

1Let me ____________the broken glass in case someone walks on it.

2I had hoped to do to Hawaiibut I didn’t _________the tour in time.

3I want to do the thing ____________without outside interference or help.

4The lecturer speaks too fast for me ____________.Can you catch him?

5How can he get a good job __________if he doesn’t work hard now?

6You can choose anyone who you think __________this job.

7He___________the books to everyone in the class.

8There might be two factors which___________the problem.

9It’s time we took measures to___________the problems related to pollution.

10____________the job interview can help you impress your potential employer.


1clean up

2sign up for

3on my own

4to keep up with

5after graduation

6is suitable for

7handed out

8are responsible for

9deal with

10Being well prepared for



1考查动词短语。句意:让我清理掉碎玻璃,以免有人踩上去。分析句意可知,既然是为了避免有人踩到碎玻璃,就应该将其清理、打扫掉,且用在let sb. do sth.的结构里,要用动词原形。故填clean up

2考查动词短语。句意:我原本希望去夏威夷,但最终没有及时报名参加旅行。分析句子可知,前后句呈现转折的逻辑关系,后句应表示“没有赶上、达成旅行”的含义。故填sign up for

3考查介词短语。句意:我想不借助外界的参考或帮助、独自完成这件事。这里与“without outside interference or help”同义,要表示“独自、独立”的含义。故填on my own

4考查动词短语。句意:讲师说得太快,我完全跟不上。你能跟得上吗?空白处与后句谓语动词catch同义,且构成too…to…结构。故填to keep up with

5考查介词短语。句意:如果他现在不努力学习,毕业了怎么能找到一份好工作呢?分析句意可知,这里要表达“毕业之后”。故填after graduation

6考查形容词短语。句意:你可以选择任何你觉得能胜任这份工作的人。这里与this job搭配,考虑be suitable for,其中who指代anyone要视为第三人称单数主语。故填is suitable for

7考查动词短语。句意:他把书发给班里的每个人。时态不明的句子,一般视为一般过去时。故填handed out

8考查形容词短语。句意:可能有两个因素导致了这个问题。这里使用定语从句,先行词与the problem搭配,考虑be responsible for,主语which指代先行词two factors,视为复数主语。故填are responsible for

9考查动词短语。句意:是时候我们采取措施来解决污染相关问题了。分析句意可知,这里需要动词与the problems搭配,考虑“解决、处理”。故填deal with

10考查形容词短语。句意:面试之前做好充分准备,能有助于加深用人方对你的印象。分析句子结构可知,这里是非谓语动词作主语,要用动名词形式。故填Being well prepared for


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