

参考词汇:剪纸 paper-cut

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2. 100词左右。







An art exhibition will be held at 6 P.M. this Saturday, in the Great Hall. The items on display are all made by students, teachers and parents. The exhibition includes a variety of works, not only traditional Chinese paper-cut, but also excellent calligraphies and drawings. They have been chosen from hundreds of works. Further surprises not mentioned here are awaiting you. Don’t miss it if you’re interested in traditional Chinese culture. The artists will be available to discuss their works. See you this Saturday evening!

That’s all. Thank you.

The Students’ Union



亮点说明:该篇范文要点全面,结构合理(在通知的开始部分首先说明了所通知的中心事件的时间和地点。),符合“通知”的行文要求。用语精准到位,例如“will be held, include, not only…but also, have been chosen from, are awaiting you, will be available to”,体现了作者扎实的基本功。此外,对于非谓语的恰当使用“Further surprises not mentioned here are awaiting you.”,也让文章增色不少。综上可见,该篇范文出色地完成了题文任务,是一篇难得的佳作!



Tayka Hotel de Sal


How much:About $95 a night

Why it’s cool:You’ve stayed at hotels made of brick or wood,but salt?That’s something few can claim. Tayka Hotel de Sal is made totally of salt—including the beds (though you’ll sleep on regular mattresses(床垫) and blankets).The hotel sits on the Salar de Uyuni,a prehistoric dried?up lake which is the world’s biggest salt flat. Builders use the salt from the 4,633?square?mile flat to make the bricks,and glue them together with a paste (糊) of wet salt that hardens when it dries.When rain starts to dissolve the hotel,the owners just mix up more salt paste to strengthen the bricks.

Green Magic Nature Resort


How much:About $240 a night

Why it’s cool:Taking a pulley(滑轮)?operated lift 86 feet to your treetop room is just the start of your adventure.As you look out of your open window—there is no glass!—you watch monkeys and birds in the rain forest canopy(罩篷).Later you might test your fear of heights by crossing the handmade rope bridge to the main part of the hotel,or just sit on your bamboo bed and read.You don’t even have to come down for breakfast—the hotel will send it up on the pulley?drawn “elevator”.

Dog Bark Park Inn B&B


How much:$92 a night

Why it’s cool:This doghouse isn’t just for the family pet. Sweet_Willy is a 30?foot?tall dog with guest rooms in his belly. Climb the wooden stairs beside his hind leg to enter the door in his side.You can relax in the main bedroom,go up a few steps of the loft(阁楼) in Willy’s head,or hang out inside his nose.Although you have a full private bathroom in your quarters,there is also a toilet in the 12?foot?tall fire hydrant(消防栓) outside.

Gamirasu Cave Hotel


How much:Between $130 and $475 a night

Why it’s cool:This is caveman cool!Experience what it was like 5,000 years ago,when people lived in these mountain caves formed by volcanic ash.But your stay will be much more modern.Bathrooms and electricity provide what you expect from a modern hotel,and the white volcanic ash,called tufa,keeps the rooms cool,about 65? in summer.(Don’t worry—there is heat in winter.)

1.What do we know about Tayka Hotel de Sal?

A.It is located on a prehistoric lake.

B.It should be protected against the rain.

C.Everything in the hotel is made of salt.

D.You have to cross a rope bridge to the hotel.

2.What is the similarity of the four hotels?

A.Being expensive.

B.Being comfortable.

C.Being natural.

D.Being unique.

3.What does the underlined words “Sweet Willy” refer to?

A.The name of the hotel.

B.The name of the hotel owner.

C.The building of Dog Bark Park Inn B&B.

D.The name of a pet dog of the hotel owner.

4.Which of the hotels makes you have a feeling of living in the far past?

A.Tayka Hotel de Sal.

B.Green Magic Nature Resort.

C.Dog Bark Park Inn B&B.

D.Gamirasu Cave Hotel.


A little boy almost thought of himself as the most unfortunate child in the world because a disease made his leg lame(跛的). He ______played with his classmates. When the teacher asked him to answer questions, he always_______ his head without a word.

One ___ the boy’s father asked for some saplings(树苗)from the neighbor. He wanted the __ to plant a sapling(树苗) each person in front of the house. The father said, “Whose sapling grows best, I will buy him or her a favorite___.” Seeing his brothers and sisters watering the trees , however, the boy had an idea .He hoped that the tree he planted would_____soon. So ,after watering it once or twice, he never _______ it.

A few days later, when the little boy went to see his tree again, he was ___ to find that it didn’t fade but grew some fresh leaves. ____ the trees of his brothers and sisters , his tree was even greener. His father kept his _____ , bought the little boy his favorite gift and said that from the tree he planted, he would become an outstanding_____ when he grew up.

Since then, the little boy slowly became________. One night, he lay on the bed but could not sleep. Then he got up and came to the ______. To his surprise, his ______ was splashing(喷洒)something onto his tree. ______, he understood---his father had been____ fertilizing(施肥)his small tree!

He returned to his room, _____ running down. ____ passed. The little boy didn’t become a botanist(植物学家),but he was elected President of the United States. His name was Franklin Roosevelt. Love is the_____nourishment(营养)of life__ it is just a drop of clear water, it can still help the tree of life thrive(茁壮成长).

1.A.bravely B.seldom C.freely D.always

2.A.raised B.nodded C.lowered D.knocked

3.A.spring B.moment C.winter D.week

4.A.neighbors B.friends C.children D.boys

5.A.sapling B.tree C.gift D.toy

6.A.die B.grow C.break D.survive

7.A.led to B.attended t C.belonged to D.objected to

8.A.pleased B.upset C.worried D.surprised

9.A.Compared withB.Similar to C.Connected to D.Popular with

10.A.request B.schedule C.promise D.secret

11.A.president B.botanist C.artist D.researcher

12.A.smart B.desperate C.optimistic D.practical

13.A.field B.courtyard C.park D.farm

14.A.brother B.sister C.father D.neighbor

15.A.All of a sudden B.For a moment C.In time D.From then on

16.A.busily B.quietly C.cautiously D.secretly

17.A.water B.tears C.sweat D. rain

18.A.Hours B.Months C.Decades D.Centuries

19.A.last B.only C.least D.best

20.A.Even if B.Now that C.If only D.What if



A passenger (乘客) told an air hostess (空姐) that he needed a cup of water to take when the plane just took off. She told him that she would bring him the soon.

Twenty minutes , when the passenger’s ring for service sounded, the air hostess realized it at once. She was kept so busy that she to bring him the water. , the passenger was held up (延迟) to take his medicine. She hurried over to him with a cup of water, but he it.

In the following hours on the flight, time the air hostess passed the passenger, she would ask him with a smile he needed help or not. But the passenger never her words.

When he was going to get off the , the passenger asked the air hostess to him the passengers' booklet (意见簿). She was very . She knew that he would sharp words, which might make her the job. with a smile she handed it to him.

Off the plane, she the booklet, and cracked a smile, for the passenger put it, “ the flight, you asked me if I needed help for twelve times . How can I refuse twelve sincere smiles?”

That’s right! It was the twelve smiles of the air hostess that touched (感动) the passenger and of course she wouldn’t lose her job.

1.A. medicine B. fruit C. food D. bread

2.A. milk B. juice C. coffee D. water

3.A. late B. later C. ago D. after

4.A. remembered B. forgot C. wanted D. learned

5.A. ThereforeB. However C. Thus D. So

6.A. accepted B. took C. refused D. received

7.A. some B. either C. another D. each

8.A. why B. when C. whether D. how

9.A. paid attention toB. thought of C. heard of D. worried about

10.A. coach B. bus C. train D. plane

11.A. hand B. finger C. head D. face

12.A. happy B. cheerful C. sad D. excited

13.A. write down B. get down C. put downD. go down

14.A. lose B. loses C. losing D. lost

15.A. And B. So C. Then D. But

16.A. opened B. closed C. destroyed D. hid

17.A. in B. out C. on D. off

18.A. at all B. in all C. of all D. all over

19.A. her B. your C. their D. our

20.A. peacefully B. comfortable C. deeply D. slowly


Walt Disney

As one of the most famous film production companies in the history of the business,Walt Disney now holds 15.3 percent of the US and Canadian market share. With highly successful movies like Pirates of the Caribbean,National Treasure,Meet the Robinsons and Enchanted,there’s no doubt that Disney will continue to play a key role in the industry for years to come.

Paramount Pictures

With 15.5 percent of the US and Canadian market share,Paramount Pictures continues to be one of the most successful film production companies in the world. Star Trek,War of the Worlds,Mission:Impossible,Transformers and Tropic Thunder are just a few of the popular films produced by Paramount Pictures.

20th Century Fox

Also known as “Twentieth Century Fox”,this highly successful movie production company makes up 11.9 percent of the US and Canadian market share. Some of the biggest and most successful movies from this empire include the X-Men series,Mr and Mrs Smith and Fantastic Four.

Warner Bros. Pictures

Including about 19.7 percent of the US and Canadian market share,Warner Bros. Pictures is the biggest player in the film industry. Owning the rights to major films like Harry Potter,Superman,Batman,The Matrix and Star Wars has made Warner Bros. Pictures the No.1 name in the business.

Universal Studios

12.2 percent of the US and Canadian market share belongs to Universal Studios,which continues to make millions for the film industry. With major hits like the Bourne series,the American Pie series,Knocked Up,American Gangster and The Incredible Hulk,it’s very clear that Universal Studios knows what it takes to make money in this industry.

Columbia Pictures

Making up 12.9 percent of the US and Canadian market share,Columbia Pictures remains a big player in the business. Some of this company’s recent successes include Casino Royale,The Da Vinci Code,the Spider Man series and Step Brothers.

1.This passage mainly tells us______.

A. some beautiful pictures of the US

B. some American popular movies

C. some famous Canadian companies

D. some film production companies

2.Which of the following movie production companies is the most successful in the US and Canadian markets?

A. Universal Studios. B. Paramount Pictures.

C. Columbia Pictures. D. Walt Disney.

3.Warner Bros. Pictures is very famous for its film named ______.

A. Harry Potter B. Pirates of the Caribbean

C. The Incredible Hulk D. Tropic Thunder

4.The underlined word “hits” (in Paragraph 5) refers to ______.

A. articles B. Novels

C. movies D. Struggles


Do you enjoy reading? Do you read newspapers or magazines? Chances are, if you do any of these activities, your pre?school child is on his way to becoming a reader.

The process of learning to read is complex, and one of the most important things to know is that parents can help their children learn to read.As children have conversations with adults, they hear both new and familiar words and their vocabulary grows.

There are many opportunities for adults and children to talk together, such as when riding in the car or in a bus, doing housework like fixing dinner,or bathing and getting ready for bed. A major part of conversation is listening. When children talk, adults listen and respond.Then children listen and respond,and so the flow of conversation happens.

Have you watched your pre?school child pretend to read to his younger sisters or brothers? Have you read his favorite story over and over?These experiences tell children that reading is fun.And when things are fun and they are repeated, your child will see letters. He begins to connect them to familiar words, especially the letters that make up his name.A natural next step for him to take is to write the letters.

When children see parents make a grocery list,they want to use a pencil and paper to make their own list. To encourage these beginning writing activities, have pencils, markers, crayons and scrap paper within your children's reach.

The more children get connected with talking,listening, reading and writing, the easier it is for them to become active readers. While you as a parent have a big influence on these early behaviors, it is important to remember that opportunities for literacy experiences happen when you and your child share in the basic routines(日常生活) of everyday life.

1.The third paragraph tell us that parents can talk with their children________.

A.during daily routines

B.only in quiet places

C.in their spare time

D.when they are eager to talk

2.During the process of learning to read,children may ________.

A.copy the action of the adults

B.prefer to talk with those of their own age

C.show no interest in reading at all

D.waste a lot of paper and other materials

3.When do children want to learn to write?

A.When their parents ask them to do so.

B.When they believe they can write well.

C.When they know what they want to know.

D.When they can connect letters with familiar words.

4.The passage is written to________.

A.talk about parents' influence on their children's behavior

B.encourage parents to set a good example to their children

C.advise parents to make reading a part of their children's daily life

D.make parents believe in the importance of early reading


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