
Many animals recognize their food because they see it. So do         . When you see an apple or a piece of chocolate you know that these are things you can eat. You can also use other          when you choose your food. You may          it because it smells good or because it          good. You may dislike some types of food because they do not look, smell or taste very nice.

Different          use different senses to find and choose their food. A few animals depend on only one of their senses, while most animals use more than one sense.

Although there are many          types of food, some animals spend their lives eating only one type. The giant panda eats only one         type of bamboo. Other animals eat only one type of food even when given the       . A kind of white butterfly will stay on the leaves of a cabbage, even though there are plenty of other         in the garden. However, most animals have a more          diet. The bear eats fruits and fish. The fox eats small animals, birds and fruits. The          of these animals will be different depending on the season.

        have a very varied diet. We often eat food because we like it and not because it is       for us. In countries such as France and Britain, people eat foods with too much         . This makes them overweight, which is bad for their health. Eating too much red meat and animal         , such as butter, can also be bad for the health. Choosing the right food, therefore, has become an area of study in modem life.

1.A. males           B. children                C. humans     D. adults

2.A. organs                 B. senses            C. parts              D. means

3.A. hate                   B. sell                      C. like                D. fancy

4.A. digests                B. consumes               C. touches    D. tastes

5.A. creatures             B. mammals                 C. people             D. animals

6.A. different               B. rare                     C. familiar               D. unique

7.A. typical                 B. particular                C. special              D. unusual

8.A. food                   B. meal                     C. choice               D. diet

9.A. flowers       B. vegetables                C. fruits                D. branches

10.A. varied                B. creative                 C. random              D. nutritious

11.A. fish                   B. fruit            C. diet                 D. insect

12.A. Animals               B. Chinese                 C. Humans              D. Foreigners

13.A. effective             B. beneficial                C. delicious             D. attractive

14.A. sugar          B. nicotine           C. fiber                  D. alcohol

15.A. products             B. attachments             C. goods         D. subscriptions





















1.C名词辨析。A.男人;B. 孩子们;C. 人类;D.成年人。根据后句When you see an apple or a piece of chocolate you know…..可知作者指人也像动物一样能认出可以吃的食物,在此处是泛指与动物相对的人类,其他选项过于片面,故答案选C。

2.B名词辨析。 A. 器官;B. 感官;C. 部分;D.意思。从下文because they do not look, smell or taste very nice.说明了人可以通过看、闻、尝等来决定对食物的喜好,而且通过other一词也可以推测出此处指和“看”一样的感官,答案选B。

3.C动词辨析。 A. 憎恨;B.买         ;C.喜欢  ;D. 假想。通过下文中的对比句子You may dislike some types of food because….可以推断此处指人们因为味道而喜欢某种食物,答案选C。

4.D动词辨析。 A. 吸收;B. 吃喝;C. 接触;D. 尝起来。根据or前面内容smelt good可以判断此处指一种感官,而且四个选项中只有taste是系动词,后面可以跟形容词做表语,故答案选D。

5.D名词辨析。 A. 生物;B. 哺乳动物;C. 人们 ;      D. 动物。根据下文解释内容A few animals depend on only one of their senses, while most animals use more than one sense.可知此处指的是动物,答案选D。

6.A形容词辨析。A. 不同的;B. 稀罕的;C. 相似的;D. 独特的。让步状语从句和主句内容存在转折关系,所以根据后句中的only one type可以判断此处指许多不同种类的食物,答案选A。

7.B形容词辨析。A. 典型性的;B. 特指的;C. 特殊的  ;D. 异常的。从常识可知大熊猫是只吃竹子这一种食物的,particular“专指的,特指的”强调单一性,答案选B。

8.C名词辨析。 A.食物; B. 一顿饭; C. 选择;D. 饮食。根据语境可以判断即使有的动物给它们多种食物,他们也只是吃其中的某一种,故答案选C。

9.B名词辨析。 A.花;B蔬菜;C. 水果;D. 枝条。上文提到了the leaves of a cabbage,然后根据后句中的other可以判断此处指和cabbage一样的蔬菜,答案选B。

10.A形容词辨析。A.多样的;B. 有创造力的 ;C. 选取的;D. 营养的。上文介绍了许多以单一食物为食的动物,根据however表示的转折意味可以判处此处指多种食物,答案选A。

11.C名词辨析。 A. 鱼;B. 水果;C. 饮食;D. 昆虫。由上文内容However, most animals have a more          diet. The bear eats fruits and fish. The fox eats small animals, birds and fruits.可以判断此处指这些动物所吃的食物,答案选C,其他选项内容片面。

12.C名词辨析。 A.动物;B. 中国人;C. 人类;D. 外国人。从下文内容We often eat food because we like it…..等可知本段讲述的是人类的饮食,故答案选C。

13.B形容词辨析。A. 有效的;B. 有益的;C. 美味的;D. 有吸引力的。根据上下文内容可知人们只是凭喜好去吃某种东西,而很少从食物对人的益处、好处方面去考虑,故答案选B。

14.A名词辨析。A. 糖;B. 尼古丁;C. 纤维物质;D. 酒精。根据后句内容This makes them overweight…..以及生活常识可知在提供的四个选项中只有A选项“糖”才会使人发胖,答案选A。

15.A名词辨析。 A. 产品         ;B.附件;C.商品;D. 捐款。从后面列举的食物“such as butter”可以判断此处指像奶油这样的动物产品,故A选项正确。





  When Dan Shaw gets up from the sofa in his home, Cuddles is never far away.When he wants to go outside, he doesn’t take Cuddles out for a walk-Cuddles takes him for a walk.Cuddles is clearly no ordinary family pet.It is a two-foot-high miniature horse and serves as the guiding eyes of Shaw, who is blind.

  When Shaw lost his sight, his wife suggested he apply for(申请)a guide dog.Shaw, an anima lover, said he couldn’t bear to part with a dog(which usually lives about eight to ten years)and get used to a new one, perhaps several times in his life.

  Then Shaw heard of a program about the tiny guide horses.He learned that the horse possess many qualities that make them an excellent choice for guiding people.They are clean, friendly, smart and have great memories.They can be trained to remain calm in noisy and crowded places.Best of all, they live for 25-35 years, which would enable Shaw to have the same guide friend for most or all of his life.

  Shaw immediately applied to be and was accepted as the first person to receive a guide horse.The instant he met Cuddles, he knew he was making the right choice.Then he began his training.

  Through training, Shaw and Cuddles learned to find their way on busy streets, step over curbs(便道沿儿)and find elevator buttons.Cuddles even show its ability to step in front of Shaw and block him, to prevent him from walking into a dangerous situation The little horse also expertly led Shaw through busy shopping malls.They got along without any difficulties.Now Shaw is confident that Cuddles will change his life for the better.

1.What’s the meaning of the underlined word “miniature” in Paragraph 1?(No more than 2 words)


2.Why didn’t Shaw want to choose a dog as his guide?(No more than 15 words)


3.What does Paragraph 3 mainly tell us?(No more than 10 words)


4.How does Shaw feel about his future life with the help of Cuddles?(No more than 10 words)


5.In your opinion, what is the ideal(理想的)relationship between man and animals?(No more than 20 words)


阅读表达(共5个小题,每小题2分, 共10分)

When Dan Shaw gets up from the sofa in his home, Cuddles is never far away. When he wants to go outside, he doesn’t take Cuddles out for a walk—Cuddles takes him for a walk. Cuddles is clearly no ordinary family pet. It is a two-foot-high miniature horse and serves as the guiding eyes of Shaw, who is blind.

       When Shaw lost his sight, his wife suggested he apply for(申请) a guide dog. Shaw, an anima lover, said he couldn’t bear to part with a dog(which usually lives about eight to ten years)and get used to a new one, perhaps several times in his life.

       Then Shaw heard of a program about the tiny guide horses. He learned that the horse possess many qualities that make them an excellent choice for guiding people. They are clean, friendly, smart and have great memories. They can be trained to remain calm in noisy and crowded places. Best of all, they live for 25-35 years, which would enable Shaw to have the same guide friend for most or all of his life.

       Shaw immediately applied to be and was accepted as the first person to receive a guide horse. The instant he met Cuddles, he knew he was making the right choice. Then he began his training.

       Through training, Shaw and Cuddles learned to find their way on busy streets, step over curbs(便道沿儿)and find elevator buttons. Cuddles even show its ability to step in front of Shaw and block him, to prevent him from walking into a dangerous situation The little horse also expertly led Shaw through busy shopping malls. They got along without any difficulties. Now Shaw is confident that Cuddles will change his life for the better.

What’s the meaning of the underlined word “miniature” in Paragraph 1?(No more than 2 words)


Why didn’t Shaw want to choose a dog as his guide?(No more than 15 words)


What does Paragraph 3 mainly tell us? (No more than 10 words)


How does Shaw feel about his future life with the help of Cuddles? (No more than 10 words)


In your opinion, what is the ideal(理想的) relationship between man and animals? (No more than 20 words)


阅读表达(共5个小题,每小题2分, 共10分)

When Dan Shaw gets up from the sofa in his home, Cuddles is never far away. When he wants to go outside, he doesn’t take Cuddles out for a walk—Cuddles takes him for a walk. Cuddles is clearly no ordinary family pet. It is a two-foot-high miniature horse and serves as the guiding eyes of Shaw, who is blind.

       When Shaw lost his sight, his wife suggested he apply for(申请) a guide dog. Shaw, an anima lover, said he couldn’t bear to part with a dog(which usually lives about eight to ten years)and get used to a new one, perhaps several times in his life.

       Then Shaw heard of a program about the tiny guide horses. He learned that the horse possess many qualities that make them an excellent choice for guiding people. They are clean, friendly, smart and have great memories. They can be trained to remain calm in noisy and crowded places. Best of all, they live for 25-35 years, which would enable Shaw to have the same guide friend for most or all of his life.

       Shaw immediately applied to be and was accepted as the first person to receive a guide horse. The instant he met Cuddles, he knew he was making the right choice. Then he began his training.

       Through training, Shaw and Cuddles learned to find their way on busy streets, step over curbs(便道沿儿)and find elevator buttons. Cuddles even show its ability to step in front of Shaw and block him, to prevent him from walking into a dangerous situation The little horse also expertly led Shaw through busy shopping malls. They got along without any difficulties. Now Shaw is confident that Cuddles will change his life for the better.

1. What’s the meaning of the underlined word “miniature” in Paragraph 1?(No more than 2 words)


2.Why didn’t Shaw want to choose a dog as his guide?(No more than 15 words)


3. What does Paragraph 3 mainly tell us? (No more than 10 words)


4. How does Shaw feel about his future life with the help of Cuddles? (No more than 10 words)


5. In your opinion, what is the ideal(理想的) relationship between man and animals? (No more than 20 words)




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