18£®Under the Dome£¬________ 103-minute documentary released by Chai Jing£¬has pushed public awareness about air pollution and encouraged people to join in efforts to make ________difference£®£¨¡¡¡¡£©A£® | the£» a | B£® | a£» a£® | C£® | the£» ²»Ì | D£® | a£» ²»Ìî |
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½â´ð ´ð°¸£ºB Ìâ¸ÉÖÐa 103-minute documentary×÷Under the DomeµÄͬλÓ±íʾ·ºÖ¸£¬ÒªÓò»¶¨¹Ú´Ê£»make a difference¹Ì¶¨¶ÌÓֱÒëΪ¸Ä±ä£¬ÒýÉêΪ·¢»Ó×÷Óã¬ÓÐÖØ´óÓ°ÏìµÄÒâ˼£®¹ÊÑ¡B£®
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9£®_____ Sun Yue has been selected into the L£®A£®Lakers£¨ºþÈ˶ӣ©£¬he might as well make full use of the chance£®£¨¡¡¡¡£©
A£® | After | B£® | Although | C£® | As soon as | D£® | Now that |
6£®Don't worry too much about making _____ mistakes£®They are ______natural part of learning£®£¨¡¡¡¡£©
A£® | /£» a | B£® | the£»/ | C£® | /£» an | D£® | the£» the |
13£®Cars made by Japan have attacted worldwide attention and Toyota has become questionable name£®£¨¡¡¡¡£©
A£® | ²»Ì a | B£® | a£» the | C£® | ²»Ì the | D£® | the£» a |
3£®Being ________ born and raised New Yorker£¬Kate speaks ________ language of English fluently£®£¨¡¡¡¡£©
A£® | a£»/ | B£® | /£» the | C£® | a£» the | D£® | the£»/ |
Americans are far more knowledgeable about drinks than they were 20years ago£®Witness the Starbucks revolution and you'll know where the trend goes£®Now£¬encouraged by recent studies suggesting that it can cut the risk of cancer and heart disease and slow the aging process£¬tea is enjoying a similar change£®Enough fashionable tea houses are springing up to make even longtime coffee drinkers consider switching drinks£®
Tea is available in more places than ever£®The Tea Associa-tion of the United States reports that from 1990to 1999£¬annual sales of the drink grew to 4.6billionfrom 1.8billion£®"Green tea is seen by consumers as a'functional food'"-delivering health benefits beyond food itself£¬says Vierhile£®
Recently published studies point out that only teas that come from the leaves of the plant Camellia sinensis have been shown to contain health benefits£®Other herbal teas may taste good£¬yet they do little more than warm up the drinker£®But for Camellia sinensis£¬the evidence is powerful£®In a 1998study£¬Harvard University researchers found that drinking one cup of black tea a day lowered the risk of heart attack by as much as 44percent compared with non-tea drinkers£¬and other studies have suggested that the antioxidants£¨¿¹Ñõ»¯¼Á£©in these so-called real teas can also prevent cancer£®
One such antioxidant in green tea is ECGC£¬a compound 20times as powerful as vitamin E and 200times as powerful as vitamin C£®"When people ask me for something good and cheap they can do to reduce their cancer risk£¬I tell them to drink real tea£¬"says Mitchell Gaynor£¬director of medical oncology at New York City's Strang-Cornell Cancer Prevention Center£®
Among those inspired to become a green-tea drinker is Tess Ghilaga£¬a New York writer who took it up after seeking advice from a nutritionist six years ago£®"I've never been a cof-fee drinker£¬"says Ghilaga£¬33£®"She told me to start drinking green tea for the antioxidant qualities£®"Now Ghilaga and her husband habitually make tea-they order theirs from Inpursuitoftea£®Com£¬an Internet tea company£®And although tea contains about half the amount of caffeine in a cup of coffee£¬"you still get such a kick from it£¬"says Ghilaga£®
A£®The spreading tea B£®The history of tea growing C£®Changes of tastes for drinks D£®Reducing cancer risks E£®The plant Camellia sinensis F£®A woman's opinion of tea |
Americans are far more knowledgeable about drinks than they were 20years ago£®Witness the Starbucks revolution and you'll know where the trend goes£®Now£¬encouraged by recent studies suggesting that it can cut the risk of cancer and heart disease and slow the aging process£¬tea is enjoying a similar change£®Enough fashionable tea houses are springing up to make even longtime coffee drinkers consider switching drinks£®
Tea is available in more places than ever£®The Tea Associa-tion of the United States reports that from 1990to 1999£¬annual sales of the drink grew to 4.6billionfrom 1.8billion£®"Green tea is seen by consumers as a'functional food'"-delivering health benefits beyond food itself£¬says Vierhile£®
Recently published studies point out that only teas that come from the leaves of the plant Camellia sinensis have been shown to contain health benefits£®Other herbal teas may taste good£¬yet they do little more than warm up the drinker£®But for Camellia sinensis£¬the evidence is powerful£®In a 1998study£¬Harvard University researchers found that drinking one cup of black tea a day lowered the risk of heart attack by as much as 44percent compared with non-tea drinkers£¬and other studies have suggested that the antioxidants£¨¿¹Ñõ»¯¼Á£©in these so-called real teas can also prevent cancer£®
One such antioxidant in green tea is ECGC£¬a compound 20times as powerful as vitamin E and 200times as powerful as vitamin C£®"When people ask me for something good and cheap they can do to reduce their cancer risk£¬I tell them to drink real tea£¬"says Mitchell Gaynor£¬director of medical oncology at New York City's Strang-Cornell Cancer Prevention Center£®
Among those inspired to become a green-tea drinker is Tess Ghilaga£¬a New York writer who took it up after seeking advice from a nutritionist six years ago£®"I've never been a cof-fee drinker£¬"says Ghilaga£¬33£®"She told me to start drinking green tea for the antioxidant qualities£®"Now Ghilaga and her husband habitually make tea-they order theirs from Inpursuitoftea£®Com£¬an Internet tea company£®And although tea contains about half the amount of caffeine in a cup of coffee£¬"you still get such a kick from it£¬"says Ghilaga£®
9£® he is pleased with his success£¬Robert wonders what will happen to his private life£®£¨¡¡¡¡£©
A£® | As | B£® | If | C£® | When | D£® | Although |