
16.Communicating with the old can be challenging,(56)especially(especial) when considering the fact that their abilities are failing.
First of all,you are(57)supposed(suppose) to respect the old's thoughts,backgrounds and life experience.Do not correct their opinions even when you can't reach any(58)agreement(agree).And when old people are talking,listen(59)carefully(careful).Let them finish because letting them express their thoughts and emotions(60)is(be) important.
When you're together with them,try to know if they would like(61)to chat(chat) or be quiet.And when you feel they want to be quiet,just be there,because(62)spending(spend) time with them is as important as talking to them or cheering them up.
As communication with old people can be difficult,it is(63)important(importance) to be always patient.When you are explaining something(64)tothem,you should remain patient when they ask you to repeat yourself.Try using gestures while you talk with them,or write down what you want to say when(65)itis necessary.

分析 本文介绍了和老人交流的技巧和注意事项.

解答 56.especially 考查副词.与老年人交流具有挑战性,特别是当考虑到他们的能力正在衰退的事实的时候.especially"特别,尤其".
57.supposed 考查固定搭配.be supposed to 是英语的固定短语"理应,应当",根据句意:你应该尊重老人的思想,所以答案填supposed.
58.agreement 考查固定短语.reach agreement是英语的固定搭配"达成共识",根据句意:即使你不能达成任何协议,也不要纠正他们的意见.所以答案填agreement.
59.carefully 考查副词.此处用副词来修饰动词listen.
60.is 考查主谓一致.分析句子可知本句的主语是动名词letting them express their thoughts and emotions,所以谓语动词用单数形式.
61.to chat 考查固定搭配.like to do是英语的固定搭配"喜欢做某事".
62.spending 考查非谓语.分析句子可知spend time with them 在句中做主语,所以用动名词形式spending.
63.important 考查固定句型.It is+形容词+to do 是英语中的一种固定句型"干某事怎么样",根据句意:有耐心是非常重要的.所以答案填important.
 64.to 考查固定搭配.explain sth to sb向某人解释某事,所以答案填to.
65.it 考查代词.it is necessary to do 是英语的固定句型"有必要干某事",根据句意:如果有必要的话,写下你想说的,it 是形式主语,所以答案填it.

点评 语法填空是通过语篇在语境中考查语法知识的运用能力,在解题前应快速浏览短文掌握大意,在读懂短文的基础上,结合短文提供的特定的语言环境去逐句分析.要解决好语法填空,离不开坚实的语法知识,有了坚实的语法知识才能对语言进行正确的分析和判断,从而答对题目.

7.Are you still worried about overcharging for your luggage over the weight limit?An"Airport Jacket"containing up to 15kg luggage is designed to help frequent flyers bypass(绕过)airport baggage queues,reduce baggage fees and really lower the risk of lost luggage.
"With airlines beginning to charge for carry-on baggage as well as severely limiting 10aggage allowances for the low fare economy traveler,my partner and I have designed a jacket that can wear your laptop,tablet,two pairs of shoes,a pair of jeans,five T-shirts,a jumper and a camera,"designer Claire Murphy explains."It totals 14 deep pockets,including 8 pockets at hip length,11 pockets at three-quarter length and 14 pockets at full length."
Claire and Benke Murphy came up with the idea while traveling home with their newborn child.They had so much extra carry-on luggage that the airline tried to charge them $ 140 for it,more than the cost of their tickets.So they had to put clothes,chargers,diapers and toys into their pockets,until just over the weight limit.They escaped the tax,but everything sticking out of their pocket saw a pretty uncomfortable plane ride.
However,people have been raising questions about the usefulness of the Airport Jacket,especially the trouble of going through security checkpoints.They are arguing that having to take all out and then putting them back into the pockets is not worth the few tens of dollars you save on a checked luggage.
But Benke claims that walking through airport security is not an issue as long as you follow guidelines for carry-on luggage."It only needs to be worn when checking in and at the boarding gate.What's more,Airport security is not looking at how you store your luggage but checking its contents."
Its makers are currently running a crowdfunding campaign on Kickstarter,trying to raise  AU100,000.Butthey'veonlyraised AU3,675 so far,although they still have 37 days to go,so it's still hopeful And even if this fails,they may still find a way to get it to market.

32.What's the least possible benefit of using the Airport Jacket?D
A.it may cut down on the luggage fees.
B.it may decrease the risk of losing luggage.
C.it may save the time of passing long queues.
D.it can guarantee you a comfortable flight service.
33.What does the paragraph 3 mainly discuss about?C
A.how much luggage the couple carried
B.how luckily the couple avoided overcharging
C.how the designers got their inspiration
D.how painful the couple's flying experience was
34.What can we infer from this passage?B
A.The pockets of the'Airport Jacket have 28 in total.
B.Not all regard the Airport Jacket as a perfect invention.
C.Crowdfunding is the best way to collect money you need.
D.Airports now begin to limit the number of economy travelers.
35.What will the author probably mention in the next paragraph?B
A.Their kinds of anxiety and fear facing failure.
B.Their possible measures to market their product.
C.Their sharp and powerful attack against those opposed.
D.Their attempts to improve and enlarge the production capacity.
4.Most students want to be able to accomplish much in as little time as possible.That's completely understandable!(36)FHere are some tips that will help you be as efficient as possible and get your school work done even when you're feeling lazy.
What if you have a lot of research material to read through but you're mainly interested in finding out what it says about a certain topic?Use you"Ctrl+F"function to find keywords.(37)G
When you have something that needs to be done,don't go out and party instead.(38)B  Keep your priorities straight.You are at school to study,learn and graduate.Parties are a secondary thing.
(39)D Have an agreement ahead of time that when the study group meets,you're only allowed to discuss the subject at hand.It will gradually become a habit.
Time management is very important!Using your time wisely is probably the most important life lesson you can learn.Balancing fun with work and making work fun can be a challenge at first.(40)E

A.You must also time your break.
B.There will be plenty of other opportunities.
C.But it will force you to focus on your studies.
D.When group studying,don't allow chatting or visiting.
E.But you will become really good at it if you keep practicing.
F.While your focus is on your education,there are still many things to enjoy.
G.That way you needn't read the articles that contain no useful information to you.
8.I was an unlucky nurse who had to work on Christmas Day.It was always(21)Bin the emergency room on this day; so I was not expecting any patients.When I was(22)Aabout working on such a beautiful festival,five people showed up at my desk-a pale woman and four small children.
"Are you all sick?"I asked in a(n)(23)Dway because they seemed all right.
"Yes,"the woman answered(24)Aand lowered her head.
But when they started to present their problems,things got a little vague(含糊的).Two of the children had headaches,but the headaches weren't (25)Aby normal body languages such as holding the head.Two children had earaches,but neither of them could tell me(26)Cear was in pain.The mother complained of a cough,but she seemed to be(27)B.
Something was wrong.I didn't say anything but explained that it might take a while(28)Ca doctor could meet them."Take your(29)C,please,"the mother responded.Then,I checked their charts-no address.Suddenly I knew,they were homeless and the hospital was(30)D.
I looked out at the family,gathering together under the Christmas tree,smiling and chatting with each other(31)A.Quietly,I went back to the nurse's station and told them that we had a homeless(32)D in the waiting room.It was just like God sending us a(33)Aon Christmas Day.The nurse's station suddenly came back to(34)D.All the nurses went into action,just as we did when there was a real(35)Cemergency.But this one was a"Christmas emergency".
We(36)Cour meals for our Christmas"patients".We also put together oranges and apples(37)Cpresents.Usually we just tried to(38)Bthe physical needs of our patients.But today,we worked hard to exceed(超越) the needs of a family who only(39)Aa warm place on Christmas Day.
Later,when the family was leaving,the four-year-old girl ran back and gave me a kiss."Thanks for being our angel today,"she whispered in my(40)B.
36.A.put outB.gave outC.took outD.turned out
2.China news,Beijing,June 5-The Horizon Research Group conducted a survey about Chinese parents and their children in May last year and this year.Based on a random sampling method,the survey,done in May last year,investigated about 1,095 people living in cities such as Beijing,Shanghai,Guangzhou,Xinjiang,Jinzhong,and Luzhou.All these people were aged between 18 and 60.The survey shows that 55.5% of the parents did not know who their children's best friends were.Fathers,in particular,knew even less about their children than mothers,as the survey shows only 33.8% of fathers knew who their children's best friends were while 50.8% of mothers did so,China Youth Daily reported.
    Parents with little education were less concerned with their children's life,or whom their children played with.The survey shows that among parents that graduated from primary schools or without any educat ional background,only 33.1% knew who their children's best friends were.Among parents that had received middle school education,the related proportion reached 45.5%.
    This year's survey was also based on random sampling.In May 2007,the Horizon Research Group investigated some 1,456 families in Beijing,Shanghai,Guangzhou,Wuhan,Changsha,Xi'an,Chengdu and Harbin.The survey shows that children under the age of 12 play for less time with their playmates than their parents did when they were young.
    The survey also shows that most children at present spend only 21.9% of their time playing with their friends,while their parents spent 36.8% of their time with their playmates when they were young.Nowadays,most children spend more time with their grandparents or babysitters than with their parents.
1.The article tells us that the two surveys show the following aspects EXCEPT thatA.
A.parents at present spend less time playing with their children than with the older  generation.
B.some parents do not know their children's best friends.
C.educated parents are more concerned about their children's life than those with little education.
D.parents at present are concerned little about their children's life.
2.The passage can be found inB.
A.a magazine       B.a newspaper        C.a science journal     D.a school book
3.What can be inferred from the passage?A
A.Parents need to take their responsibilities for their children.
B.Parents should provide better conditions for their children.
C.Parents don't play an important part in the growth of their children now.
D.Parents should let their children have more friends.

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