
4.Most students want to be able to accomplish much in as little time as possible.That's completely understandable!(36)FHere are some tips that will help you be as efficient as possible and get your school work done even when you're feeling lazy.
What if you have a lot of research material to read through but you're mainly interested in finding out what it says about a certain topic?Use you"Ctrl+F"function to find keywords.(37)G
When you have something that needs to be done,don't go out and party instead.(38)B  Keep your priorities straight.You are at school to study,learn and graduate.Parties are a secondary thing.
(39)D Have an agreement ahead of time that when the study group meets,you're only allowed to discuss the subject at hand.It will gradually become a habit.
Time management is very important!Using your time wisely is probably the most important life lesson you can learn.Balancing fun with work and making work fun can be a challenge at first.(40)E

A.You must also time your break.
B.There will be plenty of other opportunities.
C.But it will force you to focus on your studies.
D.When group studying,don't allow chatting or visiting.
E.But you will become really good at it if you keep practicing.
F.While your focus is on your education,there are still many things to enjoy.
G.That way you needn't read the articles that contain no useful information to you.

分析 本文主要介绍了大多数学生希望能在尽可能少的时间内完成许多事情,这是完全可以理解的!当你的注意力集中在学习上时,你仍然还有很多事情可以享受.

解答 36-40 FGBDE
36.F上下文串联.根据上文Most students want to be able to accomplish much in as little time as possible.That's completely understandable!可知大多数学生希望能在尽可能少的时间内完成许多事情,这是完全可以理解的!F项:While your focus is on your education,there are still many things to enjoy.当你的注意力集中在你的学习上时,你还有很多事情要去享受.符合文意.故选F.
37.G语境辨析题.根据上句Use you"Ctrl+F"function to find keywords.可知利用快捷键"Ctrl+F"寻找关键字.G项:That way you needn't read the articles that contain no useful information to you.你不需要阅读那些对你没有任何有用信息的文章.符合文意.故选G.
38.B联系上下文.根据上句When you have something that needs to be done,don't go out and party instead.可知当你有需要做的事情时,不要出去聚会;根据下句Keep your priorities straight.You are at school to study,learn and graduate.保持你的优先顺序:你在学校的学业,学习和毕业.B项:There will be plenty of other opportunities.将有很多其他机会.符合文意.故选B.
39.D归纳总结题.根据本段主要介绍了提前达成协议,当学习小组开会时,你只被允许谈论这个话题,这将逐渐成为一种习惯.D项:When group studying,don't allow chatting or visiting.集体学习时,不允许聊天或参观.符合文意.故选D.
40.E联系上文题.根据上句Balancing fun with work and making work fun can be a challenge at first.可知要平衡娱乐和工作的时间,首先使工作变得有趣是一项挑战.E项:But you will become really good at it if you keep practicing.但是如果你一直保持练习,你将变得很擅长它.符合文意.故选E.

点评 做七选五时定位选项很关键.明确各备选选项的含义,抓住其关键词语,根据文章整体结构与具体内容,将选项填入文中,填写时尤为注意各选项中出现的句子衔接手段及句中的衔接标志词.在定位选项时,要特别注意空格上下段的写作内容,以及空格上段尾句和下段首句的结构和意义.将所选项放入空白处,看看是否与上下文构成语义及逻辑上的直接关系,是否符合该处语境.能否承接前后的写作线索.使文章无论内容还是衔接上都能做到通顺.

12.Think Positive and Feel Positive
When you're in a stressful situation,are you confident or unsafe?Do you react positively or negatively?
(71)A  A study by researchers at the University of Notre Dame found that negative thinking,and depression coming from it,can be catching in certain circumstances.
For example,the researchers studied 103 freshman college roommates who'd been paired casually.(72)E     Specifically,the researchers measured the subject's likelihood to see negative events as a reflection of their abilities and disadvantages.
After only six months,it became clear that thinking patterns and styles can be catching.(73)D
And students paired with more positive thinking roommates were more likely to become more positive in their thinking and report less depression.
(74)B   So they might be particularly accessible to adopting the thought and behavior patterns of people around them-perhaps more so than people in less intense situations at other stages of life.
But maybe not.Other research has shown that,in general,people are affected by how those around them think.(75)F  

A.The answer may depend in part on whom you're around.
B.Now college freshman are in a unique,life changing environment.
C.However,think positive and feel positive is quite important for college students.
D.Students paired with a negative-thinking roommate"caught"that style and became more depressed themselves.
E.They measured each roommate's cognitive weakness,or tendency to give in to negative thinking and depression.
F.So surrounding a negative,depressed person with people who think positively could be a powerful form of treatment.
G.But what was to the researchers'embarrassment was that the subjects never talked with each and stayed apart from each other for most of the time.

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