If California were not already so famous for Sillicon Valley(硅谷) and Hollywood, it might be well-known for the groups of water-technology firms in its San Diego County. The reverse-osmosis (RO) spiral module, the technique that supports turning seawater and waste-water into drinkable stuff, began in San Diego in 1964. Today dozens of firms in the area supply many of the world's approximately 13,000 RO plants in places from the Persian Gulf and Israel to Australia and China.
Southern California itself, however, has not so far been a big user of its own technology. This is surprising, given that the whole American south-west faces a water problem. But now as the climate gets warmer and the population increases, there is more agreement that the existing infrastructure, consisting of vast pipes that carry water from the Sacramento Delta in the north and the Colorado River in the east, will not be enough. In places such as San Diego, which has inadequate and salty groundwater and currently imports 90% or its water, the answers must be greater conservation, reusing as much water as possible, and getting most of the rest from the sea.
The first part, conservation, has been widely accepted by the public. San Diego today uses less water with a larger population than it did in 1989, the year water consumption peaked. The second part, water recycling has been a hard sell, because of an unpleasant factor. Americans still use the term “toilet-to-tap” for recycling, even though properly treated waste-water is nowadays completely clean. Singapore made its programme acceptable in part by renaming it as NEWater.
This is where desalination comes in, which means taking the salt out of salt water. A firm called Poseidon Resources is now close to building the biggest desalination plant in America behind a power station by the beach in Carlsbad. The power plant sucks in 304m gallons of seawater a day for cooling, so Poseidon plans to change 104m gallons a day by using the RO spiral module.
Lots of people like the idea. Once fully running in 2015, the plant could produce 10% of the region's water. And there are plans for more desalination plants. Many places would need to take much less water from the endangered Colorado River. But a few people hate it a lot. Joe Geever, an expert in biology, says desalination uses too much energy and that Poseidon plant would kill too much sea life. He understands that there is a role for desalination, he says, but would rather not have it right there, right now, and on this scale.
【小题1】Which of the following is WRONG about the RO spiral module according to the passage?

A.This technology is not widely used in its birthplace.
B.Today there are about 13,000 RO plants in the Persian Gulf, Israel, Australia and China.
C.This technology can be used in desalination plants to make sea water drinkable.
D.It is a promising water treatment technology welcomed by a lot of people.
【小题2】How many solutions to the water problem in San Diego are mentioned in the article?
【小题3】What can we infer from the article?
A.The Colorado River is the main water source for California.
B.Americans still use the term “toilet-to-tap” for recycling water.
C.NEWater serves as a brand for recycled clean water in Singapore.
D.Poseidon Resources stands for the power station by the beach in Carlsbad.
【小题4】What is Joe Geever's attitude toward building a large desalination plant at present?

Somali pirates(海盗) robbed three Thai fishing ships with 77 sailors on board nearly l,200 miles off the Somali coast,the farthest-off-shore attack to date,an officer said Tuesday.
Pirates have gone farther south and east in answer to increased patrols(巡逻)by warships off the Somali shore. The robbing of the three ships on Sunday was about 600 miles outside the normal operation area for the international force,said a spokesman.
The spokesman said the attack so far out at sea was a clear sign that the international patrols against pirates were having a “marked effect on pirate activity in the area”.
“Once they start attacking that far out,you’re not even really talking about the Somali basin or areas of water that have any connection with Somalia,” said an officer,Ro ger Middleton.“Once you’re that far out,it's just the Indian Ocean,and it means you’re looking at trade going from the Gulf to Asia,from Asia to South Africa.”
"This is the farthest robbing to date.They are now operating near the Maldives and India,”said another officer.
The three ships--the MV Prantalay ll,12,and l 4—had 77 members on board in total.All of them are Thai, the spokesman said.Before the Sunday robbing,pirates held l l ships and 228 sailors.
Pirates have increased attacks over the past year in hopes of catching more dollar payments. Because of increased patrols and defenses on board ships,the success rate(率)has gone down,though the number of successful attacks has stayed the same year over year.
【小题1】Which is the best title of the passage?

A.Somali Pirates Robbing Three Thai Fishing Ships.
B.Somali Pirates
C.Somali pirates Attack.
D.Somali Pirates Enlarging Their Field Increasingly.
【小题2】The pirate attack reported in the text happened            
A.far out in the Indian Ocean
B.in the normal patrol area
C.near the Somali, coast
D.in the south of Africa
【小题3】According to the text, which can best describe the situation of the pirate problems?
A.More goods on board are lost.
B.Pirate attacks happen in a larger area now.
C.The number of attacks has stayed the same these years.
D.Pirate attacks are as serious as before along the Somali coast.
【小题4】Which is true about the warship patrols according to the text?
A.The patrols are of little effect.
B.The patrols are more difficult.
C.More patrols are quite necessary even in Asia.
D.The patrols only drive the pirates to other areas.
【小题5】How many sailors were held by the pirates up to the time of the report?

Somali pirates(海盗) robbed three Thai fishing ships with 77 sailors on board nearly l,200 miles off the Somali coast,the farthest-off-shore attack to date,an officer said Tuesday.

Pirates have gone farther south and east in answer to increased patrols(巡逻)by warships off the Somali shore. The robbing of the three ships on Sunday was about 600 miles outside the normal operation area for the international force,said a spokesman.

The spokesman said the attack so far out at sea was a clear sign that the international patrols against pirates were having a “marked effect on pirate activity in the area”.

“Once they start attacking that far out,you’re not even really talking about the Somali basin or areas of water that have any connection with Somalia,” said an officer,Ro ger Middleton.“Once you’re that far out,it's just the Indian Ocean,and it means you’re looking at trade going from the Gulf to Asia,from Asia to South Africa.”

"This is the farthest robbing to date.They are now operating near the Maldives and India,”said another officer.

The three ships--the MV Prantalay ll,12,and l 4—had 77 members on board in total.All of them are Thai, the spokesman said.Before the Sunday robbing,pirates held l l ships and 228 sailors.

Pirates have increased attacks over the past year in hopes of catching more dollar payments. Because of increased patrols and defenses on board ships,the success rate(率)has gone down,though the number of successful attacks has stayed the same year over year.

1.Which is the best title of the passage?

A.Somali Pirates Robbing Three Thai Fishing Ships.

B.Somali Pirates

C.Somali pirates Attack.

D.Somali Pirates Enlarging Their Field Increasingly.

2.The pirate attack reported in the text happened            

A.far out in the Indian Ocean

B.in the normal patrol area

C.near the Somali, coast

D.in the south of Africa

3.According to the text, which can best describe the situation of the pirate problems?

A.More goods on board are lost.

B.Pirate attacks happen in a larger area now.

C.The number of attacks has stayed the same these years.

D.Pirate attacks are as serious as before along the Somali coast.

4.Which is true about the warship patrols according to the text?

A.The patrols are of little effect.

B.The patrols are more difficult.

C.More patrols are quite necessary even in Asia.

D.The patrols only drive the pirates to other areas.

5.How many sailors were held by the pirates up to the time of the report?

A.228.             B.77.               C.383.             D.305.


If California were not already so famous for Sillicon Valley(硅谷) and Hollywood, it might be well-known for the groups of water-technology firms in its San Diego County. The reverse-osmosis (RO) spiral module, the technique that supports turning seawater and waste-water into drinkable stuff, began in San Diego in 1964. Today dozens of firms in the area supply many of the world's approximately 13,000 RO plants in places from the Persian Gulf and Israel to Australia and China.

Southern California itself, however, has not so far been a big user of its own technology. This is surprising, given that the whole American south-west faces a water problem. But now as the climate gets warmer and the population increases, there is more agreement that the existing infrastructure, consisting of vast pipes that carry water from the Sacramento Delta in the north and the Colorado River in the east, will not be enough. In places such as San Diego, which has inadequate and salty groundwater and currently imports 90% or its water, the answers must be greater conservation, reusing as much water as possible, and getting most of the rest from the sea.

The first part, conservation, has been widely accepted by the public. San Diego today uses less water with a larger population than it did in 1989, the year water consumption peaked. The second part, water recycling has been a hard sell, because of an unpleasant factor. Americans still use the term “toilet-to-tap” for recycling, even though properly treated waste-water is nowadays completely clean. Singapore made its programme acceptable in part by renaming it as NEWater.

This is where desalination comes in, which means taking the salt out of salt water. A firm called Poseidon Resources is now close to building the biggest desalination plant in America behind a power station by the beach in Carlsbad. The power plant sucks in 304m gallons of seawater a day for cooling, so Poseidon plans to change 104m gallons a day by using the RO spiral module.

Lots of people like the idea. Once fully running in 2015, the plant could produce 10% of the region's water. And there are plans for more desalination plants. Many places would need to take much less water from the endangered Colorado River. But a few people hate it a lot. Joe Geever, an expert in biology, says desalination uses too much energy and that Poseidon plant would kill too much sea life. He understands that there is a role for desalination, he says, but would rather not have it right there, right now, and on this scale.

1.Which of the following is WRONG about the RO spiral module according to the passage?

A. This technology is not widely used in its birthplace.

B. Today there are about 13,000 RO plants in the Persian Gulf, Israel, Australia and China.

C. This technology can be used in desalination plants to make sea water drinkable.

D. It is a promising water treatment technology welcomed by a lot of people.

2.How many solutions to the water problem in San Diego are mentioned in the article?

A. 2.  B. 3.  C. 4.  D. 5.

3.What can we infer from the article?

A. The Colorado River is the main water source for California.

B. Americans still use the term “toilet-to-tap” for recycling water.

C. NEWater serves as a brand for recycled clean water in Singapore.

D. Poseidon Resources stands for the power station by the beach in Carlsbad.

4.What is Joe Geever's attitude toward building a large desalination plant at present?

A. Supportive.  B. Negative.  C. Optimistic.  D. Vague.


    I was helping in my son’s classroom a while ago when I saw a 1poster that reads.“Sticks and stones may break my bones but words can break my heart”.Teachers are such an important part of a child’s life.A  21  support determines how safe a child feels in school.A teacher’s  22  determines how much risk a child will take in the classroom.A teacher’s understanding determines how important a child  23  in school.A teacher’s love of his or her job and students determines a child’s  24  towards education.

    And the influence that a teacher has on a child does not   25 .when the school  26 rings the end of the day27  , those feelings that are developed in the classroom  28  with the child and,in a large part,determine what sort of evening the child and his or her family will have.The importance of a teacher to a child is clear and  29  be too highly thought of.

    Both my children are  30  to have unusual and wonderful teachers.As a result, they love going ro school almost as  31  as they love speaking like a teacher.For example,one of Hannah’s  32  phrases is used when I make a mistake:she looks at me with understanding  33  says,“It’s okay to make mistakes,mama,because you’re only  34  .”But perhaps my favorite is what.Jacob says to his sister when she says something he doesn’t like.With his hand  35  his heart,he says,“Don’t say that because words can  36  my heart.”And every time I hear such  37  ,my heart  38  with gratefulness for the wonderful teachers who make my children feel safe,important,and successful in the classroom,and who are helping my children achieve emotional  39

    We need only to look at the students.Children   40   teachers’ words and actions, and the content of those reflections shows a teacher’s greatness.



B teacher’s

C parent’s


22.A influence

B encouragement

C love

D. advice


B seems




B treatment

C reaction


25.A happen

B increase




B telephone




B However

C Still

D. Instead

28.A go home

B come true

C.fall apart

D. stay behind


B wouldn’t




B lucky



31.A. well

B long


D soon

32.A silly

B childish




B but

C so


34.A joking

B talking

C teaching


35.A in

B on



36.A strike

B break

C touch


37.A complaints

B phrases




B suffers



39.A state

B capacity



40.A copy

B say


D refuse

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