.Life is an unusual adventure we should enjoy.
D.Failure is the mother of success.
There are going to be moments in life when you must make very important decisions. You will find many people 36 to offer you advice if you ask for it (and even if you don’t), but always remember that the life you  37   is yours and nobody else’s. It’s important to decide for yourself what’s important to you and what you want before you   38   others. Because while there will be times  39 outside advice proves wise, there will be at least as many times when it proves completely  40.. The only way to really evaluate other folks’ advice is to first learn everything that you can about whatever challenge you are  41  . Once you’ve done that, in most cases you should be able to make a wise decision  42   anyway.
You were  43   with the ability to decide what is and what isn’t in your best interest. Most of the time, you will make the right decision and   44   the appropriate actions, and in thinking for yourself, you will become far more successful than if you had gone against your own  45  .
Early on in my investment career, I made the mistake of   46  a few important business decisions on colleagues’ opinions instead of conducting the   47   necessary to make a wise decision. It wasn’t due to   48   on my part; no one could ever accuse me of that. But, being   49   to Wall Street, I intended to assume that my more senior   50 knew more than I did, and so I   51   too much significance to their opinions.
You know what happened? Each of those investments ended in   52 . Eventually I stopped allowing myself to be influenced by   53   and began doing the work myself and making my own decisions. It took me until I was almost 30 years old to   54   this—it’s never too late for a person to change his approach both to   55  and to life. 
A.look atB.pick upC.turn toD.learn from
A.on one handB.on your ownC.on the wholeD.on all sides
Directions: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.
Who buy the presents? How much should we spend? Questions about money like these ___50___ during the holidays, and they can turn this wonderful season into the most ___51___ time of the year.
The ___52___ cause of holiday stress is money issues, according to a recent poll by the American Psychological Association (APA). The survey found that 61 percent of Americans ___53___ lack of money as the top cause of family tensions, holiday blues and depression.
“People believe that they can go out and buy gifts because it’s the holidays, ___54___they can’t afford to do so,” says Dorothy Cantor, a noted psychologist and former APA president. “Not only is it stressful to feel that you have to buy everyone an expensive gift, but you will also be stressed for the rest of the year trying to pay your ___55___. You can show love and caring by giving something that you know is meaningful and ___56___ that doesn’t have to cost a lot.”
While managing money issues during the holiday season can be a ___57___, financial experts agree that you can ___58___ pressure by planning ahead, exhibiting patience and managing expectations to make the holiday season enjoyable and worry-free.
For starters, make an agreement with family members to discuss holiday spending and finances before you make any ___59___. The goal here is to learn one another’s thoughts and feelings about priorities and wishes. Be realistic, decide together on a budget and only use cash, rather than using credit cards. Avoid getting ___60___ unreasonable expectations. It makes no ___61___ to buy gifts you can not afford and put additional financial and emotional stress on yourself and your family that will cause problems long after the holidays are over.
Other ways to ___62___ the burden of money-related holiday blues include an understanding that everyone faces money problems at one time or another. It’s important to keep your ___63___ situation in perspective, to learn from experience and then to proceed with your life.
And lastly, make focusing on financial solutions a part of your New Year’s resolution. It’s the perfect time to take a __64___ approach by doing some soul-searching, forgiving yourself, letting go of the past and dealing with your financial problems in a businesslike manner each day.
A.break upB.pop upC.put outD.wipe out
A.as ifB.even ifC.as long asD.if only
小题7:A. resistant       B. random           C. personal     D profitable
A.caught up inB.ended up withC.put up inD.made up for
If you are in a town in a western country, you'll often see people walking with their dogs. It is still true that a dog is the most useful animal in the world. But the reason why one keeps a dog has changed Once upon a time, a man met a dog and wanted it to help him in the fight against other animals, and he found that the dog listened to him and did what he told him to. Later people used dogs for the hunting other animals, and the dogs didn't eat what they got until their master agreed. So dogs were used for driving sheep and guarding chicks. But now the people in the towns and cities do not need dogs to fight other animals. Of course they keep them to frighten thieves, but the most important reason is that people feel lonely in the city. For a child, a dog is his best friend when he has no friends to play with. For a young wife, a dog is her child when she doesn’t have her own. For old people, a dog is also a child when their real children have grown up and left. Now people do not have to use a dog, but they keep it as a friend, just like a member of the family.
小题1:_______are more useful than a dog in the world.
A.No other animalsB.Some animalsC.Many animalsD.A few animals
小题2:In the past people kept dogs because dogs _________.
A.could fight against other animalsB.met the people
C.did not eat other animalsD.helped and listened to people
小题3:Now people keep dogs in the cities because dogs_____.
A.fight other animalsB.are lonely
C.are like their friendsD.are afraid of the thieves
小题4:A dog can be _____.
A.a child's friend onlyB.a young woman's son
C.old people's real childD.everybody's friend
小题5:So a dog will __ in a family.
A.always be usedB.not be useful
C.still fightD.always be a good friend
The famous director of a big and expensive movie planned to film a beautiful sunset over the ocean, so that the audience could see his hero and heroine in front of it at the end of the film as they said goodbye to each other for ever. He sent camera team out one evening to film the sunset for him.
The next morning he said to the men, “Have you provided me with that sunset?”
“No, Sir,” the men answered.
The director was angry.  “Why not?”  he asked.
“Well,” one of the men answered, “we are on the east coast here, and the sun sets in the west. We can get you a sunrise over the sea, if necessary, but not a sunset.”
“But I want a sunset!” the director shouted. “Go to the airport, take the next flight to the west coast, and get one.”
But then a young secretary had an idea. “Why don’t you photograph a sunrise,” she suggested, “and then play it backwards, Then it’ll look like a sunset.” “That’s a very good idea!” the director said. Then he turned to the camera team and said, “Tomorrow morning I want you to get me a beautiful sunrise over the sea.”
The camera team went out early the next morning and filmed a bright sunrise over the beach in the middle of a beautiful bay. Then at nine o’clock they took it to the director. “Here it is, Sir,” they said, and give it to him. He was very pleased.
They all went into the studio. “All right,” the director explained, “now our hero and heroine are going to say goodbye. Run the film backwards so that we can see the sunset behind them.”
The “sunset” began, but after a quarter of a minute, the director suddenly put his face in his hands and shouted to the camera team to stop. The birds in the film were flying backwards away from the beach.
小题1:One evening, the director sent his camera team out ______.
A.to watch a beautiful sunset.
B.to find an actor and an actress.
C.to film a scene on the sea.
D.to meet the audience.
小题2:Why did the director want to send his team to the west coast?
A.Because he changed his mind about getting a sunset
B.Because he was angry about his team
C.Because it was his secretary’s suggestion
D.Because he wanted to get a scene of sunset
小题3:Which of the following is NOT true?
A.The team followed the secretary’s advice.
B.If you want to see a sunrise, the east coast is a place to go to.
C.The camera team wasn’t able to film the scene the first day.
D.The director ordered his team to stop filming the “sunset”
小题4:The director wanted to film a sunset over the ocean because _____.  
A.it went well with the separation of the hero and heroine
B.when they arrived at the beach it was already in the evening
C.it was more moving than a sunrise
D.the ocean looked more than a sunrise
小题5:After the “sunset” began, the director suddenly put his face in his hands _____.
A.because he was moved to tears
B.as he saw everything in the film moving backwards
C.as the sunrise did not look as beautiful as he had imagined
D.because he was disappointed with the performance of the hero and the heroine
Paul, the oracle octopus (神算章鱼), was given a replica (复制品) of the World Cup as a reward for his perfect eight-for-eight record in predicting the results of matches.
The two-year-old octopus with possible supernatural powers turned into a worldwide celebrity for accurately predicting the German team’s five World Cup wins as well as their two defeats. Paul also tipped Spain to beat Netherlands in the final.
“We have had a lot of offers for Paul but he will definitely be staying with us and returning to his usual job-making children smile,” Sea Life spokeswoman Tanja Munzig in Oberhausen said after presenting Pual with the World Cup replica.
There’s no rational(合理的)reasons why Paul always got it right. Bettors around the world made small fortunes based on Paul’s guess, said Graham Sharpe, media relations director at William Hill in London. “I’ve seen a lot of things in my lifetime but this is the first time I’ve ever seen people making their picks based on what an octopus tells them. We had people coming in saying they didn’t know how to place a bet but heard about this German octopus and wanted to bet with him. It’s funny. But he kept getting it right.” said Sharpe.
Sharpe said that anyone who had placed a 10-pound accumulator bet(累计下注)on Paul’s prediction from the start of the World Cup would have won 3,000 pounds($4,500)by the end of the tournament.
Paul’s home at Sea Life aquarium(水族馆)in Oberhausen has been crowded with visitors and media from across Europe. Many networks broadcast his predicting live. Many networks broadcast his picks live. Hundreds were on hand to watch the World Cup replica lowered into his tank on Monday, 12 July, 2010.
小题1: Paul was rewarded a replica of the Word Cup because he          .
A.will celebrate his birthday soon
B.predicted the results of matches accurately
C.helped beat Netherlands in the final
D.helped many fans earn much money
小题2: If a fan had placed a 200-pound accumulator bet on Paul’s prediction, he would have won
          during the tournament.
小题3: The underlined word “tipped” in the 2nd paragraph probably means          .
小题4: From what Sharpe said we can learn that          .
A.it’s amazing for Paul to make more exact prediction than people
B.octopus like Paul may all have the ability to predict exactly
C.it’s common for people to believe in sea life for prediction
D.we’d better not bet with animals when we have trouble making our picks
小题5: We can learn from this passage that          .
A.Paul used to be children’s favorite sea life
B.it’s useless to bet with the oracle octopus
C.Paul was born with the ability to predict World Cup results
D.Germany will never be beaten if Paul stays with them
  Everyone knows that you can study the English language for years and still not understand a native speaker of English.
Well, here’s a secret for you: a lot of British people can’t understand each other either! Apart from the different regional accents across the country, language can also differ (不同) among age groups. The words and pronunciations used by young Britons can be very different to those used by adults. This is called “yoof” culture.
The word “yoof” is a slang (俚语) spelling of “youth”. Some people consider “yoof” to be a negative (消极的) term, since its pronunciation is easier than “youth”. Other people see the term as positive, because it describes how young people are creating their own language, concepts (观念) and identity.
When parents find it difficult to understand their children, the children can say more things without the censorship (审查) of their parents. In this way, young people are starting to find freedom, independence and self-expression.
They are creating a “yoof culture”. It is impossible to come up with a complete list of words used by yoof. By the time the list was completed, it would be out of date. New words come and go like fashions.
By A.J. Dalton
小题1:The point of the article is _____.
A.to list words used by yoof
B.to introduce UK yoof culture
C.to give advice on how to communicate with native English speakers
D.to explain why it is hard for British people to understand each other
小题2: According to the article, children are creating a “yoof culture” _______.
A.to stay cool among their peers
B.to draw more attention from their parents
C.to avoid interference of their parents in their lives
D.to keep up with the fast pace of modern society
小题3: According to the article, which of the following is TRUE?
A.The variety of regional accents in the UK is an obstacle to communication.
B.Some people consider the term “yoof” positive because it is easier to pronounce than “youth”.
C.A few vocabularies used by yoof are going to be collected in dictionaries.
D.Yoof culture is getting popular all around the English speaking countries.
小题4: By saying “Sorted!”, yoof probably means ______.
A.“I’m very tired.” B.“I understand.”
C.“You got it wrong!” D.“I don’t care!”
Ellis Island is located in New York Harbor. Ellis Island is open daily year-round from 9:30am to 5:00pm, with extended hours during summer. It is closed on December 25. There is no admission charge to Ellis Island; donations are gratefully accepted.
At Your Fingertips
Park information      (212) 363- 7620
Emergencies         (212 ) 363- 3260
Ferryboat information  (212) 269- 5755
Lost and found       (212) 344- 7620
Dining, gifts, & audio tour  (212) 344- 0996
Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island Ferry: Boats leave from Battery Park, Manhattan, and from Liberty State Park, New Jersey. They run about every 30 to 45 minutes beginning at 9: 15 am(ferry schedule subject to change).
Hours: May vary; call the number below
Closed: December 25
Ferry fees (Includes Liberty and Ellis Islands): adults, $ 7; senior citizens, $6; children(age 3 to 17), $ 3. (lower group rates are available for 25 or more adults)
Ticket & schedule information: (212) 269- 5755
小题1: In summer, visitors will have ___________ to visit Ellis Island.
A.no enough moneyB.a longer timeC.a shorter timeD.a wonderful time
小题2:Which number would you call if your friends were suddenly ill?
A.(212) 344- 0996B.(212) 363- 7620 C.(212 ) 363- 3260D.(212) 269- 5755
小题3: Which of the following is NOT true?
A.People can visit Ellis Island free of charge.
B.The boats departure time from Battery Park is at 9:15 a.m. all the year round.
C.Ferry fees for children are cheaper than for adults.
D.Ferry fees for group visitors can be reduced.
小题4: We may infer from the passage that _____________.
A.visitors prefer to go to Ellis Island by boatB.there are more visitors in winter
C.Ellis Island is open every dayD.Boat is the only transportation to Ellis Island
Thousands of years ago, birthdays were considered special days. On birthdays, the bad spirits were able to harm you and change your life. It was believed that the only way to solve the problem was to have your friends and family around you, so that good wishes and presents would keep the bad spirits away. Also, noisemakers were thought to be used at parties as a way of scaring away the evil spirits.
The custom of lighting candles was created by people believing that the gods lived in the sky. By lighting candles and torches, they were sending a signal or prayer to the gods, so they could be answered. Blowing out the candles and making a wish were thought to be another way of sending a signal or a message.
This is how the way we celebrate our birthdays came about. But different cultures celebrate in different ways.
The birthday story in the Bible(圣经) that we know best is about the birth of the Christ in Bethlehem(地名:伯利恒). For nearly 2000 years since that day, the Christian world has been honoring this birth. The day many Englishmen celebrate is, of course, Christmas. There are other references to birthday parties. King Pharaoh celebrated his birthday by making a feast for his court followers. That was over 4000 years ago. The story of King Herod tells that on his birthday he made a supper for his lords, high captains and other special friends in Galilee (地名:加利利).
小题1: According to the passage, good wishes and presents given by one’s friends and family on his birthday can _____________________.
A.cheer him upB.prove that he’s a popular person
C.bring him a big fortuneD.push bad spirits away
小题2: Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?
A.The custom of lighting candles originated with the gods.
B.The gods celebrate their birthdays by lighting candles.
C.People send messages to the gods by lighting or blowing out the candles.
D.The gods will help people realize their dreams on their birthdays.
小题3: The two ancient kings’ ways of celebrating their birthdays show__________________.
A.how great the two kings were
B.how different cultures celebrate in different ways
C.the two kings’ excellent cooking skills
D.that their court followers were awarded the special honors
小题4: The passage is mainly about __________________.
A.the functions of the noises made on birthdays.
B.how to scare away the bad spirits on birthdays
C.the origin of a famous day Christmas
D.how birthdays came about

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