
第二节 选词填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)


popular       pollution       ancestor        solve      apology

educate       horror         poor           convince   attraction

66.   The government should pay more attention to the research on _____. The kids are the future of our homeland.

67.   Their _____ came from China. They are always dreaming of coming back to their motherland some day.

68.   With combined effort, we are sure to find a _____ to the problem.

69.   The weather this week is really _____; the sun never shows up and it is very windy sometimes.

70.   I finally _____ him of my innocence.

71.   Although he enjoyed great _____, he is never too proud of himself.

72.   20% of the population live below the _____ line while many live a luxurious(奢华的) life.

73.   It is impolite of you to speak to him that way. You should _____ to him.

74.   The lecture on “How to learn English Words” _____ many students.

75.   The government intends to move out the factories that _____ the air and water.

66. education         67. ancestors                 68. solution                  69. horrible

70. convinced        71. popularity        72. poverty                   73. apologize

74. attracted                  75. pollute


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