
14.My daughter is 5years old,and since she was three months old,people have been asking us,"When are you having another?"At first,I'd answer"we'11see,"because at the time,we were undecided,not financially stable,and just learning how to be parents.Over time we decided that one is good for us."Poor baby,she's going to be so lonely!"I have grown accustomed to these remarks.
But this week,I read a post that made my head spin.Andrew Kardon,a blogger at The Stir,said,"Parents who choose to have one child are just being selfish."He says"I understand some people are unable to have more than one kid due to medical or financial circumstances.I'm not talking about them.I'm talking about the couple who decide it's a lot of work and they like having their freedom,so they stop at one."
I absolutely disagree.First,it is a very hard job to raise a child.Even in a two-income-earning household,the stress of having a child is huge just to meet a child's basic needs.Let's not get into all the extras that start piling on as they grow older.Second,and just as equally important,is time.Carving out time for just yourself is hard enough,but when you have a family,you want to be there for everything.If you are a working parent,it's a hard balancing act between career,play,kids,and also spending time with your partner.For me,I wouldn't be able to do half the things if I had more children.There are some parents that do this well,and I high five them.But that is not me.
Whether it be one child or twenty,this parenting business is no joke and not everyone can handle what comes in the job description.I believe recognizing that you only have the strength to raise one child,and raise that child to the best of your ability is actually something to be admired.
28.According to Kardon,B.
A.parents choose to have only one child for the same reasons
B.some parents choose to have one child for their own freedom
C.all parents who choose to have only one child are selfish
D.some parents are not allowed to have more than one child
29.By saying"I read a post that made my head spin",the author wants toD.
A.express his or her anger
B.complain about his or her headache
C.tell us his or her disappointment
D.show his or her disagreement.
30.Which of the following words is the closest in meaning to the underlined phrase?C
31.What could be the best title of the article?A
A.One child or more?
B.Selfish or not?
C.Hard or easy                        
D.Lonely or not?

分析 作者从工作,压力等方面讨论了父母是否应该抚养超过一个孩子.

解答 28.B.细节理解题.由第二段I'm talking about the couple who decide it's a lot of work and they like having their freedom,so they stop at one,可知Kardon认为有的父母喜欢自由,所以他们只生一个.故选B.
29.D.细节理解题.由第三段I absolutely disagree,照应此处,可知作者不同意她的说法,故选D.
30.C.理解推断题.由第三段If you are a working parent,it's a hard balancing act between career,这对于工作的父母来说平衡工作和家庭很辛苦,和There are some parents that do this well,然而有些父母做得很好,可知作者因此恭喜他们,故选C.

点评 在做阅读理解时,考生可快速阅读短文,通读测试题,明确考察点,在对应细读,加快做题速度.有时间还可以复查校对答案.

2.On the Spanish island of La Gomera,kids are allowed to whistle(吹口哨) in class.In fact,whistling is required.The students are learning an ancient language called Silbo Gomero that uses whistles instead of spoken words.It's used only on La Gomera,which is one of the Canary Islands.
The people of La Gonmera have used Silbo Gomero for centuries.For a long time,it was the best way to communicate across the island's rocky hills and valleys.An islander's whistles can be heard from about 2 miles away.
But in the late 20th century,Silbo Gomero was in danger of dying out.Many of the speakers had moved from the island,and Spanish had become the main language.Cell phones had made it easier for islanders to communicate over long distances.A valuable piece of the island's culture was in danger of being lost forever.
In 1999,to keep the language alive,the local government made it a mandatory subject(必修学科) in schools.Now nearly all of the island's 22,000 inhabitants use Silbo Gomero as well as Spanish.
Though Silbo Gomero has been brought back into use,many other little-known languages around the world face a different situation.
There are more than 7,100 languages in the world.About half of them are in danger of disappearing within the next century.A language disappears when the last person to speak it dies.Many languages disappear because most children learn only the most important one.This is tr ue even in the U.S,where Native American languages are dying because most kids are taught only English.
Many dying languages have never been written down.Some researchers are travelling the globe to record people speaking these languages in the hope of saving them from going silent.
25.On La Gomera,students are allowed to whistle in classC.
A.when they are in danger             
B.if they want to have some fun
C.because they are learning a language   
D.since they have difficulty in speaking
26.How did people on La Gomera mainly communicate over long distances in the late 20th century?A
A.They used cell phones.
B.They used Silbo Gomero.
C.They used body language.
D.They shouted at each other.
27.La Gomera successfully prevented Silbo Gomero from dying out mainly byB.
A.written it down                    
B.introducing it into classes
C.recording people speaking it          
D.protecting the last one who speaks it
28.What is the main idea of Paragraph 6?D
A.English shouldn't be the only language.
B.Researchers are saving dying languages.
C.A language disappears for various reasons.
D.Many languages are in danger of disappearing.
9.Peter loved to shop used articles(物品).Almost a month ago,he bought popular word game that used little pieces of wood with different letters on them.As he was purchasing it,the salesgirl said,"Uh,look,the game box hasn't even been opened yet.That might be worth some money."
Peter examined the box,and,sure enough,it was completely covered in factory-sealed plastic.And he saw a date of 1973on the back of the box.
"You should put that up for auction (拍卖) on the Internet,and see what happens."the salesgirl said.
"Yes,you're right.People like something rare."Peter agreed,"I can't imagine there being very many unopened boxes of this game still around 40years later."
"Don't forget to tell me if you sell it."the salesgirl smiled.
"No problem."Peter said.
After he got home,Peter went online to several auction websites looking for his game.But he couldn't find it.Then he typed in the name of the word game and hit Search.The search result was 543websites containing information about the changes of the game.Over the years,the game had been produced using letters in different sizes and game boards in different colors.He also found some lists of game fans looking for various versions of the game.Peter emailed some of them,telling them what he had.
Two weeks later,Peter went back to the shop.
"Hello.Do you still remember the unopened word game?"
The salesgirl looked at him for a second,then recognized him and said,"Oh,hi!"
"I've got something for you,"Peter said."I sold the game and made 1,000.Thankyouforyoursuggestion."Hehandedherthree 100bills.
"Wow!"the salesgirl cried out."Thank you,I never expected it."
25.Which of the following best describes Peter's word game?A
A.It was made around 40years ago.
B.It had game boards in different sizes.
C.It was kept in a plastic bag with a seal.
D.It had little pieces of wood in different colors.
26.What did the salesgirl probably think of Peter's word game?B
A.Old and handy.
B.Rare and valuable.
C.Classic and attractive.
D.Colorful and interesting
27.What happened at the end of the story?A
A.Peter gave the girl 300asareward.
B.The sales girl be came Peter's friend.
C.Peter returned the word game for 1,000.
D.The salesgirl felt confused to see Peter again.
28.What is the main theme of the story?C
A.It's important to keep a promise.
B.It's great to share in other people's happiness.
C.We should be grateful for the help from others.
D.Something rare is worth a large amount of money.

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